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Active Listings Not Appearing in eBay app

My active listings have not appeared in the eBay app since February 28th. My sold listings and ended listings both appear.

Message 3 of 38
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Re: eBay active listings not showing up

@jane250700 @cmarcumsmarket @watusi_lucy @allthingstrendy @home-decor-halloween-too


Thank you for the reports, we are looking into this. Have any of you started or have any scheduled promotions/sales for your items?


Your items will be showing up for buyers it is only your own view where these listings cannot be seen. Your items should still be visible if you go on your account on a desktop computer.

Message 16 of 38
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Re: eBay active listings not showing up

Yes we have a promotion discount sale running and promoted items. It may just have been a really slow sales weekend but it was odd to not sale anything all weekend and also not be able to see our active listings on the app. We can see auction items if we change the filter view to auction, but it still show there are no buy it now  listings active. We do see all the listings on desktop without a problem. 

Message 17 of 38
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Re: eBay active listings not showing up



Could you try turning off your promotions for an hour and see if the list returns in the app?



Message 18 of 38
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Re: eBay active listings not showing up

For the past 20-30 minutes the selling section on our account won't load (My eBay > Selling). The other tabs under 'My eBay' work but not the 'selling' tab. It attempts to load and eventually times out (Gateway Timeout the proxy server did not receive a timely response from the upstream server). Our promotions can be turned off as you suggested but we are not able to get into the selling section to deactivate them. We will give it another 20-30 minutes and if it still won't load then we will contact customer support. 

Message 19 of 38
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Re: eBay active listings not showing up

Message 20 of 38
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Re: eBay active listings not showing up

I am experiencing the same issues. This seems to be a major problem with the app. Ebay should communicate this...
Message 21 of 38
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Re: eBay active listings not showing up

Yep, I started noticing this on my app last night.  My listings show up fine on the main website.  I uninstalled and reinstalled the app to see if things would also change, but still the same.  It is very frustrating to see this! I hope it gets taken care of very fast.

Message 22 of 38
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Re: eBay active listings not showing up

In reply, as stated above, I have 30% off and 25% off sales ongoing. I am completely dependent on the phone app. It's 2018 and the app should be up to speed. Accessing a desktop version means driving 5 miles to the public library. 

Still, after a week, I can only see 25 active listings on the app. This effects my sold listings as I can't be sure my sell similar is active so I cannot delete my sold listings and my sold listings are clogging up. When will this be fixed?? It's really a hassle, doesnt anyone care?

Message 23 of 38
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Re: eBay active listings not showing up

Yup, same problem here. Can't view any active listings in the app. Just another in a long list of my problems with the appa 

Message 24 of 38
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Re: eBay active listings not showing up

Me too...havent been able to see my watched items for more than a week; active and ended. Also no longer able to see my notifications list. I am a buyer only....i do not sell. JDM
Message 25 of 38
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Re: eBay active listings not showing up

I have found a work-around until it gets fixed. In the app, click on your "profile"  and then click "items for sale" then change the filter to "newly listed". It should bring up all of your active listings. You can then click the listings and revise them from there. Hope this helps! 

Message 26 of 38
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Re: eBay active listings not showing up

This worked and solved the problem! I messaged Ebay several times and they kept saying it would take a few days, to delete promoted listings, etc...  I think you should work in Ebay's tech department! Thanks!!!

Message 27 of 38
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Re: eBay active listings not showing up

Not only sellers but buyers also.  I only buy on Ebay and my watch lists have disappeared on the Ebay mobile app also.  I am using Android version 4.4 so now I am checking my watch list with my mobile browser and bidding with the broken app.  Not very convenient.  Can Ebay roll the app back to the previous version please?  Thank you.

Message 28 of 38
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Re: eBay active listings not showing up

I'm also having the same issue. It's now March 10th and nobody at seems to know what the hell is going on with your app. When is someone at ebay actually going to find a solution to this issue? You broke it, you fix it. 

Message 29 of 38
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Re: eBay active listings not showing up

It's been broken for a while now but here is a fix that I found that might help you. 


In the app, click on your "profile"  and then click "items for sale" then change the filter to "newly listed". It should bring up all of your active listings. You can then click the listings and revise them from there. Hope this helps!

Message 30 of 38
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