09-19-2020 11:34 AM
09-19-2020 12:25 PM
Happy birthday Sarah!
09-19-2020 12:38 PM
Hope you have a fabulous day--happy September birthday!!!!
09-19-2020 12:50 PM
Thank ya thank ya!!! Happy to share it with OCN..couldn`t ask for a nice birthday buddie!
Now..for another HUGE mea culpa note..allow me to share my day with Mermaid.
I realized when I was checking birthdays..I plumb forgot Dana`s birthday which was August 29th (at least I think I did?)...my bad..chalk it up to 2020..that`s my story & I`m sticking to it!!
So Dana..Happy BELATED Birthday! Pweeze forgive!
09-19-2020 01:18 PM
To the glue that holds this board together... may all the good vibes you spread come back to you in abundance. I hope all your wishes and dreams come true, Sarah! And a very happy belated birthday to our mermaid girl 😀!
09-19-2020 01:49 PM
Have a fantastic birthday!!!!
09-19-2020 11:26 PM
Awww Sarah, Happy belated birthday to you too! I hope you had a good one.
This year has been so crazy. We were moving during my birthday, but we did take the day off and I had an Italian dinner. I can’t help but think of Belinda/ Clearsphere because her birthday was just a few days before mine. 💙💙💙
Mermaid 🐳
Hope you had some cake Sarah. This one reminded me of you.
09-20-2020 03:13 AM
Belated birthday wishes to Dana!
09-20-2020 07:40 AM
09-20-2020 07:42 AM
09-21-2020 01:36 PM