08-03-2021 01:09 PM
Hey everybody,
I'm a pretty new seller on Ebay. I've sold a handful of items and had all of them marked as 'payment on hold til such and such date' . Which is fine, but I noticed on the items that I sold that didn't have a tracking number, once the buyer left feedback, I got paid out not long after. I have an item I sold and shipped that was small enough to send through letter mail and therefore there was no tracking number, but it's been well over a week since the buyer should have received the item and there's been no feedback from them. Am I stuck waiting for the 4 week hold to be over to get a payout if my buyer doesn't leave feedback?
Thanks for the help.
08-03-2021 01:23 PM
Feedback has nothing to do with when your funds will be released. The general rule is 3 days after delivery confirmation or 21 days if there is no delivery confirmation.
08-03-2021 01:28 PM
no tracking no delivery if they file a case...
Money will be held for some time on that item to be sure they do not file a case...if they do not leave feedback.
(advise not asking them to): don't stick a dog with a stick if you can avoid it...
From the amounts for the items you sell GET TRACKING.... Making a buck not doing so and loss due to no tracking is not worth the hassle.
08-03-2021 01:31 PM
ALL new sellers can have their funds held for up to 21 days. I believe it's explained along with the other new seller information. The fact that you've been a buyer for eons makes no difference.
08-03-2021 11:41 PM
Here is the Ebay rule you need to better understand this process for new sellers.