03-12-2021 07:58 AM
The new payout system is a joke. Just sold and item and it took Ebay 2 full days to reply that they have sent the payout request and the Email states that it will take another 3-4 days for the money to post. The idiots at Ebay think they are fooling folks by stating it is the "banks standard processing time". But the banking ACH system is an overnight payments system, so the funds could be made available the next business day. The increases final values fees and the charging of final fees on shipping isn't enough? You now need to use other peoples money for an extra week and mess up the ability of your customers to complete transactions? All this nonsense when most folks who sell on Ebay see very little back in actual cash from their transactions. Ebay is becoming too greedy and hard to do business with. Killing the goose that laid the golden egg... Hopefully they fix this, otherwise I will be moving on...
Solved! Go to Best Answer
04-30-2022 06:36 AM
I agree with your assessment, after buying and selling stuff for 20 years on EBay I will be doing everything now on FB Marketplace. The new payout system will be the end of EBay.
03-12-2021 08:17 AM
03-12-2021 08:30 AM
good luck were ever you go: it is not going to change:
Oh and just to say I make money using managed payments and that is the bottom line.
03-12-2021 11:15 AM
The time it takes the funds to hit your checking account, depends on your bank.
My funds are in my account the next morning.
This last payout, the funds were in my account the same day.
04-13-2021 12:29 PM
the next day .lol what pay outs......and no it don't depend on the bank looking at sales maybe that's why you get yours fast . cause ya don't sale anything ....
09-02-2021 07:58 AM
They blocked all funds! told me stories about my Payoneer has a problem, which is flase !
They simply hold sellers money in order to finance their system!
Vet bad experience and i will most likely close my activity at ebay after 21 years!
09-02-2021 09:21 AM
@powell-memorabilia wrote:@jtau7405
I get my eBay payouts in my bank account same day (rare) or next day. If it does take 3-4 days, the problem is with your bank.
Not necessarily a problem with the seller's bank...every step that the funds move between banks and handlers, it is subject to clearance times. Each bank may have different policies regarding their clearance times, so it really depends on when the deposit occurs and what their policy is.
Buyer has the money in their funding source.
Buyer's funding source depositing to Adyen = clearance time.
Adyen depositing to eBay = clearance time
eBay transmitting to ACH Clearance Bank = clearance time
ACH Clearance bank depositing to seller = clearance time
Seller has the money showing available in their checking account.
09-02-2021 11:43 AM
@north40sales wrote:
@powell-memorabilia wrote:@jtau7405
I get my eBay payouts in my bank account same day (rare) or next day. If it does take 3-4 days, the problem is with your bank.Not necessarily a problem with the seller's bank...every step that the funds move between banks and handlers, it is subject to clearance times. Each bank may have different policies regarding their clearance times, so it really depends on when the deposit occurs and what their policy is.
Buyer has the money in their funding source.
Buyer's funding source depositing to Adyen = clearance time.
Adyen depositing to eBay = clearance time
eBay transmitting to ACH Clearance Bank = clearance time
ACH Clearance bank depositing to seller = clearance time
Seller has the money showing available in their checking account.
Once the Payout to the seller enters the ACH banking system the payments represented in that payout are cleared funds. And once in the ACH system, MP nor Ebay have any control over the funds, the banks have the control. So @powell-memorabilia is correct. Once in ACH, the banks have the control, so it is possible that the procedures for the destination bank are the issue. And sometimes calling your bank to check things out will resolve it and sometimes it won't.
I'm unsure as to where you got that Adyen sends money to Ebay so that Ebay can transmit funds to the sellers. Please provide a link to where you read this as I'd like to update myself.
Clearance time is NOT Adyen to Ebay deposit time. Clearance time or Pending time as is known in MP is the time it takes for the payment to clear the funding source of the buyer's payment.
You've inserted some terminology that is not currently used by Ebay in the explanation as to how MP works. So I look forward to reading where you located this information. It sounds interesting.
09-02-2021 01:42 PM
Just a friendly reminder on terminology, it is incorrect to use "clearance" and "pending" as interchangeable terms.
"Clearance" is a payment industry specific term that identifies the gap between when funds arrival notification and funds available in the account. Sometimes its a matter of seconds, other times it can be over a day. Every financial institution has differing policies on this.
"Pending" is an eBay term that they used in their statement release to describe the time that they are awaiting inbound payment from buyer or the time between payout scheduling and arrival in the sellers checking account available balance. Is not the same as "Clearance" when applied to banking and funds movement.
Anyway, Ya'll have a nice day. 🙂
09-02-2021 01:47 PM
@ljmgoods wrote:the next day .lol what pay outs......and no it don't depend on the bank looking at sales maybe that's why you get yours fast . cause ya don't sale anything ....
If I didn't sell anything, how would I get a payout?
And yes, my funds are in my checking account the next morning and sometimes the same night.
09-02-2021 03:13 PM
MP doesn't use the word Clearance in the terminology they have when describing how the system works. Less confusion will happen if we just stick with the terminology that MP uses for its different steps. There is no need to insert other words that may cause confusion for some. All points can be clearly made using the terminology the site uses.
Pending is NOT just an Ebay term, but it is the one MP uses not the word "clearance". MP uses Pending or Processing are terms MP uses to refer to the time it takes for a buyer's payment to clear their funding source. From there it moves to Available Funds.
This is a graphic published by Ebay that explains the process.
MP does NOT use the word Pending for the time between when a payout is released and when it arrives at the seller's bank. Nor do they use the word Clearance for the time between the release of the payout and the time it takes to arrive at the seller's bank.
09-02-2021 04:19 PM
@mam98031 wrote:MP doesn't use the word Clearance in the terminology they have when describing how the system works. Less confusion will happen if we just stick with the terminology that MP uses for its different steps. There is no need to insert other words that may cause confusion for some. All points can be clearly made using the terminology the site uses.
Pending is NOT just an Ebay term, but it is the one MP uses not the word "clearance". MP uses Pending or Processing are terms MP uses to refer to the time it takes for a buyer's payment to clear their funding source. From there it moves to Available Funds.
This is a graphic published by Ebay that explains the process.
MP does NOT use the word Pending for the time between when a payout is released and when it arrives at the seller's bank. Nor do they use the word Clearance for the time between the release of the payout and the time it takes to arrive at the seller's bank.
Thanks for the colorful picture, but I'll just use the industry standard terminology in their correct context as is easier to understand.
As I posted previously, every step that funds move between banks and payment processors, it is subject to clearance times from the time that the funds arrive to when they show as available in their account. Each banking institutions have different policies regarding their clearance times, so it really depends on when the deposit occurs and what their policy is.
For an eBay transaction, there are several times that funds will be subject to clearance times. eBay has zero control over this as it is the financial institution that clears funds on their own timetable. From what I can see, there are 5 distinctly unique clearance times in every sale (assuming that the seller only had one transaction in the applicable time period). Each of these clearance times will likely be different. ACH clearing is usually with batches closed overnight while the clearance time into a checking account (ebay's or the sellers) can take a day to two depending on the bank policy.
Its cumbersome and has lots of moving parts and multiple layers of expense which is why companies like eBay pass on the costs to the seller with the money processing fees.
Have a nice Day 🙂
09-02-2021 04:54 PM
@north40sales wrote:
@mam98031 wrote:MP doesn't use the word Clearance in the terminology they have when describing how the system works. Less confusion will happen if we just stick with the terminology that MP uses for its different steps. There is no need to insert other words that may cause confusion for some. All points can be clearly made using the terminology the site uses.
Pending is NOT just an Ebay term, but it is the one MP uses not the word "clearance". MP uses Pending or Processing are terms MP uses to refer to the time it takes for a buyer's payment to clear their funding source. From there it moves to Available Funds.
This is a graphic published by Ebay that explains the process.
MP does NOT use the word Pending for the time between when a payout is released and when it arrives at the seller's bank. Nor do they use the word Clearance for the time between the release of the payout and the time it takes to arrive at the seller's bank.
Thanks for the colorful picture, but I'll just use the industry standard terminology in their correct context as is easier to understand.
As I posted previously, every step that funds move between banks and payment processors, it is subject to clearance times from the time that the funds arrive to when they show as available in their account. Each banking institutions have different policies regarding their clearance times, so it really depends on when the deposit occurs and what their policy is.
For an eBay transaction, there are several times that funds will be subject to clearance times. eBay has zero control over this as it is the financial institution that clears funds on their own timetable. From what I can see, there are 5 distinctly unique clearance times in every sale (assuming that the seller only had one transaction in the applicable time period). Each of these clearance times will likely be different. ACH clearing is usually with batches closed overnight while the clearance time into a checking account (ebay's or the sellers) can take a day to two depending on the bank policy.
Its cumbersome and has lots of moving parts and multiple layers of expense which is why companies like eBay pass on the costs to the seller with the money processing fees.
Have a nice Day 🙂
I've done that before myself, used industry standard terminology, for various different Ebay subjects. It serves no purpose except as I've described before, it just adds confusion. It doesn't hurt to use Ebay terminology, at least in this case it actually means the same thing, that isn't always true for Ebay.
You are simply incorrect about the Payout timing. For example, I do Weekly Payouts. Every Tuesday morning my Payout is released to the ACH system. Before noon on Wednesday I have an email from my bank that the deposit has been received and recorded into my account, in under 24 hours. The money in which MP is transferring via ACH is already cleared money, there is no need for it to have to clear a second time. Other banks may take longer to receive and record the transfers. It often happens with smaller more local banks and credit unions.
09-02-2021 05:05 PM
Industry standard terminology never changes and the definition is clear.
I never mentioned weekly payout timing at all in my comment. So using that to claim that I am "simply incorrect" is naïve at best. However, with your weekly payouts, the clearance timeline would be collapsed somewhat as the money that is sitting in eBay's account until they initiate the ACH transfer is money that has already cleared from the buyer's transaction. ACH would batch overnight as is their practice and your bank would receive the transfer at @ 9am EST and it would show as available in your checking account as per their policy on clearance times on electronic transfers. (My bank typically clears at 3pm when they close the business day).
As I posted twice already, every financial institution has different policies regarding clearing transactions. So not everyone will see the same bank performance that you or I have (unless they are at the same bank).
Have a nice day 🙂
09-02-2021 06:31 PM
@north40sales wrote:Industry standard terminology never changes and the definition is clear.
I never mentioned weekly payout timing at all in my comment. So using that to claim that I am "simply incorrect" is naïve at best. However, with your weekly payouts, the clearance timeline would be collapsed somewhat as the money that is sitting in eBay's account until they initiate the ACH transfer is money that has already cleared from the buyer's transaction. ACH would batch overnight as is their practice and your bank would receive the transfer at @ 9am EST and it would show as available in your checking account as per their policy on clearance times on electronic transfers. (My bank typically clears at 3pm when they close the business day).
As I posted twice already, every financial institution has different policies regarding clearing transactions. So not everyone will see the same bank performance that you or I have (unless they are at the same bank).
Have a nice day 🙂
It was an EXAMPLE about Payouts when I described how Weekly Payouts work for me. Nothing more than that and I SAID it was an example.
Part of what you have said is as follows:
Adyen depositing to eBay = clearance time
eBay transmitting to ACH Clearance Bank = clearance time
ACH Clearance bank depositing to seller = clearance time
Seller has the money showing available in their checking account.
Once the Payout is released to the ACH system, the money is all cleared money at that time. It does not need to go through any additional clearance process. The example of how the Weekly payout works for me confirms that. And there are other sellers that that have the same experience, not just me.
And I don't know what an "Ebay Account" is. Adyen is the money processor. I make no claim to know at what time the Payouts are released by Adyen, it hasn't been in anything I've read. Maybe it is 9AM EST. However Adyen's main office is in California. I simply have no knowledge of the actual timing of the process. I do however know that some payouts have been issued in the afternoons according to some sellers from time to time. Whether or not they are accurate, I don't know that either.
You want this to seem as if every transaction has to clear yet again when it enters ACH and that is simply not correct. Now the Payout as a whole may not get recorded by any particular bank for a day or two or three. That is depending on the Bank, not that they money isn't cleared their funding sources. That part has already happened BEFORE the Payout is issued.
FYI, I never said anyone would have the same experience I have with my Payouts. Again I said EXACTLY THIS: "For example, I do Weekly Payouts. Every Tuesday morning my Payout is released to the ACH system. Before noon on Wednesday I have an email from my bank that the deposit has been received and recorded into my account, in under 24 hours."
It seems to me that this is mostly about word choice. And again, that tends to happen when you want to use words that are industry standard words, but not the same words as Ebay uses to describe the process. I'm unsure why it is so important to you to use words different than Ebay uses. That is a puzzle.