You can easily get into financial institutions simply with last 4 and
birthday and obviously name and dob. Not just eBay etc. I’m talking
about hacking into eBay and their third party verification service or
whatever subsidiary companies. and yes the...
I agree that once they are near the threshold sure. But again how does
the last 4 and birthday going to even help with that? It makes no sense
at all. Can hackers use that if it gets stolen from eBay servers, yes.
Can ebay report your irs info based ...
Ah how does eBay plan on reporting 1099 with just your last 4 ssn? So
you logic makes no sense at all as to why eBay needs our ssn or even the
last four plus our birthdays.
Went to Mercari instead. Now eBay are asking just for the last 4 and DOB
and keeps sending me email to update my info. No thanks. ive still got
$125 with managed payment. I sold an item after switching without
realizing I needed to give eBay my info....
Yeah. I didn’t even realize they wanted my ss# till I switched and
unfortunately I had a buyer for an item which looking back I should have
just canceled the order. Now I have $$with eBay I can’t get out. There
is no what in hell im giving out my ss#...