06-02-2023 07:28 AM
Well this is a new one. I can't view any item descriptions on any pages. I'm on a desktop computer using Chrome - same computer I've been using for the past 5 years or so to browse ebay. Same results even if I try using an incognito window. Same results on multiple listings. Then when I click all the boxes next to the correct photos, the "I am a human" goes to a green checkbox, but it stops there and the description still won't load.
06-02-2023 10:06 AM
Why castles and stadiums?
06-02-2023 10:12 AM
@monica-sells wrote:
I am going to tear my hair out if I have to identify another sports stadium or castle....trying to update descriptions....
my sanity thanks you in advance.....
Hey @monica-sells I hope your hair is still intact! Our developers are aware of this issue and have opened ALERT14719 for it. We have gone ahead and updated the tech board as well so you can keep an eye on it.
06-02-2023 10:49 AM
I am having the same exact problem. And I have been using Chrome as well for a long time. Verify I am not a robot each time I want to view my own description listing. Once I verify I am not a robot, the screen goes no- where.
06-02-2023 10:57 AM
Too bad ALL CSRs don't know of this glitch. Wasted a lot of time today for three stores doing it.
06-02-2023 10:59 AM
Same here.
My apologies to ebay sellers, but I need to order an item today and that means my business is going to Amazon because I can't read the descriptions on ebay to know what I'm ordering. Hopefully some of you are in both places.
06-02-2023 11:08 AM
I had no problems viewing my listings description from my laptop at home this morning but then I drove a few miles to a nearby city where my inventory was stored at had the Captcha error prompt the entire 2 hours I was there. I then drove back home and now I'm able to view everything just fine again. So either they fixed the problem or it's dependent on your location. The good news about that is if it's dependent on location some people will still be able to view your description and place orders based on it.
06-02-2023 11:53 AM
@mr_mechanico wrote:My apologies to ebay sellers, but I need to order an item today and that means my business is going to Amazon because I can't read the descriptions on ebay to know what I'm ordering. Hopefully some of you are in both places.
You might want to give it one last try now. I just refreshed a problem listing and the problem has now gone away (at least for the examples that were malfunctioning for me before).
06-02-2023 12:27 PM
Very frustrating and it's happening to me when I use Google browser, I tried Firefox browser and no problem at all, how many buyers who use Google Chrome will have the same problem and not know that Google browser doesn't let them see the description?
06-02-2023 03:52 PM
any feedback protection for needing to cancel auctions?
06-02-2023 08:07 PM
This reaked havoc on my auctions today with items selling below average price, will I be penalized if i cancel those sales and will i be protected from negative feedback?