02-02-2021 03:38 PM
I installed the latest update on my iPhone last night, and since then, my watched item list on the eBay app will not stay in order of ‘ending soonest’. I do have ‘ending soonest’ selected in the “sort by” category. It will start out showing the item ending soonest, but as soon as I make any changes, such as deleting an item from the list, it immediately re-sorts the list to what I think may be ‘lowest price first’. The “sort by” still shows that ‘ending soonest’ is selected, but it is definitely not sorted that way. This makes it nearly impossible to bid quickly on multiple items that are ending around the same time, as I have to refresh my app every time I exit from a listing. Help!
*I would like to add that I do have the most recent eBay app update installed. I have tried deleting and reinstalling, signing in and out, turning my phone off and on..
02-02-2021 06:45 PM
If you change the sort order to something else, and then back to "ending soonest", does the sort order stick after that?
I have seen a couple of other posts about problems with the sort order of the Watch List on the eBay app.
I suspect that an update has changed the default sort setting. It may be that changing it will reset the sort order again.
02-02-2021 08:54 PM
Thank you. I have tried changing it to every other possible option and back again. It hasn’t helped.
02-03-2021 07:24 PM
Came here to post exactly this. Not only do my active watched items go frequently out of order, no matter how many times I reset or verify that ‘ending soonest’ is checked, I’ve missed several auctions as a result, and even THOSE items are problematic on the ‘Ended’ section as some never even appear. I even have one auction that I did win still stuck at the top of the ‘Ended’ list, even though others below closed after it. This shouldn’t be that hard, folks. Not suggesting this is the cause, but if the idea was to default back to ‘most relevant’ that’s just a VERY bad idea. Whatever is going on, please address this and allow the correct sort order to stay correct as selected.
02-03-2021 08:47 PM
I absolutely agree with this statement. This needs to be fixed ASAP!
02-11-2021 12:31 PM
Could not agree more. Extremely frustrating!!!!
02-11-2021 02:01 PM
Please fix this ASAP eBay! Very frustrating.
02-11-2021 02:10 PM
The entire eBay mobile app ( I use android) needs a revamp. It is design disaster and UX nightmare. The least amount of real estate is given to item description. How crazy is that, and it is cluttered with ads.
I am not 100% on this but assume mobile also uses cookies and that should remember a search preference. I am wondering if the IOS update changed you preferences re: cookies. Like I said, I don't use IOS so not sure how, or if, that can be adjusted. Of if there is a setting in IOS or the App itself.
Also very frustrating online that always defaults to best match--a search I never use. eBay's algorithm for match is in their interest not mine.
02-11-2021 02:44 PM
Also very frustrating online that always defaults to best match--a search I never use. eBay's algorithm for match is in their interest not mine.
Using the app, it is possible to lock a default sort order; under Customization in the Filter section, first enable Lockable Filters, then set the sort order you prefer and tap the little lock icon until the padlock is closed.
Using a desktop browser, you can set the default sort order and other settings using the Customization menu found where the list/gallery view selection is at the upper right corner of the search results.
02-12-2021 07:03 AM
Thanks. But could also be accomplished via cookie
04-11-2021 08:31 PM
I have the same problem and just lost a lot because I forget how bad the programming is and I didn’t scroll down to see what was really ending next.
10-05-2021 02:18 PM
if this helps- I had the exact same issue with the Android app. I tried all the minor things first- in Android OS, you can go the app settings and clear the cache- that didn't help. so I closed it, and in the OS settings for the eBay app, I hit "clear data"... (this deletes all cached info, cookies, temp files, and your login.)
after starting the eBay app again, it made me sign in- and the watch list sort by "ending soonest" was back just as it should be. (I don't know if the iPhone iOS has a "clear data" equivalent- if not, then I'd uninstall/reinstall the app.)
good luck!