05-22-2023 02:28 PM
How do I stop ebay from automatically charging me for an offer I made after said offer is okayed by the seller? I don't want it to be automatic, I want the chance to at least decide at that point whether I still need the item etc.
09-25-2023 08:17 AM
I guess I should have clarified. I recently had this happen where an automatic payment was required on a purchase I made. I believe I was given the opportunity to change from Paypal to a credit card. However, when I normally make a purchase via Paypal, I can choose various options within Paypal, such as Paypal balance, credit card, Paypal Credit, etc. I can even apply some credit card rewards to the purchase. When this particular Best Offer was accepted, Paypal was used but it defaulted to charging my bank account. Thankfully, I had the funds but it was a surprise to me that it would be processed that way. I'd just like to control how Paypal processes the transaction. And I don't think that can be set up beforehand.
09-25-2023 08:30 AM
Yeah, I get that @ddupree77 . PayPal can be handy when you want to split payment methods, too.
The charge went to your bank because that's your default setting within PayPal. In the future, you can change your default payment method on PayPal before submitting the offer on eBay - or you can choose a different payment method through eBay.
09-25-2023 08:37 AM
Actually, my default payment setting in PayPal is a credit card. So I'm not sure how/why my bank account was charged.
09-26-2023 07:13 AM
Thanks, that's good to know. Likely can change the CC too, I'm thinking.
09-28-2023 08:11 AM
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