05-27-2022 10:36 AM
Sorry if this has been posted elsewhere, but the Quiet Time option apparently has been removed from the Android app (I'm using version It used to be toward the end of on Settings > Notifications. I hope this was just an oversight and the feature will be restored ASAP. As much as I like getting a sale, I don't like being awakened at 3:00am to be notified of such. Thanks!
05-31-2022 10:15 AM
@fastgraph wrote:
Sorry if this has been posted elsewhere, but the Quiet Time option apparently has been removed from the Android app (I'm using version It used to be toward the end of on Settings > Notifications. I hope this was just an oversight and the feature will be restored ASAP. As much as I like getting a sale, I don't like being awakened at 3:00am to be notified of such. Thanks!
Thanks for reaching out @fastgraph! We'd encourage you to visit this site to learn more about Android's Do Not Disturb options.
05-31-2022 11:41 AM
Thanks for the reply, Velvet, but this does not help. There is no way to disable app-specific notifications through the Android Do Not Disturb options on my phone.
I only want eBay audible notifications disabled during sleep hours, while continue to receive such notifications at all other times. Globally disabling all notifications is not an option because I need to receive calls, texts, emergency alerts, and so forth 24/7. Manually silencing eBay audible notifications every night at bedtime, and then remembering to restore them every morning, is a pain.
Can you please have the app developers restore the Quiet Time functionality on the eBay Android app? This worked great when it was still there. I can't believe I'm the only person affected by this. Thanks!
05-31-2022 02:53 PM
@fastgraph wrote:
Thanks for the reply, Velvet, but this does not help. There is no way to disable app-specific notifications through the Android Do Not Disturb options on my phone.
I only want eBay audible notifications disabled during sleep hours, while continue to receive such notifications at all other times. Globally disabling all notifications is not an option because I need to receive calls, texts, emergency alerts, and so forth 24/7. Manually silencing eBay audible notifications every night at bedtime, and then remembering to restore them every morning, is a pain.
Can you please have the app developers restore the Quiet Time functionality on the eBay Android app? This worked great when it was still there. I can't believe I'm the only person affected by this. Thanks!
Thanks for following up @fastgraph! You followed the below steps from the site I sent and you weren't able to select eBay?
05-31-2022 05:53 PM
Thank you again Velvet, but as I mentioned in my previous reply, that option is NOT available on my phone. I've drilled down through all my phone's Do Not Disturb settings and there simply is no option to control the notifications on a per-app basis.
It REALLY would be helpful if the Quiet Time option could be restored in the eBay Android app. Why was it removed anyway? This is becoming quite frustrating; I'm seriously considering deleting the app.
06-01-2022 02:29 PM
@fastgraph wrote:
Thank you again Velvet, but as I mentioned in my previous reply, that option is NOT available on my phone. I've drilled down through all my phone's Do Not Disturb settings and there simply is no option to control the notifications on a per-app basis.
It REALLY would be helpful if the Quiet Time option could be restored in the eBay Android app. Why was it removed anyway? This is becoming quite frustrating; I'm seriously considering deleting the app.
Hey @fastgraph! I don't have a why as for why the feature was removed from the app. I'm sorry to hear that's not working for you though. It may be device specific. What make and model of phone are you using?
06-01-2022 10:49 PM
It's an AT&T Radiant Core U304AA running Android version 9.
Is the Quiet Time option going to be restored in the eBay app? If so, great! If not, why not?
There are certainly other eBay users, both buyers and sellers, that used the Quiet Time option in the app. Taking away that feature, or any feature for that matter, for no apparent reason isn't an exemplary practice.
06-03-2022 12:56 PM
@fastgraph wrote:
It's an AT&T Radiant Core U304AA running Android version 9.
Is the Quiet Time option going to be restored in the eBay app? If so, great! If not, why not?
There are certainly other eBay users, both buyers and sellers, that used the Quiet Time option in the app. Taking away that feature, or any feature for that matter, for no apparent reason isn't an exemplary practice.
Thanks for following up @fastgraph. I'll take this back to the mobile team and follow-up with anything I get back. 😊
06-04-2022 11:41 AM
Thank you, Velvet. Much appreciated. I look forward to your findings.
06-05-2022 08:32 PM
Hi I would like to confirm the removal of the Quiet Time option has disrupted how I use the eBay Android app. I am using a Pixel 6 with Android 12.
After being interrupted with notifications two nights in a row I turned off sounds for all notifications. This has already resulted in missing the end of multiple auctions for items I would have liked to purchase.
I did configure Do Not Disturb, the issue is how it interacts with Bedtime Mode. If you have Bedtime Mode on, and enable Do Not Disturb or allow Bedtime Mode to start Do Not Disturb, it will not allow any SMS messages through, even if the contacts are set as priority. It only allows calls through.
So I would like to see the return of Quiet Time if possible.
Thank you!
06-05-2022 10:45 PM
So its not just me who noticed this too. I also have an adroid and I thought I was going crazy, having forgotten where the quiet time settings went. Please bring this back! Thanks!
06-06-2022 11:02 AM
It is not just you guys... It has been removed from app as well.. I dont know the technicalites of a phone well enough to set options like suggested above. I just want the option to silence restored as it was.
What is so hard about this eBay?
06-08-2022 09:19 PM
Having the same problem. Brand new Samsung Galaxy S22 ULTRA with the latest app update.
Is eBay trying to turn it's sellers into an army of sleep deprived Zombies or what? I mean, I like staggering around and eating brains as much as the next guy, but I've got to take my packages to the post office so they can be lost forever. Although I hear mail man brains are especially delicious.
MMMMM Brainsssssss
oh no, I think I'm turning into a Zombie.
06-14-2022 10:28 AM
06-15-2022 02:32 PM
@fastgraph wrote:
@velvet -- any update on this? Can we expect to see the Quiet Time option restored in the eBay Android app soon?
Hi @fastgraph! I don't have any updates to share. When I get a definitive answer as to what is going to happen to that feature, I'll be sure to come back and share it with you here.