08-24-2021 07:06 PM
I can't seem to be able to update my my bank info for MP....
Provided routing and account #s...
No matter what I do I get the red banner with
****We couldn't verify this bank account. Please select a different payment method.****
Name is the exact match, so is the address.... Called eBay, after 20min "try this" or "try that" was told "you need to get a bank account with a bigger bank"....?
08-24-2021 07:16 PM
Is your bank one of the ones on the drop-down list? If not, scroll to the bottom of the list to 'My bank is not listed here' (or some such verbiage) and enter your bank's name, then the routing and account numbers. If so, you might want to try and trick it by doing this anyway. Good luck...
08-24-2021 07:26 PM
I can't even get to that part..... I am still at the very beginning where I need to type in the routing and account #s.
Once I push Continue button I get the error message (can't verify, etc), and this is it... Even Continue button becomes unable at this point.
08-24-2021 07:29 PM
Well, dang. I opted into MP during August, 2019. Way back then, the first screen was your bank name.
Hopefully someone with more recent experience will pop by. Hang in there.
08-24-2021 11:05 PM
If you can't even get past the original screen to enter this information, you need to check the information you have.
Is the routing number correct. Is the account number you are trying to use for a CHECKING account.
If it is objecting to the numbers you are entering on the registrations screen, there has to be a reason for it. There is something in the numbers that tell them that they are incorrect.
What is your bank name?
08-25-2021 03:51 AM
I checked, re-checked and double checked the account and routing #s.
Yes, this is a checking account.
FC Bank Division of CNB Bank.
08-25-2021 03:57 AM
Some people said to enter your middle initial to fix the problem. Don't know if that will work for you. I guess make sure when you type your name in, that it matches exactly what your name is on your bank account, whether you include middle initial or middle name.
08-25-2021 12:28 PM
@candd205 wrote:Some people said to enter your middle initial to fix the problem. Don't know if that will work for you. I guess make sure when you type your name in, that it matches exactly what your name is on your bank account, whether you include middle initial or middle name.
That is likely to INCREASE the problem. The registered name on the Ebay account MUST PERFECTLY match the name on the bank account. Same is true with the address and it can't be a PO Box, it has to be a physical address. So be very careful what you advise people as you could be causing them more work that was necessary and further delays. I absolutely know that was NOT your intention. I'm just cautioning you, noting more. There is a lot, a whole lot of bad information on the threads.
This will help to see what is in the best interest of the sellers.
08-25-2021 12:57 PM
You are wrong, not me. That is exactly what I told him to do. This is what I said copy and pasted here: make sure when you type your name in, that it matches exactly what your name is on your bank account, whether you include middle initial or middle name.
YOU need to read what someone posts before you start criticizing other people. Be more careful to make sure you read and try really hard to be more respectful.
08-25-2021 01:38 PM - edited 08-25-2021 01:40 PM
Okay... let's go backwards one step. Does your eBay account name info match the info name exactly as it is listed on the account? I suggest we go backwards, anyway... but we'll get you there. Edit: I just saw "exact match" in your OP... sorry.
08-25-2021 01:56 PM - edited 08-25-2021 02:00 PM
@candd205 wrote:Some people said to enter your middle initial to fix the problem. Don't know if that will work for you. I guess make sure when you type your name in, that it matches exactly what your name is on your bank account, whether you include middle initial or middle name.
When I opted in way back during August, 2019, it was a much kinder process, albeit the lack of microdeposits.
My eBay info and the info on my (decades old) checking account matched, thank the gods. First name, Middle initial, Last name. (My driver's license and SS card list my full First, Last and Middle names... but I've never been asked to provide those.) For me, 'entering my middle initial works; maybe not for the OP.
I'm still confused as to why the OP didn't have the 'Choose your bank' screen first... before routing & checking.
Has MP done away with that screen since I opted in way back during August, 2019?
🤔That's why I asked about it way back in post #2, anyway... does anybody know if that screen is gone?
08-26-2021 12:13 AM
@oksvanb0 wrote:I checked, re-checked and double checked the account and routing #s.
Yes, this is a checking account.
FC Bank Division of CNB Bank.
This may sound odd, but sometimes it actually helps. If you are just over-writing the information, then go and completely clear the fields and make sure they are completely empty, then try typing the numbers in again.
Or there is this:
What are common reasons for needing further verification on your MP account?
Below are some of the reasons we see verification failures. We recommend checking the following:
If you continue to encounter an error or issue with verification after these steps please consider requesting a call back from a payments-trained teammate so they can assist you further.
08-26-2021 10:03 AM
Guys, thank you very much for trying to help, but I am still at point A....
The first day when I was trying to add bank info, it would not give me a page with a list of the banks.... This is when the 1st rep told me "to get an account with a bigger bank"
The second day ( a different rep), re-routed me to my payment tab to add the bank- after about a dozen tries I kept getting error "Sorry, something is wrong. Please try again later". The rep then said "The system is overwhelmed due to high value of bank info entries. Try again later"...... So I did ( quite a few times) and still NOTHING!
I am going to be calling again....
My info (name, physical address, SSN) IS the exact match. I do not see why I am having such issue. And I do not believe if the system was "overwhelmed"at some point, it stayed "overwhelmed" for 2 days straight.
Anyway, off I go to try to figure this out again. Wish me luck.
08-26-2021 10:50 AM
@oksvanb0 I know this sounds kind of dumb, but make sure you have cookies, temp files, etc. cleared out if you're on a PC/notebook, or try another browser. If you're on the app, clear out any old data - you may be actually having problems with how the data entry page is rewriting.
08-26-2021 10:59 AM
Sooooooo, latest update if anyone is keeping track.
3rd rep- whole new story. After 20 mins back and forth I insisted to be transferred to speak with somebody who was in charge (team manager, I guess).
The issue is not just my issue. Apparently, there are technical difficulties with brand new accounts entering MPs and IT team works on fixing it. At least that sounded more like true.
So, all I can do now is sit tight and wait till it is fixed.