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Boycott eBay Due To Managed Payments!

eBay is a major player in the secondhand sale market and is an integral part of moving merchandise for a seller.  However,  I'm really getting tired of eBay's managed payment policies.  Once again a buyer opened a return.  Apparently they purchased a gift and the recipient didn't want it.  So now after almost the 30 day return window they decide to return.  


Here's the problem, managed payments is withholding my funds from future payouts in the amount of this transaction, which is well over $ 2,000.   In my opinion this is an unethical policy and I'm a Top Rated Seller for a reason.  I deliver exceptional service and I will refund my customer, once I get the item back in its original condition.  So the buyer has until February 17th to return this item and 2 business days have passed by and they have yet to return it.  So my funds from future sales are on hold until they return the item an I issue a refund. 


Does anyone else agree with this, as unethical business practices on behalf of eBay's managed payments?  


I sell on Mercari, Offer Up, and Poshmark, and they don't have these policies in place for returns.  


I believe in order to be taken seriously we would have to get over 500,000 sellers or more to boycott eBay.  That's the only manner we can be heard.   Until then, if I decide to boycott along with a few others, nothing will be done,  we are replaceable and expendable. 

Message 1 of 167
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166 REPLIES 166

Boycott eBay Due To Managed Payments!

Managed payments is the reason I will no longer be selling on eBay.  They don't need my SSN and bank account information as far as I'm concerned.  They say that it's for the seller's benefit.  Ha, the only thing they ever do is for their own benefit.  I'm tired of FedEx damaging my shipments and then buyers accuse me of shipping them something that was damaged when my pictures clearly show there was no damage and that it happened with the carrier!  My last buyer doesn't even have the decency to respond to my last request for information.  I'm going to unregister my account soon and be done with eBay altogether.

Message 31 of 167
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Boycott eBay Due To Managed Payments!

@westernelexpert wrote:

Managed payments is the reason I will no longer be selling on eBay.  They don't need my SSN and bank account information as far as I'm concerned.

They need your bank account info to (obviously) put your money in your bank account.


They need your SSN because the IRS says they need your SSN. Don't like it? Talk to your Congressperson.


Or continue with your present course of action. Whatever.

Message 32 of 167
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Boycott eBay Due To Managed Payments!

Pretty much everybody who is refusing to sign up for managed payments will end up with a restricted ebay account. Thats made boycotting pretty much moot.. They don't seem to care.


Message 33 of 167
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Boycott eBay Due To Managed Payments!

Maybe this does not apply to you, but Ebay is not paying if you don't sign up for managed payments. I was told directly that they will send my money from 2 recent February sales to my states unclaimed funds department after 6 months. I'm debating just opening a checking account long enough to get the funds but its hardly worth the trouble for 59 bucks. I don't trust ebay not to overdraw an account. Especially since it's never going to have much of a balance in it. I refuse to give them access to thousands and thousands. I read this morning they overdrew someones account and their mortgage wasn't paid. Overdrafts can also affect ones Fico credit score.

Message 34 of 167
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Boycott eBay Due To Managed Payments!

We as a seller do not have any voice. Ebay should stop lying about seller protection. There's none. I can't wait to see Ebay pays for all Injustice decisions against sellers.  This is my case.

She is making a false claim, because the items was mach with description. The package was delivered to her house on 3/ 9/2021 and on 4/1/2021 she reached out to me claiming the items were broken- almost 24 days after receiving it. She claimed she was not able to open the package due to illness. She said the packaging was “ridiculous” but she did not open the package nor did her husband after bringing it inside. She claims the box was weak and is to blame for the damage caused. There are no signs of damage to the box in the photo, inside or out. No dents, creases, holes, etc. Attached in the photo she sent me, there is print on the box that shows the box was made to hold 472 FL OZ ( almost 30 pounds). My items were about 10 pounds. I surrounded the inside of the packaged with bubble wrap (which can be clearly seen in the package) and I also attached a layer of 1" styrofoam to the bottom of the box for more protection.  I had listed my items originally for $195 and she offered me $125. She said that it was to replace her recently deceased mothers hat had broken in a move. I understood what she was going through so I tried to sympathize. I agreed to the offer. I did not make any profit from the deal, I had nothing to gain. I wouldn't have minded giving her a full refund. We are human and things happen, but I don’t like when someone blatantly lies to me. I do not believe that she wasn’t able to open the box for almost a month due to illness. She had listings on eBay which were active during that time frame. She was able to conduct business, but she couldn’t have opened the package  not her husband? 

It's funny, anytime I contacted eBay they gave me different answers. Finally eBay took the site of the buyer and when I call customer service she told me the case is pending and you're working on it but the case was closed day before. They don't know what they doing it's sad.

Message 35 of 167
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Boycott eBay Due To Managed Payments!

Yeah its unbelievable I have used eBay for over 10 years now and not 1 time have I ever had and issue with a buyer. I always work it out or refund them if that is what they request.


Anyways I recently sold an item to some kid using his parents eBay account. It was a brand new factory sealed gaming laptop. He takes delivery and loads up the laptop with all kinds of software and games and then after a week says he wants to return it for a full refund. I was like sorry can't do that you have opened it and used it and its no longer in the condition it was before. (brand new factory sealer) had he said "buyers remorse" and it will still in the brand new factory sealed box I would have refunded him immediately. But instead he replies "Wooooow bruh maybe you should specify that in the product listing **bleep**..." (poor kid lacks common sense, and apparently thinks this is amazon or something)


So he opens a case and eBay rewards him all his money back $1200 and I got the used and damaged laptop back. he obviously new eBay policies and took advantage of the situation. I had to have a computer technician look at the laptop and although the kid tried to erase all his info the computer technician recovered all of it. He used software to manipulate the fans and processor speeds and etc. something he should have never been messing around with given he knows nothing about computers. (he couldn't even erase his data)


Anyways I now have a broken laptop that requires a new CPU because this kid cooked it (quite literally it over heated because he adjusted the settings to high due to his lack of computer knowledge)


Here is eBay's response "since we, eBay, do not see or handle items, it is difficult for us to determine the exact condition of the item when it was sent or received."  The kid opened up a claim stating the item was not as described, a complete and total lie. I have a 100% seller rating because my descriptions are always accurate among other things, but eBay just sides with the buyer. 


Also they wont let me leave negative feedback at this point only positive. What an absolute joke. Sorry to all that have experienced the same issue but eBay only protects the buyers they don't care about the sellers. I as well will be moving to a new site, I continue to see others that are dealing with these trash buyers and its pretty ridiculous. 


I have also called eBay and every time I speak with a different customer service rep they open a new case as the case from the last call was never opened. 


Message 36 of 167
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Boycott eBay Due To Managed Payments!

I started the switch to 'MP' mode, all the while in the back of my mind was the nagging feeling that this MP thing was simply wrong. I've been a seller on ebay for many, many years but now I'm coming to the realization that it's coming to an end. 


I have a 100% satifaction score with ebay and worked very hard to achieve and maintain that score, and that's a good thing, but all things, good or bad, never last (it seems like bad things last forever, but it just seems that way).  With this mandatory decree to "move to MP or suspend my account".. oh well... I guess I will abide... to the latter, not the former. There's a long list of reasons for me not to be a seller on ebay in the first place like excessive fees, lack of basic seller rights, fees, clumsy software/website issues, fees, oh and did I mention excessive fees. Too many reasons to leave. This latest reason was more than enough. 


I hear good things are happening at Mercari. Sure, I'll have to start all over again but I still remember how exciting it was in the early ebay days when I stood by ebay and did my little part as both a buyer and seller to make them successful. Now, I'll go over to Mercari and continue to do my 'little part' to make them successful instead. Mercari will gain a buyer/seller and ebay will lose a buyer/seller; that's a double whammy. If enough ebay customers follow the same path and 'if' ebay is listening and willing to change then there may still be time to salvage the situation and reverse this mandatory decision before ebay looses it foothold.   

Message 37 of 167
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Boycott eBay Due To Managed Payments!

@junocat5 wrote:

I started the switch to 'MP' mode, all the while in the back of my mind was the nagging feeling that this MP thing was simply wrong. I've been a seller on ebay for many, many years but now I'm coming to the realization that it's coming to an end. 


I have a 100% satifaction score with ebay and worked very hard to achieve and maintain that score, and that's a good thing, but all things, good or bad, never last (it seems like bad things last forever, but it just seems that way).  With this mandatory decree to "move to MP or suspend my account".. oh well... I guess I will abide... to the latter, not the former. There's a long list of reasons for me not to be a seller on ebay in the first place like excessive fees, lack of basic seller rights, fees, clumsy software/website issues, fees, oh and did I mention excessive fees. Too many reasons to leave. This latest reason was more than enough. 


I hear good things are happening at Mercari. Sure, I'll have to start all over again but I still remember how exciting it was in the early ebay days when I stood by ebay and did my little part as both a buyer and seller to make them successful. Now, I'll go over to Mercari and continue to do my 'little part' to make them successful instead. Mercari will gain a buyer/seller and ebay will lose a buyer/seller; that's a double whammy. If enough ebay customers follow the same path and 'if' ebay is listening and willing to change then there may still be time to salvage the situation and reverse this mandatory decision before ebay looses it foothold.   



Have you done your research?  Do you know the requirements / payment processing program on Mercari?  If you don't like MP, I can't imagine why you would like Mercari's payment process.  The grass isn't always greener on the other side.


Mercari Pmt Process.JPG

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 38 of 167
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Boycott eBay Due To Managed Payments!

How many millions of eBayers would have to join your boycott for eBay to even take notice?

Maybe you didn't know this, but, for a significant number of sellers here, eBay IS their income.  They might disagree with MP, but they cannot afford to boycott.  

Message 39 of 167
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Boycott eBay Due To Managed Payments!

OP still has 69 active listings. So much for the boycott.

Message 40 of 167
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Boycott eBay Due To Managed Payments!

Definitely boycotting ebay for their garbage customer service after I finish my transactions. Where is the class action lawsuits for this company anyways? Anyone got a list?

Message 41 of 167
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Boycott eBay Due To Managed Payments!

@chri-sagi wrote:

Definitely boycotting ebay for their garbage customer service after I finish my transactions. Where is the class action lawsuits for this company anyways? Anyone got a list?

Class action lawsuit for poor service? LOL.

Message 42 of 167
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Boycott eBay Due To Managed Payments!

@releasethekraken_1 wrote:

OP still has 69 active listings. So much for the boycott.

And it should be noted that the OP is now in MP.  As you can see on many long standing threads, many that said they were going to leave early in those threads changed their minds.  Either they stopped for awhile and came back or they never left.  It is easy for anyone to see if they look at various threads out there.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 43 of 167
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Boycott eBay Due To Managed Payments!

@chri-sagi wrote:

Definitely boycotting ebay for their garbage customer service after I finish my transactions. Where is the class action lawsuits for this company anyways? Anyone got a list?

You likely can't find one because while some poster say this is illegal, they can't prove it or even find the law or laws in which they insist Ebay is breaching.  And if Ebay is illegally imposing a payment system on sellers why are the other sites that have one wrong too.  Why is it only Ebay.  What about ALL the other bigger sites similar to Ebay.  They have their own payment processes and have had them for years.  Why is it only illegal for Ebay?


mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 44 of 167
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Boycott eBay Due To Managed Payments!

I said customer service. Please read carefully. 

Message 45 of 167
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