12:30 AM
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08:05 AM
Ebay has restricted my selling capabilities for refusing to join mp. I can't list new items, which is fine because I am listing them on my own site. The real problem is I cannot edit items. So for an item I have multiple listed of, I can't lower the amount I have listed. So now that I sold something locally I can't change my ebay listing to reflect that which means eventually someone will buy it and then I have to cancel their order. They are still allowing me to sell, but just not to do it properly. In their quest to fleece the sellers they are hurting the buyers too.
Ebay is the worst company I have ever done business with in my life. They are dying and I am glad I have the ability to continue my business without them. MP Is the final nail in the coffin for ebay. Hundreds of thousands of sellers have quit over it already and its just going to get worse and worse as sellers like me leave. The only thing that will be left on ebay is china **bleep** and direct sales from corporations.
10-11-2020 10:44 AM
It has not been a nightmare for me, some glitches, but not a nightmare. Although, I am not a high volume seller, I guess that you CAN call me an "eBay cheerleader" because they afford me the opportunity to sell and possibly pay my utilities with this hard earned income. So, thank you ebay for the opportunity to help me make monthly ends meet.
Rah Rah.....
10-11-2020 10:52 AM
@southern*sweet*tea wrote:::general reply::
Sellers have had over two years to prepare for managed payments. Now that it is here, I see a lot of shock and anger. Why? There were over two years to prepare. Did sellers think this was just going to go away?
This is not your business, it is Ebay's business. All sellers do is provide product. Sellers are not running THEIR business, they are running A business on someone else's platform, and that someone else has ALL the control.
Very well said. I've never understood why some sellers feel they have a Right to choose something that isn't in Ebay's policies. This isn't a democracy, it is a site we list on. A site we do not own but rent space on. You have no more rights here than you do on Etsy, Amazon, Mercardi, Poshmark, etc.
Certainly that doesn't mean to just sit back take everything any one of these sites may dish out without trying to see if you can get them to change it if you feel it is really wrong. We do need to speak up on improvements and changes we see as being important. And MP has a whole lot of room for improvement. So we do need to discuss and speak up on those change we deem as important.
Some want to dismiss those that are not out there slamming Ebay at every turn on this subject, that somehow their observations are flawed because they aren't slamming Ebay. Which makes no sense at all. I'm not sure how one persons observation has more validity over another's just because they don't agree. Isn't that one of our RIGHTS that these people are wanting to protect. Free Speech. Or is that right only reserved for those that want to slam Ebay? Seems to me there is a lot of selective things going on around here.
I choose to run my business in the best way I can within the constraints of ANY platform I sell on. I choose to learn about the current processes of MP and work the best I can within those constraints for the best results for my little business. I have every desire to pay my bills and move forward.
Now that doesn't mean I like every aspect of MP, because nothing could be further from the truth. But separately from making sure my business functions in the best way I can on this platform, I make sure I voice my concerns to Ebay and complain about stuff as needed. I do everything I can to make sure Ebay hears me on what I see as needing to be improved and/or changed in MP sooner rather than later. My voice is heard, now it is a matter of getting them to actually do something. That can be a very hard, long, drawn out process. Frustrating to be sure.
But I make no apologies for working within the requirements and constraints of MP. I may not like it, but I can survive it. We have known it was coming for a long time. So over the past couple of years, I've made sure that my cash flow can withstand waiting a week for my money from MP. I do weekly deposits and so far they have been on time every Tuesday and received by my bank before noon on Wednesdays. For me it has been very consistent.
10-11-2020 11:01 AM
@muskingum_relics wrote:do you have a reason for sticking up for ebay and a **bleep** policy ? Are you a ebay employee ??? Why do you care if people oppose MP or not ?? I have simply been replying to post made from the original poster whom I totally agree with !!
You seem to think that to disagree with you and your methods / campaign against MP is somehow wrong. I'm not sure why your right to say what your viewpoint is somehow more important or makes someone's viewpoint that does not agree with you any less important or even wrong.
The highlighted question is really more for you than me as I am vesting in the success of Ebay since I am an active seller on the site. You on the other hand are not and have no experience with MP. So that question really is more for you than me.
10-11-2020 11:02 AM
lol hard to figure why a billion dollar company like ebay would need a cheerleader !! Why not be one for the many sellers having to wait days on their funds ?? Ebay wont go hungry but times are hard for some folks now and they cannot wait for days on their money ! Where is the compassion for them ? Ebay is not my job nor was it ever and now I am glad it was not but I do feel bad for those that rely on ebay being forced into a program that has made things more difficult for them. If ebay is going to force such a method of payments on the users than it should be totally glitch free before they push it but instead everyone has to be a guinea pig till they fix issues !! And ebay is always full of tech issues besides just MP. Well I stick up for the underdog !!
10-11-2020 11:07 AM
@gabriels_yardsale wrote:Hundreds of thousands of sellers have quit over it already and its just going to get worse and worse as sellers like me leave.
There will be a plenty of new sellers to take up the gap.
10-11-2020 11:12 AM - edited 10-11-2020 11:12 AM
I don't know why this surprised you. Ebay has been pretty open about this is exactly what would happen if you didn't go into MP when Ebay tells you it is your time. So you could only be surprised by this if you were not reading the information they were providing you in the emails they sent to you. That isn't on Ebay, that is on you.
Ebay is doing what they said they would do. How that makes them the "worst" IDK. I get it that you don't like MP. There are many of us that don't. I too prefer PP and would have been perfectly happy staying with PP. But there are a lot of sellers that don't like PP either. So it is a mixed bag.
MP has a lot of room for improvement. That is really clear. But it does and can function for you. You just need to learn and accept how it currently works so that your business can move forward on the site. Once you get this all settle, then work toward convincing MP of the changes you see as being needed. Voice your opinions all over the place while running your business the best you can on Ebay. It can be done. There are lots of us that do it.
You have a decent little business you have been running on Ebay. It is a shame you aren't going to be selling here much longer. You can fix that if you want to. And if there are some questions you have about MP that are preventing you from making the change, ask them. Get some opinions / guidance from those actually using the system. There are ways to work within the program and keep your healthy little business on this site. But you are going to need to open your mind up a bit and make some adjustments. It is NOT perfect. It is NOT what we are use to in PP. But is it doable.
10-11-2020 11:13 AM
why do you care if people sign up or not ? Why do you care that people oppose it or not ?? That question is for you !! Just because you like something does not mean everyone else should have to like it !! And I have paid my dues on ebay by the way and was a great seller ! I worked hard to gain the trust of my buyers ! I was not a fly by nite and gone ebay seller. What is it you get for bashing the person that knows this system is a joke?? There is a bunch of long time sellers opposing this nonsense !! What is your profit or gain to come to ebays defense ?
10-11-2020 11:13 AM
Sorry for everyone struggling and I hope they can find a happy place to continue to grow their businesses.
I have had 3 issues in 3 months with MP, 3 issues in 3 years with PP!
PP resolved the issues overnight compared to MP taking 2 weeks.
I've been happy to sell on eBay for nearly 20 years, but sales dropped instantly $8-$10,000/month when I was switched over. Perhaps unrelated, but I have the same items listed at the same prices. The only thing that changed was MP.
I have paid eBay over 100K in fees over the years and I did so happily because the sales kept coming in. If the current trend continues then I will invest more time on the River. I will still sell on eBay for many reasons, but there will be one day I feel a point where it just isn't worth it anymore.
Good luck to everyone and as always, enjoy the ride!
10-11-2020 11:29 AM
do not listen to the sirens !! You thoughts are the thoughts of 1000s of others as well !!!!!
10-11-2020 11:35 AM
"why do you care if people sign up or not ?" I don't.
"Why do you care that people oppose it or not ??" What I care about are those that in their zeal to slam Ebay they misrepresent the actual facts or twist them in a way to enflame and concern others. Misinformation is destructive by nature and can cause some to make a decision based of that misinformation that can cause them financial harm. No matter how I feel about any given subject, I would never want to do that. No matter how passionate I felt that a program was not as good as it should be would I want to damage another financially because of bad information.
"Just because you like something does not mean everyone else should have to like it !!" See there you go twisting things to meet your agenda. You will find no post of mine that says I "like" MP. Cuz I don't. But I can work with it as I knew it was coming for a couple of years, as did everyone else, but I made steps to survive the change and others did not which is why it is so problematic for many of them.
"And I have paid my dues on ebay by the way and was a great seller ! I worked hard to gain the trust of my buyers ! I was not a fly by nite and gone ebay seller." I've never made one single comment about your quality as a seller or even anything close to that. So don't twist this up too as no comments were ever made of this nature.
"What is it you get for bashing the person that knows this system is a joke??" I'm not bashing you and you do NOT know the system as you have not used the system in questions, MP.
"There is a bunch of long time sellers opposing this nonsense !! What is your profit or gain to come to ebays defense ?" Yes there are and there are those that don't. And there are a bunch of long time sellers on the other side of that conversation.
I have not and do not "defend" Ebay. I am very open about the things I do not like in MP. Stating how something works, whether good or bad, is not a defense, it is how a thing works good or bad.
10-11-2020 11:41 AM
@reed-sales wrote:Sorry for everyone struggling and I hope they can find a happy place to continue to grow their businesses.
I have had 3 issues in 3 months with MP, 3 issues in 3 years with PP!
PP resolved the issues overnight compared to MP taking 2 weeks.
I've been happy to sell on eBay for nearly 20 years, but sales dropped instantly $8-$10,000/month when I was switched over. Perhaps unrelated, but I have the same items listed at the same prices. The only thing that changed was MP.
I have paid eBay over 100K in fees over the years and I did so happily because the sales kept coming in. If the current trend continues then I will invest more time on the River. I will still sell on eBay for many reasons, but there will be one day I feel a point where it just isn't worth it anymore.
Good luck to everyone and as always, enjoy the ride!
You hit on a very important issue of MP. Their customer service response time. It is beyond horrible. Getting to someone that can or will spend the time to find the source of your problem and get it fixed in a timely manner is beyond ridiculous. One of the big problems with MP. So many sellers would not have such hard feelings towards MP if the CS for the program was more responsive and effective at working out issues as they arise.
I sell on Amazon too. And it can be a great place as long as you don't have any problems. If you think CS is hard to come buy here, it is near non existent there. But I still sell there knowing that. I've had to make some adjustments over the years and things I just can't sell there because of their lack of CS, but I live with that.
10-11-2020 11:42 AM
@muskingum_relics wrote:do not listen to the sirens !! You thoughts are the thoughts of 1000s of others as well !!!!!
OMG, instead of trying to lend a helping hand, your answer is to just give up their business on this site.
10-11-2020 11:49 AM
Yes, but how hong will they last?
10-11-2020 12:00 PM
@marie185antiques wrote:Yes, but how hong will they last?
New sellers have been coming to this site regularly for all the years I've been here which is close to the beginning. Both buyers and sellers. The active numbers continue to grow.
MP is the latest in site changes that some sellers completely hate and will leave the site over. Last year it was the GTC mandate. The year before that was the Simplified Returns. Each year Ebay seems to come out with some zinger that throws a lot of sellers off their game and they decide they don't want to deal with the site anymore.
It is just how it has always been. Good or bad, that is what I've seen.
10-11-2020 12:14 PM
Why are you complaining so much on this forum when your not even selling on EBAY right now? MP is different from PayPal we all know that, but MP is working for the majority of us with a few glitches-but's that life**