09-27-2022 03:14 PM
I used to be able to hold payments in my PAYPAL acct and use them to pay others for things I got on EBAY . NOW in my husbands PP Acct I see that they transfer all to the bank acct and he has NOTHING in PAYPAL for EBAY purchases. Is there a setting to keep PAYPAL Monies in PP till he asks to be transferred to someone or a bank? What is the sense of having a PAYPAL acct if you cannot keep some money there for EBAY and other online purchases???
09-27-2022 03:31 PM
It has been several years since eBay and PayPal have parted ways.
PayPal is no longer an eBay seller option, although buyers may still use PayPal for eBay purchases.
09-27-2022 03:52 PM
It would probably be better to contact Pay Pal and ask them.
09-27-2022 03:59 PM
Attach your debit card or checking account to PayPal. When you pay you can choose PayPal and use your preferred method to pay. PayPal will take the payment from that method.
09-27-2022 04:23 PM
PP would not have transferred those funds if someone did not authorize them to do so, so someone who has access to your PP account transferred the funds or your PP account got hacked.
Contact PP and or look at your PP settings to verify the transfer and check your bank account to make sure those funds got transferred to you.
09-27-2022 05:14 PM
I don't believe he was hacked.
I think he was expecting funds to be transferred to his PayPal account and the funds are in the husband's bank account instead. They were never in his PayPal account. eBay put the funds in his bank account. They were never in his PayPal account.
09-27-2022 05:20 PM
@fab_finds4u wrote:I don't believe he was hacked.
I think he was expecting funds to be transferred to his PayPal account and the funds are in the husband's bank account instead. They were never in his PayPal account. eBay put the funds in his bank account. They were never in his PayPal account.
I think what they are talking about is when you transfer funds from your Pay Pal account to your bank, you can't choose how much to transfer anymore.
They transfer everything in your PayPal account now.
09-27-2022 05:29 PM
Are you/he signed up for manage pay?
09-27-2022 06:49 PM
I have to figure that out - DO I do that on EBAY or PAYPAL???
09-27-2022 06:52 PM
I want to know if I can KEEP some of the money from EBAY in my PAYPAL acct so I can use it for purchases I make. NOT to the bank - Is that possible???? I get money from others w. PAYPAL Does it come out of their bank each time? I think that costs extra money. .
09-27-2022 06:53 PM
Can you explain manage pay? Do I do it in EBAY or Paypal??? Thanks
09-27-2022 06:55 PM
checking account to PayPal. When you pay you can choose PayPal and use your preferred method to pay. PayPal will take the payment from that method.
I think it takes some time and costs extra money to take from the bank. Am I correct????
09-27-2022 06:55 PM
NO PP account was not hacked.
09-27-2022 06:56 PM
Payments that are made to the ID that you are posting with are under the Managed Payments process, and any payouts are made to the attached checking account. The buyer payments do not go to PayPal.
09-27-2022 06:59 PM
@Anonymous wrote:I want to know if I can KEEP some of the money from EBAY in my PAYPAL acct so I can use it for purchases I make. NOT to the bank - Is that possible???? I get money from others w. PAYPAL Does it come out of their bank each time? I think that costs extra money. .
Payments from Ebay no longer go to Pay Pal, they go to the checking account you provide when you sign up for Managed Payments..