01-11-2024 06:25 PM - edited 01-11-2024 06:28 PM
I truly hope eBay reads this - I'm also calling them tomorrow
Yes, I sell some on eBay and have bought well over 800 + items { In The Past couple years , most overseas } most of them a $100 up to $1500 - And that is not counting the shipping charges on large clocks from England and heavy tooling I buy -Yah - and well over $10,000 paid out in just shipping charges
Tonight I'm buying a beat up part I need to copy /rebuild for one of my machines , nothing pricy - I requested new total as I bought two cheap things around $50 from same seller
I always pay super fast and then I get a quick commit to buy again- what the Blank ? I just paid ? Well -
I get a POP UP COMMIT TO BUY A $3000 + Omega Watch - Are you kidding me ?
First - I never saved the watch to my wishlist - let alone do not even know who the Bloody Seller was,
eBay needs to stop with this garbage
Second - I'm a Watchmaker and I would never - ever - buy a watch with out checking the seller and getting more photos of a watch
Lastly , I'm a whole lot T-ed off after that stunt - I truly hope it is not their AI { BLANK - BLANK }
I have every right to be upset - When I'm ready to spend money I will do it at my leisure - not some blanking AI stunt / Thank you in advance / I said my peace I'll try to respond tomorrow I get up at 4:300 7 days a week and up till around 11:00 I'm beat , again thank you in advance for any help
Cheers From The Florida Space Coast
01-12-2024 04:02 AM
Popups happen a lot on this site, but you can cut down on them by going to your account and editing your communications preferences.
As for calling ebay, there is no direct phone number to the company, you have to arrange to get a call back. Even if you do that, you will be speaking to a rep who works for the 3rd party, Call Center who is not an ebay employee, and cannot help you with problems not related to a specific transaction. Unfortunately, those high enough up in ebay management who could make a change do not monitor the Community.
01-13-2024 07:19 AM
Thank you for information
I guess the way to stop that mess is to just stop shopping - and start shopping with auction houses and other auction sites , their lose , not mine, most of the stuff I buy from other sellers - they pick up at auction houses , new game plan for me, go direct to source and start placing adds in trade magazines , I already limited my searches today, and plain and simple eBay does not want to give us a opt out button - I'll just sell my excess stuff on here and that is it - I don't sell to much anyways any more with their changes to Global Shipping and so on. I did opt out of Overseas, I won't even ship to Canada - Well - don't have a lot of time sell , but try to on weekends when it permits , I buy some on Esty and have an account over there, anyways thank you for the help
Cheers From The Florida Space Coast
01-13-2024 12:46 PM
I have the same issue and it just started in the last three weeks. The next time(s) I will be taking screen captures to post elsewhere. Also I might suggest gust closing the browser tan instead of clicking the x-box. I suspect clicking the x-box is an acknowledgement of reading their proposal and eBay makes money for presenting that crap to you. Maybe, just maybe closing down the tab will keep them from making money off this.
01-15-2024 12:18 PM
What I'm doing { have not tired it yet } I have two or three windows open - What I'm trying next by going to purchases in my account - hit pay in my order / purchase section / instead hitting the Blanking cart button, I haven't bought any thing in a few days, I'll let you know how that goes when I find some thing I can not live without { Watch - Clock parts } Right now, I'm paying a bit more , I'm buying from the supply houses here and overseas, I'll get what I need without the headaches , the rest I'll just make in my shop, I have gear cutting machines anyways. I'm still going to sell excess stuff on here - anyways have a great day
Cheers From The Florida Space Coast