01-26-2024 08:51 AM
I am planning on buying triple headed monitors but the price shows gbp instead of usd. i live in the usa and not in the uk, is ther any way you fix it
02-02-2024 11:47 AM
Maybe, but you’ll have someone helping finding something suited for your needs. We can’t search eBay for you and tell you what to purchase.
It will also come with a warranty, which you can’t get from a third party seller on eBay and you won’t risk setting your game room on fire by Jerry rigging monitors made for European voltage with after market dc adapters.
02-02-2024 12:23 PM
@korod40 wrote:Where could you find a two-headed monitor for $129.99 on eBay?
You still seem to be under the mistaken impression that this forum exists to do your shopping for you. It doesn't. If you can't find what you're looking for we can't magically make it appear. You need to set up a saved search. I gave you instructions on how to do that in a previous post. Sometimes if you're looking for a bargain you have to accept that it will take you longer to find the item at the price you're willing to pay.
02-02-2024 01:53 PM
Ok, new question. if i going to by a two headed monitor on ebay that costs $129.99(https://www.ebay.com/itm/175696628037?hash=item28e855c945:g:HS4AAOSwRSRkXFCl&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA0B...) would it be a scam on ebay
02-02-2024 01:58 PM
Those have no HDMI ports, only VGA so unless your gaming computer is from 2009, you’ll need VGA to HDMI adapters and have a huge image quality and frame rate loss…
02-02-2024 02:14 PM
how do you know they have HDMI ports
02-02-2024 02:23 PM
where can I get a two headed monitor with a recent gaming set like a new RGB glowing set
02-02-2024 02:30 PM
02-02-2024 02:42 PM
huh, true where would I find one that i can hook up to a newer RGB gaming pc
02-02-2024 04:32 PM
Where could i find a two headed minitor that is not a scam on ebay
02-02-2024 04:57 PM
@korod40 wrote:Where could i find a two headed minitor that is not a scam on ebay
As it’s been said before, we cannot perform searches and shop for you. You need to create a search containing the criteria you want for your items and carefully read item descriptions and seller feedback.
Maybe a friend or family member can help you narrow your search.
02-02-2024 07:57 PM
can you guys show me where I can find the description on the monitors so I can further investigate if it is a scam or not
02-02-2024 09:58 PM
@korod40 wrote:can you guys show me where I can find the description on the monitors so I can further investigate if it is a scam or not
Seriously? You scroll down in the listings to where it says "Item Specifics" and "Item description from seller".
If you're unable to grasp the simplest aspects of buying on eBay you really, really need to buy this item in person, where you can inspect it before you buy. Because no one here is going to guide you through all the steps of buying here.
02-05-2024 07:19 PM
Thank you. I found it. I looked at the details and is in good condition. Mut almost not my size. Wish me luck on finding one