05-28-2021 12:06 AM - edited 05-28-2021 12:07 AM
Im sorry but its creepy and obtrusive for ebay to want peoples social security number. People keep saying, "WeLl Y0u gAvE iT to PaYpaL" and yeah we all did, but you should obviously want that list of companies who have it to NOT grow longer, especially one where I buy random junk from all over the world.
And frankly, if these companies werent constantly shopping for bargains when it comes to protecting our data, I'd be less worried about it, but they do and then data breaches happen. As a matter of business, they ALWAYS look to cut costs and digital security is no exception.
Ive had my data stolen multiple times with large companies and banks, and each time its because THEY dropped the ball and I know a lot of you have as well. No one has to accept it as "just the way it is", if we stopped making excuses for corporations and took a stand and DIDNT just give up our private info so willingly.
Taxes is just an excuse. The majority of sellers dont sell so much that they need to claim the pennies they make on ebay, this was always just about ebay finding a cheaper way to manage our money without paypal.
Sorry, but ebays decision to cut out paypal benefits them more than us, and they want more of our personal info to do it. Thats not a good enough reason.
05-28-2021 12:23 AM
If you look to the right, you will see a few articles written by the Payments team. I strongly recommend that you read through them. None are long and they are easy to read but they contain some very important information that would help you.
First, MP does NOT require your full SSN, they just want the last 4 digits.
I don't think it is unusual for corporations to shop for bargains anymore than it would be unusual for sellers to shop for bargains when sourcing what they are going to sell on the site. Ebay is a for profit corporation and ALL SELLERS are here to make a profit. WE are ALL here to make a profit. It isn't a dirty word.
Oh that is not true about sellers selling for pennies. Sure some do, but most are here to earn some money. Sometimes it may be extra money, sometimes it may be to cover some bills and other make their living selling on the internet. We are a diverse group of people from all walks of life.
Don't make assumptions about taxes either. Those thresholds are very low. IRS STOPPED having a minimum threshold of $600 before you had to report your income for a long time. So be careful and make sure you know what the real rules are for you, don't assume it. There are some types of sellers that may not have to claim what they earn, but there are specific rules for them to adhere to. And sometimes when income isn't taxable does NOT mean you don't have to claim it on your Federal returns.
So I'm just cautioning you as there are many rules and all kinds of sellers. No rule that is one size fits all.
Also be aware that come 2022, the feds are dropping the threshold for 1099Ks from $20,000 and 200 transactions to $600.
05-28-2021 09:00 AM
IDK who you are, but youre focusing on the tax portion of this convo of this and not the fact that ebay wants the info to begin with.
The idea that you want to defend companies companies trying to cheap out on cybersecurity is also a HUGE red flag. Cybersecurity should always be an expense you spend the most on and keep the most up-to-date. Its an expense you START with, and then balance your books from there.
SO when companies always try to cut costs (thus allowing data breaches) they make it clear they dont deserve anyones sensitive information.
AND for some reason youre making it about sellers?? That makes no sense, why are you trying to confuse the point by involving sellers looking for deals with Ebay trying to cut costs in a way that now requires our more personal info? They are not related but youre confusing the two feels like a defense that isnt working.
For profit DOESNT meant "for profit at all costs" otherwise they wouldnt offer health benefits or pay a living wage. There are limits and business ppl who think otherwise are predatory and cant be trusted.
Please take your "theyre right no matter what" take elsewhere, I prefer my replies have an open mind and stay objective.
05-28-2021 09:14 AM
There are many that feel like you do and they will be finding alternative selling venues. I wish you the best of luck in your new venue.
05-28-2021 11:49 AM
IDK who you are, but youre focusing on the tax portion of this convo of this and not the fact that ebay wants the info to begin with.
I'm a seller. I'm not focusing on the sales tax portion of MP. Now certainly if I'm responding to a poster's concerns or questions about the tax portion, then I try to help out. My response completely depend on what I'm responding to such as I am for your post.
The idea that you want to defend companies companies trying to cheap out on cybersecurity is also a HUGE red flag.
A "red flag" for whom exactly? And I don't "defend" Ebay. It is unclear to me that why some think stating the facts of how the MP program works equals defending them. When all it means is that I made a decision for myself when I was notified early last year that I would be moving into MP to learn everything I could about the program. Since MP IMHO is the single most important change Ebay has ever brought to the site and that it was the one that would impact me the most, I wanted to know all I could about MP.
Now some other sellers may choose a different approach, but that was mine. It however does seem like some take issue with me for learning about the program. It is beyond me to understand why some feel they must challenge and/or try to insult me because they simply don't like the fact that I can explain the facts of the program. That simply makes no sense as we are all better off understanding the program so that we can make an INFORMED decision on whether to stay or go. A decision for each of us to make for ourselves.
There are many things in life that I can explain in great detail. For example I can explain how I broke my ankle and the aftermath of that in great detail. That my no stretch of the imagination means I'm recommending that anyone goes out and breaks their ankle. It SIMPLY means I can explain it.
Now if you ever want to discuss what I personally like about MP and what I don't like, we can have that conversation. But how I personally feel about MP still will not change the facts of how it works.
Cybersecurity should always be an expense you spend the most on and keep the most up-to-date. Its an expense you START with, and then balance your books from there.
SO when companies always try to cut costs (thus allowing data breaches) they make it clear they dont deserve anyones sensitive information.
Isn't that an assumption and not a fact? Or your opinion but not a fact? Ebay is 25 years old. It has never lost sensitive financial information to a site hack. And even before MP, they had financial info on many sellers.
But with that said, any online site is always at risk to be hacked. So if this is a big concern of yours, the online sales may not be a good choice for you. Certainly I do not mean just give your info to just anyone, we all should exercise caution when giving financial info out, that is common sense and simply just a good personal policy.
But I'm unsure why some talk like it doesn't matter than Ebay has protected info for over 25 years, that for some reason some thing they are going to reduce security because they are collecting more financial info on their sellers. That simply makes no logical sense at all.
AND for some reason youre making it about sellers?? That makes no sense, why are you trying to confuse the point by involving sellers looking for deals with Ebay trying to cut costs in a way that now requires our more personal info? They are not related but youre confusing the two feels like a defense that isnt working.
You'd have to explain this one a bit more to me. Why doesn't MP affect sellers? Seems to me any company that handles a seller's money VERY much involves the sellers.
For profit DOESNT meant "for profit at all costs" otherwise they wouldnt offer health benefits or pay a living wage. There are limits and business ppl who think otherwise are predatory and cant be trusted.
Well that is an opinion, one in which you are entitled to have but still an opinion. We each make the decision as to what site or sites we want to sell on. If you aren't liking Ebay's fee structure, then there are other sites you can research and see if they fit your needs better. I personally sell on a few sites. I am not limited to Ebay. This is all an individual decision to be made.
Please take your "theyre right no matter what" take elsewhere, I prefer my replies have an open mind and stay objective.
Well while you are quoting part of your statement above, that is NOTHING I've ever said on ANY post here or on any other threads ever. So are you just making up things as you go in an effort to dismiss what I've posted because you don't like how MP works? I didn't write the darn program. I assure you it would be quite different if I had.
I get it, you are frustrated with MP so you want to lash out at me to relieve some tension. It is unwanted and unwarranted, not to mention against the Ebay rules for the Forum community. We can however have a civil conversation if you'd like.
05-28-2021 03:10 PM
Not providing ebay with the information they need, does not give you the right to sell on ebay.
05-29-2021 01:07 AM
Ah how does eBay plan on reporting 1099 with just your last 4 ssn? So you logic makes no sense at all as to why eBay needs our ssn or even the last four plus our birthdays.
05-29-2021 07:40 AM
You people really need to read up on this before posting nonsense.
05-29-2021 11:37 AM
@wil97232 wrote:Ah how does eBay plan on reporting 1099 with just your last 4 ssn? So you logic makes no sense at all as to why eBay needs our ssn or even the last four plus our birthdays.
For those that Ebay has records on clearly showing they are easily going to meet or exceed the current thresholds for 1099Ks, they will have to obtain the entire SSN from that seller.
For other sellers as the year moves on if it appears that seller is going to meet or exceed the thresholds, then Ebay would have to reach out to that seller and also require them to give them their full SSN at that time.
Ebay is NOT above Federal Law. Just as any other marketplace would HAVE TO have your full SSN if you meet the requirements for a 1099K. NO internet marketplace is above the Federal laws.
Those sellers on Ebay that get no where near the thresholds as set forth by the Federal Government OR the State in which the Seller resides in will likely never have to give Ebay their full SSN.
05-29-2021 11:59 AM
I agree that once they are near the threshold sure. But again how does the last 4 and birthday going to even help with that? It makes no sense at all. Can hackers use that if it gets stolen from eBay servers, yes. Can ebay report your irs info based on last 4, no. So what purpose does it serve? Nothing.
05-29-2021 12:12 PM
"Ive had my data stolen multiple times with large companies and banks, and each time its because THEY dropped the ball"
It this is true: "stollen Multiple times"
90 percent probability it was YOUR fault at least once simply by statistics.
05-29-2021 12:17 PM
That literally makes no sense. I only found out my data was breached because each and every one of those companies contacted ME that they had a data breach. How would I have caused a company to have a data breach?
Seriously, did you think your reply through before hitting send? Im floored that you sent that earnestly, and think you must be joking...
05-29-2021 12:27 PM
its also our payment information, which ebay has never had before. Paypal had it and Ebay connected to them. And its not just a card number but a full bank info. I cant replace my bank if that info is taken like I can my card and enough sites let you pay with a checking account that you could have it stolen from.
ppl forget that eBay had one of the biggest data breaches of all time, but now we trust them with even more info? My paypal login was enough, thank you.
05-29-2021 12:29 PM
and ppl need to stop treating corporations like their best friends that theyd do anything for and stop forgetting that in 2014 ebay had a huge data breach of its own. The idea it cant happen again is the dream of fanboys, not reality.
05-29-2021 12:31 PM
thats the keyword, "need". They dont "need" it, they "want" it because they think they can provide financial services cheaper than working with Paypal primarily.
And thats a huge red flag when a company wants MORE info on you, just so they can cut costs. It doesnt make me feel good about them not having another massive data breach like they did in 2014.