10-25-2016 07:56 PM
I'm not going to bother asking who, just where and when? I could swear I've seen that clasp before, but don't know where. The silver content rules out the US, and the lack of marks more or less rules out Mexico.
10-27-2016 06:40 PM
Maybe kilt-style pin?
10-27-2016 09:14 PM
I have been trying to remember what the pin assembly reminds me of. I think it might be Chinese. I have some lightweight enamelled Panda Pins with similar pins. Will see if I can find an example listed.
10-27-2016 09:18 PM
10-28-2016 06:59 AM
10-28-2016 01:26 PM - edited 10-28-2016 01:28 PM
When I think 950 Silver and Inlay like this I think Mexico but not this pinback. Here is a list that shows Silver Standard by Country:
10-28-2016 01:30 PM
I doubt the Chinese work in 950 but that's a guess on my part. They simply take a 925 shank and attach it to a ring, poorly at that. Here is an example of their fine work in sterling. I keep this ring to remind myself to never, ever buy from them again. Sorry for the sideways pic. I don't see the rotate function.
10-28-2016 02:07 PM
Here is a Mexico Brooch but pinback is very different:
10-28-2016 05:03 PM
Maybe have a look at this link. https://www.realorrepro.com/article/Dating-brooch-fasteners
10-28-2016 06:03 PM
The clasp is a modified "safety pin" clasp going back at least 50 years. It's been in Lapidary Journal,Gems and Minerals(Jewelry Making) issues,college text books,etc.