11-14-2021 03:44 AM
I 've been asking for help for two months !!! Technical error in the account !!! Will someone ever help me??????????????????
11-14-2021 03:46 AM
I 've been asking for help for two months !!! Technical error in the account !!! Will someone ever help me??????????????????
11-14-2021 03:46 AM
I 've been asking for help for two months !!! Technical error in the account !!! Will someone ever help me??????????????????
11-14-2021 05:29 AM
Seriously? 3 posts in 2 minutes, with NO details?
This is a member forum; we can’t see your account details. But if you tell us exactly what the problem is, we can try to help.
11-14-2021 12:31 PM
My goodness Amber, is this about Payoneer? This is a US site and we don't use Payoneer here. If it isn't then please explain what the problem is.
11-14-2021 12:38 PM
On this page, there is a link that is specifically for sellers in Russia, a registration guide:
If your registered address is in the Russian Federation, please find the registration guide here →
11-14-2021 12:55 PM
I've been on ebay for a long time and I know the rules. How to register, how to connect Payoneer and so on. An error has occurred. The Administration recognizes this fact. But it doesn't fix it. They don't know how or what.I don't know where to write anymore. It's just a cry for help.
11-14-2021 12:55 PM
If it's a Payoneer problem, you need to contact them.
We don't use Payoneer and don't know much about it.
11-14-2021 01:01 PM
It's not that simple. I have already contacted Payoneer. Both on the website and in the social network.networks. Everything is fine on the Payoneer side. Ebay has failed. I've been working here for a long time and I know all the rules. I have already written a thousand times in support of ebay and Payoneer. Ebay replies that it knows about the error, but does not know when it will be fixed. But it can't go on indefinitely. That is, simple advice will not help me. Here it is necessary for programmers to tackle the problem. Many thanks to everyone who responded.
11-14-2021 01:03 PM
I translate using an auto-translator. Sorry if not everything is correct. I hope all the same that the meaning is clear.
11-14-2021 01:31 PM
11-14-2021 06:35 PM
Oh my amber, so sorry to hear about that.
I see that you are still paying store subscription fees. Is ebay giving you credit for these months that you can't list do to their error?
Ebay is still making money off of you so they seem to me in no hurry to help with your problem.
11-14-2021 09:58 PM
@amber-ru wrote:I translate using an auto-translator. Sorry if not everything is correct. I hope all the same that the meaning is clear.
@amber-ru Yes, it's clear, but unfortunately this is eBay US and we're not familiar with Payoneer as it interacts with eBay. As a last effort try this:
eBay for Business Facebook (Send a clear message with your name, account name)
11-15-2021 12:56 AM
No. I pay for the store, but I can't trade. There are no compensations for this.
11-15-2021 12:57 AM