Hello everybody,I am selling on ebay for over 8 years, my salles are
more than sufficient by salles and by funds and for a month by now I
observed that ebay puts some of my sales on hold (amounts more than
$200-250). Smaller amounts don't have any is...
I don't understand why this is necessary in order for ebay to continue
sending me my payouts? I've already provided my bank account info, SSN,
and other information to continue selling items, now they're asking for
access to even more personal inform...
Yesterday, I got a notice that eBay was restricting my account. First a
little background: I have sold on eBay for over 10 years. I'm top rated
+ and had 8486 sales on eBay in the last 12 months and over $121,000 in
total volume in that time. Transac...
Hello- I have sold a few items lately and shipped off the invoices to
the buyers a couple of times.. i am wondering if they are even receiving
these incoives ive sent as they do not show in my sent folder in my
message center. Is this something that ...
I have been using "spendable funds" for some time now. Not sure if this
feature is universal yet (may still be in beta mode). It's a decent
feature that allows a seller to use "processing funds" to buy things on
eBay. However it just stopped working ...
I have tried paying with 2 different cards from two different people,
directly and with PayPal. Directly says there is no funds on it, which
is not true, and PayPal says it can't process payment at this
time.Before you say it is the bank, I have trie...
I'm getting a prepaid card in a few days and have another question. If
there's no name on the card and if I go to checkout then what do I put
down for name? Thanks in advance.
It's been 6 days since I made a sale under the new "no PayPal" policy,
and ebay has not paid me! Ebay is charging me for their fees, shipping,
etc., but has not paid me. I have tried ebay "call back" and got a
message to try again tomorrow. I have no...
Not liking the managed payments so far. I've got a good amount of
money"pending" which I could sure use right now. Had it been paypal I
wouldn't be stressing this.So when does the pending become
available?Hopefully it' snot something triggered by a t...
I accidentally purchased a duplicate shipping label for a sale on Aug.
24th. I still haven't received it. The amount was for approx. $15. I
spoke with an ebay customer service rep about a week ago about this and
he said I should see the refund betwee...
I list all my items as shipping only to the US, but people from eastern
Europe buy items from me and have them shipped to forwarding addresses.
Risk of scams aside, I keep getting stuck with extra $30-$50 fees. I
sell in the electronics category wher...
I sold one item for around 700 dollars last year and the payout was
available January 8 this year. After numerous attempts to add my JPChase
bank account, creating a "digital bank account" Chime and a third bank
account (Capital one) as requested by ...