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What would you do about a seller who persists in listing an item that is not correctly described?

I just had unpleasant communications with a seller who ignores my suggestion to revise his listing as the item is not what the listing title indicates. I included attachments of the correct item and he poo-poohed my knowledge and sounded stupid as he doesn't care if the item is returned by buyers who realize that they received the wrong item, although it's always the buyer's responsibility. Because of the seller's obnoxious behavior I tried to report the seller but this is what I get from ebay: 

"File a report

We are not able to process your message now.Please contact eBay Customer Service."


I'm not going to bother but some stupid buyer is going to have to deal with returns, etc., and the seller does not accept returns.


I'm going to divorce myself from this but I am interested in your opinions for reference.


Message 1 of 47
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Re: What would you do about a seller who persists in listing an item that is not correctly described

@hunkadinka wrote:

So if you made an egregious error in a listing you would not want a concerned person to alert you?

No, I would not.    How do I know the message sender is an expert on the matter?   Perhaps the message sender has some nefarious agenda, possibly to reduce the value of the item in the case of a buyer or possibly to discredit the item completely in the case of a seller.   


Finally, I know what I'm selling so egregious errors do not happen.

Message 16 of 47
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Re: What would you do about a seller who persists in listing an item that is not correctly described

@hunkadinka wrote:

So if you made an egregious error in a listing you would not want a concerned person to alert you?



No... I'm with @pcobra93  ^^^ in that regard. I was only suggesting how you might avoid disappointment moving forward.

Message 17 of 47
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Re: What would you do about a seller who persists in listing an item that is not correctly described

Well, I got involved because I almost bought his item but upon closer inspection of his photo I saw that his listing was erroneous. I've helped many sellers correct their errors and the majority thanked me profusely. But sometimes it is a waste of time but you never know who will be receptive. Thanks for your reply.

Message 18 of 47
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Re: What would you do about a seller who persists in listing an item that is not correctly described

Not applicable

The seller will change it when it hits them in the wallet...don't worry.

Message 19 of 47
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Re: What would you do about a seller who persists in listing an item that is not correctly described

I messaged a seller recently to ask about an item I was interested in. The item condition said new with box. The listing description said pre-owned in one spot and new with tags (no box) in another spot. Three conflicting conditions in one single listing.


The seller replied and answered my question, but didn't bother to update the listing. That's their decision to make- if they sell it and someone files a SNAD it's on them. It's not my job to hound them about it.


I spend my time making sure I get things right on my own listings to ensure that my buyers are happy.

Message 20 of 47
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Re: What would you do about a seller who persists in listing an item that is not correctly described


I've actually done this twice to sellers and was received extremely well.

One was a jadeite piece that had advertising on it and I consider myself as somewhat expert in this field. She had 1930s original xxx xxx and I was very polite and told her that is was a fantasy piece from 1980s and did change it and thanked me. I'm all for

useful information and I've had another seller correct me on a sign I had listed, I thanked him and changed it.

     It just depends on some sellers. Some are so passionate about their items and would welcome learning anything new or useful about their stuff. And then there is the other people that know it all!


Message 21 of 47
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Re: What would you do about a seller who persists in listing an item that is not correctly described

I sent him photo attachments of trhe proper item, clearly identified. Give me some credit for intelligence. 

Message 22 of 47
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Re: What would you do about a seller who persists in listing an item that is not correctly described

What you say is welcomed. I was active with Bill and Hillary Clinton signatures on White House stationery because I made a discovery that Autopen acknowledged. I contacted a lot of sellers some who appreciated my discovery after supplying them with samples. Some ignored me and some who were not happy with my messages. ebay is a great market but a lot of its members prefer to be dishonest. I stopped pointing out their errors but won't stop when I'm affected as I described in replies to my post.


Message 23 of 47
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Re: What would you do about a seller who persists in listing an item that is not correctly described

@hunkadinka wrote:

I am in the market for the item but the seller used the incorrect model number so I did what I thought was right. I am not worked up about this it was just a helpful message.

Yes, there will certainly be some individuals that support a seller's right to misstate a material fact in a ebay item description.

Remember on eBay it's convenient to blame the buyer who should know to verify information in a description as true & correct before committing to purchase.

Message 24 of 47
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Re: What would you do about a seller who persists in listing an item that is not correctly described

:I spend my time making sure I get things right on my own listings to ensure that my buyers are happy." Ditto and my 100% positive feedback reflects it. Thanks.


Message 25 of 47
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Re: What would you do about a seller who persists in listing an item that is not correctly described

If my title is mis-spelled (it was) then please feel free to email me repeatedly to get it changed!    (I had Hermoine spelled wrong for months)  I wish someone would have told me.  lol


I was on the hunt for a sewing machine a couple of months back.  There was one that was a machine I was not particularly interested in, but knew if the guy took a pix of the plate on the back of the vintage Kenmore that said "made in Japan" and put that in his listing, it would sell.  And for a lot more than he had it listed for.  (He did not like my email based of his reply).  


I had bookmarked it and when it sold, I realized he did take the pix I suggested and raised the price.  


There was another guy who had changed his sewing machine listing to "parts only" that I had been watching saying it now had an error message and he did not know how to clear the machine so it would not run.  I emailed him that it was a bobbin spool error and a copy of the manual for it that showed exactly how to clear the error.  He wrote back a few days later and asked it I wanted to buy the machine, he had it running again and he'd give me free shipping, so I bought it.  He had raised the price back up, but let me do a best offer and we ended up splitting the shipping so it was more fair to him. 


We now have 3 sewing machines so I am not allowed to correspond with anyone selling them whose listings are not accurate.  😎    


....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 26 of 47
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Re: What would you do about a seller who persists in listing an item that is not correctly described

I would say you are harassing the seller.  I just had a person send me some ridiculous message.  I guess he was trying to suggest my price was too high.  That's subjective.  I've had buyers complain to Ebay and an Ebay rep tell me to lower my price before.  Ridiculous.  Way too much time on your hands.  I'm gonna go look up baseballs selling for a million dollars and post a link to basically the same thing but new at Dick's Sporting Goods for way less.  Then again I don't do that.  Instead I'm going to go list a bag of dirt and mention some famous person once stepped upon it.

Message 27 of 47
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Re: What would you do about a seller who persists in listing an item that is not correctly described



I tried to report the seller but this is what I get from ebay:

"File a report We are not able to process your message now.Please contact eBay Customer Service."


Try clearing your eBay cookies. I no longer get that message when filing a report since clearing my eBay cookies, and I am able to file reports again.

Message 28 of 47
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Re: What would you do about a seller who persists in listing an item that is not correctly described

How do you clear ebay cookies? Simple, clear steps, please.

Message 29 of 47
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Re: What would you do about a seller who persists in listing an item that is not correctly described

Harrrassing the seller? You gotta be **bleep** me! It's his stupid error. I am in the market for the item but it's gotta match my reference photo which I supplied the seller with. It doesn't get better than an illustration from the factory box.


Message 30 of 47
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