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eBay removing my honest and critical negative feedback about a transaction at sellers request

I utilize eBay's feedback system, leaving feedback for almost every single transaction I make, and very very rarely leave neutral or negative feedback. If I do leave feedback that isn't positive, I always try to work with the seller first. In that, I've left 0.5% or less negative/neutral feedback in the past. That said, I went through this sellers feedback specifically looking for feedback on the item wanted to purchase.  

This DVD-r of The Spook Who Sat By The Door says nothing in the listing about the film not having indexed chapters, meaning the film only skips to the very end of the film, or back to the beginning. I've been collecting films for decades, but haven't run into this issue before, so I wrote the seller asking if this disk was defective. I received a one sentence response saying that the listing says the film has no chapters. I checked the listing again, thinking I'd made a mistake, but it didn't say that anywhere. So I wrote the seller again letting them know I was a little confused by their response, saying I couldn't see anywhere in their listing where it states that the film has no chapters. The seller just sent back the exact same copy and pasted response, adding that there is nothing confusing about what they wrote back to me. 

Because what the seller said couldn't be verified at all, I asked a third time, but then the seller responded accusing me of just wanting to argue, and said that if I had sent an inquiry worded as does this film have chapters? it would have helped, but I didn't respond after that because my first message asked if the film has no chapters. I don't know what else to say to someone when I ask if the film has no chapters, and then am told that I should have asked if it does have chapters.

For The Spook Who Sat By The Door transaction, I spoke with eBay reps before making the return, as well as another rep before leaving my negative feedback. I went over everything that took place, and even said word for word the feedback I was leaving for my negative experience with this seller. Even though I was told more than once by eBay reps that my negative feedback was ok to leave and that I wasn't violating any eBay policies, it was removed by eBay at the sellers request. 

This is the second time I've had negative feedback I left for a bad experience removed by eBay. The first time the seller also lied to me more than once, but called me names, and continued to send antagonistic messages after I told them to not contact me anymore. After having my negative feedback removed, the seller messaged me yet again with more harassment and to let me know they had my feedback removed. I believe all that behavior violates eBay policy in regards to harassment, but was told that sellers can have so many of their negative feedbacks removed in a year. When eBay removes negative feedback for a seller, there is no way to get it reinstated. 

This is abuse. Allowing sellers or buyers to abuse the feedback system is not cool. It's letting sellers and buyers know that they can get away with behavior that goes against eBay policies. 

Again, I utilize eBays feedback system for all purchases I make. Having honest critical feedback about an item removed at an abusive sellers request to eBay, allows this behavior to keep happening and should not be acceptable. The last time this happened, I lost some trust in eBay and significantly decreased my purchases on the site. The eBay reps I spoke with for both incidents were kind, knowledgeable and understanding, but weren't able to allow me to have my honest feedback reinstated, letting other buyers know that issues like this have occurred with the seller.

The item I had to return is still listed the exact same way, so I can see the same thing which surprised and happened to me, happening to someone else. If others use eBay's feedback system the way I do, I believe it would have some effect on one making this same purchase. If I had seen feedback for this DVD-r like the feedback I left, I definitely wouldn't have had to deal with this mess. 

I'm not sure what a seller has to say or do to have their negative feedback removed, but in both of my cases, it happened very fast. I don't know if that process involves an eBay rep going over all the correspondence between a seller and buyer through eBay's message system, or really much about that, but in my case,  having honest and critical negative feedback removed at the sellers request so quickly, makes me feel like whoever removed the feedback does not know the whole story. It is pretty disappointing having this happen again. 

Message 1 of 13
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eBay removing my honest and critical negative feedback about a transaction at sellers request

Not applicable

TRS or TRS+ sellers that offer free returns have their negative feedback scrubbed automatically.

Message 2 of 13
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eBay removing my honest and critical negative feedback about a transaction at sellers request

In future,  verify before you buy that a particular film does have indexed chapters, to avoid disappointment

Message 3 of 13
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eBay removing my honest and critical negative feedback about a transaction at sellers request

Thank you, but my post is about eBay removing negative feedback at the sellers request, which I left for a very negative encounter I had. I think that eBay just removing negative feedback automatically for certain sellers after they have done things against eBay policy, needs to stop. I don't think that all factors are looked into when a seller has feedback automatically removed, and what's going on because of this, can, and has led to abuse that is against eBay's own policies. 

If a seller can sell me something that doesn't work properly, then lie about it, be aggressive, rude,  condescending and completely unhelpful within our correspondence, then I, and anyone else making purchases on eBay for anything, should be allowed to leave accurate and critical feedback. I believe eBay's feedback system is usually ok, but with this seller, having my negative feedback removed so easily, as well as the same thing happening to me the last time I left negative feedback (for another seller who also lied to me, but  called me names, refused to leave me alone and continued to message me several times after I said not to), having my feedback automatically removed is something that needs to be brought up and handled in a manner that doesn't allow anyone to violate eBay's policies.

Again, I leave feedback for almost every single transaction I make on eBay. I've been a seller here in the past as well, so I understand how a bad feedback rating can affect a seller. I've seen negative and neutral feedback that customers have left due to issues with shipping time, as well as with people leaving a bad review about not liking the film they bought for example, things like that, but not the way that the seller handled the transaction. So I always try to use eBay's feedback system properly, and I do my best to avoid leaving feedback that isn't positive. I've left neutral or negative feedback less than 0.5% of the time, and though very rare,  I always try to work out any issues that happen to come up. Almost always, things are taken care of cordially and easily. Issues like the one I just had, very very rarely occur. 

Since eBay has removed the only two negative feedbacks I've left in the last year, and because both sellers violated eBay policy, I'm losing faith that eBay's feedback system won't continue to be abused by sellers. 

As to your response, if you have anything you think may be helpful in regards to my response here, or anything from my first post, by all means please share, otherwise, please keep to the subject at hand.
Is it ok for eBay to remove negative feedback that has been left for a seller who has violated eBay's own policy? Is there anything you think that can help out with this issue? Thanks. 

Message 4 of 13
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eBay removing my honest and critical negative feedback about a transaction at sellers request

Good to know. Thank you! I was under the impression that sellers could only have negative feedback removed three times in a year. But that might not have been information for a TRS or TRS+ seller. Either way, if eBay is  automatically removing a buyers accurate negative feedback which complies with their own policy, it shouldn't ever be removed if the seller has been the one violating eBay's policies, especially if violating said policies is part of the reason for leaving negative feedback. 

Message 5 of 13
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eBay removing my honest and critical negative feedback about a transaction at sellers request

In this situation, if the seller was a TRS, then the negative feedback was removed according to eBay policy (see below). Since the seller accepted the return and refunded in full, you were made whole. A negative feedback in that situation could be considered vindictive.


That movie was produced before DVDs were invented. With such an old movie, it seems quite plausible that the production may not have conformed to modern format expectations. Most listings for that movie use the description from the eBay Product Catalog, so it's standardized.


If you want to warn other buyers about the formatting of the movie, leaving a review for the movie would be best way to do that. It would reach more buyers, and it would not single out an individual seller who had nothing to do with the production or formatting of the movie. Here's how:






Message 6 of 13
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eBay removing my honest and critical negative feedback about a transaction at sellers request

Thank you. I appreciate your response. I see no indication that this seller is sponsored by eBay, nor a TPS+ seller anywhere in their listing via both a general search bringing up all relevant results, as well as on their profile page.

I did not make any false claims, but the seller did fully refund my money after receiving the film back. 

About the film being produced before DVDs were around, the majority of the films I have here were also produced prior, and none of them have had this same issue with the film not being formatted to include chapters/scene selections. I've had old silent films transferred to disk before, and am also aware of films being restored with what resources can be found. The quality of this film transferred to DVD-r is not the issue here. Thank you though.

In the feedback I left, I did warn other potential buyers about the disk not having any chapters. I also said that the seller lied to me, but did read my feedback word for word to an eBay representative before leaving it, and they said that it would not violate any of eBay's feedback policies. 

I feel like this film arriving with no proper formatting, and I say proper like I say standard, that this is something I haven't seen before in all my years of collecting films. I've purchased DVD-r copies of films here on eBay and elsewhere online, and even had films transferred to DVD-r from other formats in the past, but I've not yet come across another film on disk like this. That's why I first wrote the seller asking if what I received was a bad copy.  

I believe that if an item being sold here on eBay doesn't function the same way that most of the same type of said items do, it should clearly stated in the listing. I have seen listings that include information like that, and do believe that many other sellers here go out of their way to clearly state things like this as well. So I believe that the listing I viewed before making my purchase was deceptive. I didn't bring that up within my return process, but an eBay rep who viewed the same item while we spoke, did acknowledge that the listing didn't provide pertinent information about it not working the same way that most films on disk do. The seller lied to me twice saying that information was in the listing, but it was not.

Obviously, because this happened to me, it's something that does occur, but I think it's something that doesn't happen very often at all. I tried doing several searches into how many films on disk aren't indexed, but only found information on how to add chapters to film which is being put onto a DVD-r. If anyone has a response as to how normal it is for films to not be formatted, please let me know, but this is the first time I've run into this issue.

Getting fully refunded was good, but I feel that the seller responding to me with lies, and being aggressively rude and condescending, was completely unnecessary before offering to make a full refund. Is eBay really ok with sellers behaving like that? I still don't understand why eBay would just remove my honest and critical feedback at this sellers request. It doesn't make sense to me why eBay will allow sellers, or buyers, to violate eBay's own terms, and then reward them with having their behavior go unaccountable by removing honest and critical negative feedback left for them.

I think eBay's feedback system is important, so I hope they get better about looking into issues like this more closely. I do wish that when eBay chose to remove the negative feedback I left for this seller, that I would have been able to have someone on eBay's end see the correspondence that had taken place between us, at least before making that final irreversible decision. When I spoke to eBay reps prior to starting my return, then again before leaving feedback, they both understood how difficult this seller was being and helped me to leave accurate feedback for this transaction. It was easy to communicate with them, and they had access to everything about this transaction. They could clearly see the wrong that had occurred, and I don't think that either of them would have removed the feedback I left knowing all the facts that took place, especially knowing that the seller had violated eBay's terms during the whole ordeal.

I do feel that a great majority of eBay users do try to be honest and abide by the rules. 

If eBay does automatically remove negative and neutral feedback for TPS+ sellers, I suppose that some of those sellers may know that they can abuse buyers through eBay's system, at least until eBay steps in to stop them from violating policies. I don't believe that it's such a common occurrence though.

That said, why should I, or anyone, ever feel that it's okay for eBay to allow certain sellers and buyers to get away with violating eBay's own policies, and then reward them by allowing them to not be held accountable for their own policy violating actions? I know I said that before, but I believe that by eBay allowing this behavior, it  allows a certain amount of abuse and policy violations by sellers to just continue with no repercussions. 

Again, and apologies for saying that multiple times, I do feel that eBay's feedback system is important. I utilize it for every purchase I make here, and leave feedback for nearly every single transaction I make. I do my best to be honest with the feedback I leave, and always try to work things out with sellers if for some reason an issue does occur, which it rarely does. I've left neutral or negative feedback less than 0.5% of the time. So another seller having my feedback removed again is really frustrating and disheartening. 

To eBay, if someone on your end is reading this, please stop allowing sellers to abuse your feedback system. Your system is built on trust, not deception, so please stop allowing sellers to violate your own policies and then protect them by having honest and critical negative feedback left for them removed. Doing so, and I know my specific case here may seem pretty insignificant, but having the same thing happen to me twice now, has really let me down and caused me to lose some more faith in the system which you set up. Because of this, I've significantly reduced the purchases that I make here. 

If I'm missing something here or am mistaken about anything, please let me know, otherwise I feel that I've said all I can about this. 

Thank you.


Message 7 of 13
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eBay removing my honest and critical negative feedback about a transaction at sellers request

Ebay don't give a hoot about you. They are not a safe place to do business. I was ripped off by fake diamonds and ebay let's them keep on rippen off. AMAZON from now on.

Message 8 of 13
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eBay removing my honest and critical negative feedback about a transaction at sellers request

There was no reason to remove it, don't even waste your time trying to figure it out. I've been through this issue many times. Ebay removes negs and neutrals to prop up seller ratings, period. Higher ratings = more sales = more profit...

As far as I'm concerned Sellers feedback ratings are as worthless as buyer's feedback at this point. Ebay has removed every negative and neutral feedback I've left for aprox. the last 3 years. It doesn't matter whether it's a new seller, small seller , medium seller, TRS seller, or whatever type seller, they disappear w/o fail within 24 hours. Yes, ebay's MBG gets my money back usually in about 3 weeks, but it ties up my money for other inventory I need. It's no wonder so many buyers, new and experienced are so turned off lately.

Message 9 of 13
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eBay removing my honest and critical negative feedback about a transaction at sellers request

You have written several lengthy posts about this, in one of which you stated that you've been refunded.

Can't speak for other people here, but the few times I've opened NAD cases with eBay, I simply opened cases and was refunded after returning the item with the prepaid label provided by the seller.  Didn't need any back-and-forth correspondence with the sellers to achieve my goal, which was to return the defective item and be refunded. 

I see that you are disappointed about the removal of your FB; however, not sure it's reasonable to expect an eBay rep to go over the entire story.  Would suggest, however, not leaving FB until the case has played out entirely.  

Message 10 of 13
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eBay removing my honest and critical negative feedback about a transaction at sellers request

I know all too well how you feel. I just purchased a bottle of Le Labo Tonka 25 from a top rated seller. When the bottle arrived the first red flag for me, the fragrance was crystal clear. Second & final red flag was the fragrance wasn't fragrance at all, it was 100% rubbing alcohol. I immediately asked for a return. I waited for the item to arrive back to the seller & in the meantime I researched the sellers feedback more in depth & noticed other buyers complaining of the same exact issue. RUBBING ALCOHOL! Digging even deeper, I noticed an ongoing pattern where buyers were complaining of receiving fakes. Fake make-up, fake fragrance etc but even still, I didn't want to jump to conclusions & just accuse the seller so I thought I'd send them an email to warn them the fragrance i was returning was without question a knockoff. I went to push send & BOOM the seller blocked me. I couldn't contact the seller with an open case? Within minutes I was notified of a "partial refund" where the seller attempted to only issue half of my money back to me?! I immediately contacted eBay and eBay went ahead & issued the remaining balance. I asked the CS rep if I could still leave feedback considering the seller blocked me. They assured me I would still be able to leave feedback. The next day after receiving my full refund I wrote out what happened verbatim & left the seller the negative feedback they deserved. I took my time & made sure not to say anything derogatory or outside the parameters of what actually happened. Low & behold almost immediately my feedback was removed! I called eBay immediately & asked why my feedback was removed. The CS rep put me in hold for a few minutes & came back & said the seller called to dispute my feedback and was successful in their appeal! I asked the rep if they could see what I wrote & he said, "yes, I read your feedback while we were on hold & to be honest sir, I don't know why your feedback was removed. I can see nothing wrong here or anything outside of what happened to you & I'm very surprised this feedback was removed." He said not to worry that he was going to "escalate this to the next level for review to see about getting this feedback reinstated. I told the rep I could understand if the seller was cooperative, issued a full refund without delay etc but the way they went about it by immediately blocking me then issuing a partial refund, forcing me to waste eBay's time to step in & do what the seller should've done from the beginning. Simply issue my refund & we go our separate ways. Instead they pulled a real shady move & the saddest part was/is, according to the sellers feedback, they have a long history of this behavior & eBay can see all of this yet allow my honest feedback to be removed? The customer service rep told me, "yes I can see where you filed for a return, the seller received their item, immediately blocked you, issued you a partial refund, you contacting us for help, we stepped in & issued you the remaining balance of your refund, your negative feedback & where the feedback was immediately removed." I asked the rep, "what in my feedback is outside the parameters of what happened that justified in having it removed?" He said, "nothing I can see. Don't worry I'm going to work hard to get this feedback reinstated." Now we all know this feedback isn't going to be reinstated because i don't think there's even an option for them to reinstate feedback once it's removed... but why mislead me & tell me this knowing it isn't possible? Why allow a seller with such a history who you can clearly see attempted a real ugly shady move to get away with such business practices? What message is ebay sending us here? EBay is protecting these top rated sellers while stripping us small time buyers & sellers of our right to voice legitimate feedback. No matter how you cut it, this is feedback manipulation at its worst.

John Jones
Message 11 of 13
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eBay removing my honest and critical negative feedback about a transaction at sellers request

I buy less and less from eBay because of removing Neg feedback I left. I rarely leave any feedback anymore good or bad due to their practice. I could buy something from someone with a 100% feedback and find out later I am ripped off...and my negative feedback has been removed again.

Message 12 of 13
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eBay removing my honest and critical negative feedback about a transaction at sellers request

Hi everyone,

Due to the age of this thread, it has been closed to further replies. Please feel free to start a new thread if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.

Thank you for understanding.

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