‎05-29-2019 01:22 AM
Is there a solution for this problem yet. I still cannot sign into the Android app using the Samsung Galaxy Tab E
‎06-10-2019 02:16 PM
Ebay version
Android version 8.0.0
I have uninstalled and reinstalled 3 times. Try to sign in, and I get invalid request. Try to load a search, and each screen shows invalid request.
‎06-10-2019 02:32 PM
Has anybody counted how many threads there are on this issue. Their are a bunch with an error code in the titles also.. 385920 i think.
I had one other app that no longer works after wiping my android 4.4.4 device. "Mewe" no longer says it's compatible with my device and it was installed before wiping the phone
‎06-10-2019 02:38 PM - edited ‎06-10-2019 02:42 PM
"Please sign out, uninstall app, restart phone, reinstall and re-sign in"
Sign out of the device i can't sign into? Or sign out of all devices I'm signed into then reinstall, restarting in between
‎06-10-2019 07:29 PM
Looks like the problem is related to Google/Android "SmartLock" for sign-in.
Tried to reset it for eBay app, rebooted, re-installed app, multiple times with variations in order; still no luck! 😕
‎06-11-2019 11:23 AM
Same Issue -
New Android phone - LG V40 thinq 8.1.0
Initial screen says "something went wrong" and I can't login to the app. It says "Invalid request". I've installed and uninstalled a few times now; same issue. I've cleared the cache, etc but the issue persists. Again, it's a new phone so there was no cache to clear, but I did it none the less. My login is correct and I can login on my PC.
App won't let me take screenshots of the error
‎06-11-2019 03:07 PM
‎06-11-2019 03:48 PM
‎06-11-2019 03:51 PM
‎06-11-2019 07:49 PM
I have tried all the suggestions everyone has made on here but still it does not work on my Samsung Tab E. However the app does work on my Samsung A5 (2017) with no problems. It worked fine before, I have disabled Smart Lock but still can not sign in on the Tab E
‎06-12-2019 10:45 AM
As a long time eBay user, I find the petty decision to not support a competitor's app completely unacceptable and VERY off-putting of BOTH Amazon and eBay. Ebay is especially pigheaded since I will be doing MUCH less shopping on their app if I cannot use my portable (kindle fire) device. The web site is just too cumbersome to be bothered.
‎06-12-2019 11:32 AM
Issues?! I have wasted an entire day because eBay refuses to DO THE WORK so that those of us with a Kindle Fire can access the eBay application!!!! My Kindle Fire is less than six months old, slit is clear that eBay is at fault. Your company was once supporting ebay's app on the Kindle Fire. GET YOUR PROGRAMMERS WORKING TO FIX THIS!!!
‎06-13-2019 12:17 PM
I'm not sure about the rest of you but I've saved over a $1000 this month not having access to the EBAY MOBILE APP.. I didn't realize how much I was spending on EBAY. apparently when I'm at home and busy doing other things I'm not findling with my phone and buying on EBAY.
I've also noticed since I'm not on EBAY I'm also not price comparing to AMAZON... DOUBLE BONUS
‎06-14-2019 07:22 PM
How about you fix the problem with the app or don't you want our money? I mean you are a multi-billion dollar company and its like you have 3rd graders for i.t. tech support. Just fix it already!!
‎06-15-2019 12:37 AM
Same problem foe me.
Tried many times to uninstall, reboot and install.
‎08-06-2019 04:57 PM
Just started having this problem. Tried all suggestions to no avail .