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How to stop the automatic payment method for buyers

I am a buyer I have bought 300+ items on ebay in the last 3 years but yesterday August 5 at 4:53pm I was put in this stupid test by ebay of the sample buyers what have to have a automatic payment method to make a offer or bid on anything and if I win a bid I am automatically charged this is unethical really my cc card on file for ebay purchases I allways use to pay for my purchases should not be charged this is bul*sh** and wrong 


I allways pay on time in less then 2 days 


Is there anyway I can opt out of this test group of buyers 


And another thing with the automatic payment method I CANNOT combine shipping if I buy more than 1 item from a seller so if I buy more than 1 item from the same seller I pay a da*n boatload extra for shipping 


This automatic payment method is the stupidest thing I have ever heard and seen 


And ebay never even mentioned this to buyers , or sellers most people don't even know about it this is a scam/shaddy as hel* business practices 


This a lawsuit waiting to happen people 


I went to ebay chat online and I talked to a ebay representative and she told the only way to get rid of this is to ask the seller I want to buy from to turn it off on there seller account or put me on an exception list from there seller account 


She also told me if thay won't then every offer or bid or bid and win a item I will be automatically charged method 


Does anybody else have this problem or just me can somebody advise or help me please 


And PS: I am only a buyer I have never sold on ebay 

Message 1 of 71
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How to stop the automatic payment method for buyers

Same thing happened to me today when trying to bid on a few things. I've had an eBay account for over 24 years. I have active bids on 43 items. I more often than not buy multiple things from a seller to get combined shipping. I'm done with eBay if this is how it's going to be.

Message 16 of 71
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How to stop the automatic payment method for buyers

Just wanted to say I feel your pain..all of you who found out unexpectedly that you are now auto-pay. Me too and I have been miserable with it. After chatting with 3 customer service reps who said its all up to the seller, then I started messaging sellers and trying to explain the new system because I wanted their combined shipping. All I can say is I am exhausted from it ( why are we doing ebays job and having to explain it to sellers??? )..and I did not run into one seller who liked it. I ask ebay to rethink is a very bad idea and as everyone has pointed out: you are punishing the good buyers as well as the bad. Find some way please to only use this for buyers who do not pay. I have almost 1000 positive feedbacks but my buying days are over until ebay fixes this.

Message 17 of 71
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How to stop the automatic payment method for buyers

Hello Everyone -


I have been an eBay member for more than 22 years and like johajoh_1862, I too have never sold anything on eBay.  And I have made purchases totaling thousands of dollars over the years and have always honored my commitments.


Here is why this will never work for me…

(1) I use several different credit cards in my PayPal account and I never know which one I am going to use until after the auction has ended,
(2) I sometimes split payments between two different cards [a PayPal option],
(3) I also will on occasion send a check so as to save the seller fees related to credit card transactions [yes, some sellers like to do things the old-fashioned way],
(4) I don't always ship items to my PayPal certified P.O. Box and instead have items sent to my home address, and
(5) I make multiple purchases so sellers can combine shipping. 
Like many others, I don't understand why eBay thinks you have to fix something that's not broke! It certainly is a sad situation.  If sellers are concerned with non-paying deadbeats the solution is simple... fine the buyer and if they become repeat offenders you ban them from eBay.  But PLEASE, do NOT punish the entire eBay community.  It's just not fair!
Finally, I have actually received emails from sellers I have done business with for more than 15-years who are offering their sincere apologies and letting me know they turned off the default button that eBay activated system-wide. Unreal that they have to apologize for something totally out of their control.
Message 18 of 71
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How to stop the automatic payment method for buyers

eBay will not be happy until every purchase is a Buy It Now with Immediate payment required. It is all about pumping up the FVF's. They don't care about buyers or sellers, only what is best for eBay and their bottom line. Follow the money....


As a buyer as soon as I see the Immediate payment/ Enter your payment method screen on BIN, Best Offers or Auctions I back out and look elsewhere.


If it is a seller I have dealt with previously I will contact them and ask why but if it isn't I just move along.


On my selling account I am adding a message that says: "this seller does not require immediate payment for any listing to my description. If you are asked to enter payment info contact me before purchase."


The only problem is eBay is tinkering with the listing page and hiding the description unless you click on a link.


Buyers should not have to contact sellers and request that they be exempted and sellers should not have been automatically enrolled in this but should have had an option to enable it if they so choose.

Message 19 of 71
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How to stop the automatic payment method for buyers

In some cases I contact sellers and they change autopay option for everyone and thankful that let them know about this issue..some sellers ignore it..their loss…

Message 20 of 71
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How to stop the automatic payment method for buyers

@blueduece58 wrote:

eBay will not be happy until every purchase is a Buy It Now with Immediate payment required. It is all about pumping up the FVF's. They don't care about buyers or sellers, only what is best for eBay and their bottom line. Follow the money....


As a buyer as soon as I see the Immediate payment/ Enter your payment method screen on BIN, Best Offers or Auctions I back out and look elsewhere.


If it is a seller I have dealt with previously I will contact them and ask why but if it isn't I just move along.


On my selling account I am adding a message that says: "this seller does not require immediate payment for any listing to my description. If you are asked to enter payment info contact me before purchase."


The only problem is eBay is tinkering with the listing page and hiding the description unless you click on a link.


Buyers should not have to contact sellers and request that they be exempted and sellers should not have been automatically enrolled in this but should have had an option to enable it if they so choose.

@blueduece58   You can save some angst by going to your Buyer Management | eBay page and at the bottom turn off the Auto-pay requirement.  


Screenshot (161).png


Mine is ON for Offers but not Bids on Auctions ... mainly because I don't use the Best offer setting on my listings but I will entertain an occasional offer messaged to me with the "Reply with offer" button on the message ... if I am interested I send one offer only, no haggling (counter offers) ... I send a price I will sell for on the first go 'round.


Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 21 of 71
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How to stop the automatic payment method for buyers

As a Buyer & seller I agree.  As a buyer, who also pays on time ALWAY, I do not like it.  As a seller, sure I like getting paid quickly, but if the buyers aren't happy does that mean more RETURNS & lost money on return shipping?

Message 22 of 71
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How to stop the automatic payment method for buyers

EXACTLY!  Totally agree with you there!

Message 23 of 71
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How to stop the automatic payment method for buyers

@jepcoker56 wrote:

As a Buyer & seller I agree.  As a buyer, who also pays on time ALWAY, I do not like it.  As a seller, sure I like getting paid quickly, but if the buyers aren't happy does that mean more RETURNS & lost money on return shipping?

@jepcoker56   One main reason I do not use it for Auctions is that I determine when an auction will end but I never assume that is a convenient time for Buyers.  Therefore, I am flexible on payment for a certain period of time.  I wind up with about a half dozen Unpaid items each year that I have to cancel giving Buyers an Unpaid item strike ... but most items will sell eventually so it is less of an issue.


Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 24 of 71
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How to stop the automatic payment method for buyers

I certainly understand your frustration.  But it is my understanding that sellers were put in this automatically without our knowledge.  Supposedly we can go into our settings page and change it-but, as a seller, I knew NOTHING about this until TODAY!  This is going to cause even more frustration when some sellers require it and some don't.

Message 25 of 71
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How to stop the automatic payment method for buyers

As a Seller, I would personally like to THANK YOU SO MUCH for your understanding!  Just like me, none of us even knew this happened.

Message 26 of 71
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How to stop the automatic payment method for buyers

ABSOLUTELY!  I agree 100%.

Message 27 of 71
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How to stop the automatic payment method for buyers

I just added a payment method a little while ago so I could do a 'best offer'.  After the seller accepted I deleted the payment method. I guess I will just do this each time I do a 'best offer'. As for 'bids', forget about it.

Message 28 of 71
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How to stop the automatic payment method for buyers

Me too! I am leaving ebay over this.

Message 29 of 71
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How to stop the automatic payment method for buyers

This is very poorly thought out and will cause massive issues for buyers, sellers, banks, and ebay. I use different cards for different types of ebay items/transactions and so far, every ebay purchase has only used the one card without asking me. It instantly charges my card with zero warning. You might think this is great for sellers, but buyers will not buy if they cannot specify payment method at time of purchase. What you're going to get is a lot of surprise charges to unexpected payment methods, many will not go through, sellers still will not get paid, and you're going to create a large group of royally **bleep** off buyers who decide not to buy after all when they find the wrong methods charged. Also, with auctions one rarely knows what the exact total will be, only the max one has bid.


With the hassle over trying to change the automatic payment methods (unless one wastes a huge amount of time going in to change payment method for every single auction - a HUGE problem for those who buy many auctions - the very group you should want to keep happy), the fixed nature of payment methods, and the variable nature of the total price with shipping, people will be hesitant to bid at all and will bid less when they do.


They may not know at the time of the bid how much their card has (or will have) left on it or will not be able to guess how much will be in their bank account for debit cards when the auction ends - people do spend money on other things than ebay. If you don't know what you will have in the bank in the future or what the auction total will be (it's an auction, bidding changes the total + many auctions have shipping costs that vary quite a bit after the auction ends - like based on weight, going to a different country, etc.) They either won't bid at all, will wait until absolute last minute to bid (resulting in forgetting about auction and not bidding, lower totals when people do bid at last minute, and overall, the seller will end up getting much less money.


As a result, I don't want this as a buyer AND as a seller! I want people to feel comfortable bidding their max amounts and I am fine with not every buyer following through because those that do pay, pay so much more. Honestly, non-paying bidders isn't a problem for us sellers who do a good job describing and listing their auctions so there are no last minute surprises. Non-payers, on the other hand, will always be a problem for questionable or problematic sellers who create last minute problems or issues for buyers such that they end up experiencing nasty "gotchas".


At any rate, I am walking away from ebay. Lots of other ways for me to buy & sell out there. This change will be a huge boon for ebay's competition. Besides, ebay has become polluted by cheapo sellers from China and I don't want my money supporting China. That's another problem. Sometimes, the auction only lists or shows the US as the source, but when the auction ends, one finds out it's actually coming from China. Sellers do this because the cost of US shipping is actually far greater here than it is for them to ship from China. They charge US shipping fees, ship from China, and pocket this different - profit for seller and buyer gets scammed. I see this one all the time. Or, what if someone is buying a gift or wants the item shipped to a different address with a different cost of shipping? What if they arrange with seller to use a cheaper shipping method than what was listed, the seller doesn't know how to change or doesn't want to fiddle the the shipping before the auction ends? Seller normally would wait until auction ends, calcite the total, and then send an invoice. With automatic payments, the buyer gets charged the full amount listed in the auction. If shipping turns out to be more (maybe due to something buyer wants, etc.), the seller can't easily change things, it's a big hassle and they usually end up eating this difference. If shipping is less due to cheaper shipping options, etc., the buyer loses that money. Yes, I know, there are ways to change some of this. The point is, it's a pain, adds uncertainty and confusion, and will result in fewer bids, lower prices, and unhappy buyers and sellers. If you're going to do this, please add a click box to search to only show auctions not requiring this automatic payment feature as there's no way I am bidding on anything requiring it. You can take your automatic payment auctions and items and keep them as I won't touch them with a ten foot pole!


I am taking my money and auctions and leaving ebay. I suspect many others will too and because they have left (and because this automatic crap has been sneaky), they will never know if ebay changes back - you're losing those buyers long term. Automatic payments only work for items being sold at a fixed price where every amount to be charged (and when) is shown in advance (hence the legality concerns and the involvement of state and federal agencies). It doesn't work for auctions or anything else with highly variable prices, totals with shipping, and dates the buyer's card will be charged on.  People don't like this uncertainty with their cards and money, they would rather not bid and will buy somewhere else where this uncertainty and variability is removed. Eff you ebay.

Message 30 of 71
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