03-01-2022 08:08 PM
I have about 35 listings right now and all of the views on them just went to 0. The ones that had watchers still show the watchers but the views are gone, what’s going on?
03-01-2022 08:25 PM
Same here probably just a glitch
03-01-2022 08:35 PM
Does this happen often? I just started selling on eBay a few weeks ago and it’s been good but the last few days I’ve had a couple glitches happen along with this one
03-01-2022 08:39 PM
Yes, this happens off and on. Since you are new, you should know that Thursday is maintenance day so more (but not all) glitches happen then.
03-01-2022 08:47 PM
Oh okay cool thanks, do you know of this effects sales at all? I’m assuming people are still viewing my products and could buy them even though I can’t see if anyone is, right?
03-01-2022 08:51 PM
Yes, people should still be ale to view your products
03-01-2022 08:51 PM
Same thing with all my listings. It happens on occasion. One of eBay's infamous "glitches".
03-01-2022 08:55 PM
This has happened to me as well. Its been here and there for the last few months. I just refresh the page and there they are. I think Its Magic
03-01-2022 08:56 PM
Just noticed this. Does it revert to accurate numbers or starts over, so to speak?
03-01-2022 08:59 PM
I’m not sure but I’d be interested to know this as well
11-10-2022 04:46 AM
The views just disappeared on all of my listings, all 1188 of them. Watchers are still showing.
11-10-2022 05:13 AM
Why doesn't doesn't disappearing views rate a comment from eBay, and why aren't notifications sent out when eBay knows this is happening?
11-10-2022 05:20 AM
Same here. Nothing but constant problems with this go around of auctions. It seems to be par for the course.
11-10-2022 06:46 AM
All of my views just disappeared as well. Will they readjust and show again?
11-10-2022 07:41 AM
Yes, my views on my listings disappeared overnight too. Also, no new views since, so views are not updating or being recorded. I phoned the eBay helpdesk about it today and they said it was "a known problem" and they were working on it. I think they should post an official notice about it to stop sellers worrying about it though, and provide some kind of update on the ETA for a fix.