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Retaliatory Action by Seller for Negative Feedback

I recently had an unpleasant experience with a Seller that stepped outside of the "eBay-sphere" with retaliatory negative reviews on my Google Business Listing.  He had no problems stating, in writing, that his reviews were in direct response to my negative feedback on eBay.  He clearly made his little extortion scam clear....If I took down the negative Ebay feedback, he would take down his fake reviews on my Google Business Listing...which have the appearance of coming from customers.  In any case, Ebay resolved the purchase dispute with a forced refund, but I'm not sure how to proceed from here regarding the bogus reviews.  Has anyone had any similar experiences and will eBay sanction this Seller for what I consider Feedback Extortion.  Thank you!

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Re: Retaliatory Action by Seller for Negative Feedback

Report them to Google.  My husband has successfully had reviews like that removed on their. Someone who had never even visited left a review complaining about how dirty the place was.  And had one that complained we were closed during a time we were shown to be closed.  Google removed both those reviews for hs when we reported them. 

“Birth certificates show that you were born. Death certificates show that you died. Photographs show that you have lived.” -Unknown
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Re: Retaliatory Action by Seller for Negative Feedback

Nothing eBay can do as the extortion threat was not made on eBay - but do as above and report to Google.


You can however report the seller for stating this in the listing: Any defective item needs to be sent to the manufacturer.''   This is not eBay policy under the MBG and I would report this breach of policy

I have been imported from Australia and this is my posting ID
Message 3 of 9
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Re: Retaliatory Action by Seller for Negative Feedback

You had no problem reading in writing that the seller is an authorized seller of the product and defective products are to be returned to the manufacturer.


If that's the term you agreed to then why did you neg the seller? They didn't  make the item. They didn't cause the defect and shouldn't be blamed for the defect.


It's your right to express your opinion fair or not but some would say manufacture defects covered by the manufacturer should be between you and the manufacturer.  However, you didn't like that the  seller told you to contact the manufacturer which I would have expected that response after reading the listing details.


Thank you for posting.

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Re: Retaliatory Action by Seller for Negative Feedback

@fab_finds4u wrote:

You had no problem reading in writing that the seller is an authorized seller of the product and defective products are to be returned to the manufacturer.


That pesky old MBG gets in the way of that. Totally unenforceable.

Message 5 of 9
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Re: Retaliatory Action by Seller for Negative Feedback

The "authorized seller" would be the one to return a defective item to, in any case.

Especially since the manufacturer is located in Korea.

I am a volunteer here to try and help others, so be nice and remember - My advice might well be worth what you're paying for it.
Message 6 of 9
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Re: Retaliatory Action by Seller for Negative Feedback

@greg3m5k thank you for this post. I just had an abusive seller leave a retaliatory negative comment on my feedback in the past few days. I contacted eBay and reported the seller for violating their feedback policy since I know they are not allowed to leave a negative comment with a positive rating and eBay removed their comment and that seller will get a policy strike against them now. I was surprised they did it since they have more than 10K feedbacks and should know that the only outcome of such under-handed tactics is going to be a removal of their nasty comment and a policy strike against their account. She didn't bother to respond to my factual, non-emotional description of why my experience with her was negative. In short, it was an INAD, I attempted to return and rather than receive the item back she refunded but sent me a nasty message saying my refund was stealing resources from the homeless in her area (note that it was NOT a charity listing). I professionally let her know her comment about the homeless was irrelevant and inappropriate and asked if she wanted the item back. No reply, so I left negative FB due to the rude hostility.

I will be watching my Google profile and any attempts to leave a bad review will be reported to Google for removal as well.. and I have her name and address so if she tries to buy something from my website I'll cancel the order immediately and ban her.  


It's sad how vindictive some people choose to be... and this is why eBay has this policy prohibiting negative comments from sellers on buyer profiles... prior to changing this, seller retaliation was rampant so you couldn't leave an honest review of a bad seller. 

Message 7 of 9
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Re: Retaliatory Action by Seller for Negative Feedback

@fab_finds4u wrote:

You had no problem reading in writing that the seller is an authorized seller of the product and defective products are to be returned to the manufacturer.


Unenforceable seller terms appearing wthin listings are not very uncommon.


Ebay terms & policies rule &  enforceable by ebay

Message 8 of 9
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Re: Retaliatory Action by Seller for Negative Feedback

Hi everyone,

Due to the age of this thread, it has been closed to further replies. Please feel free to start a new thread if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.

Thank you for understanding.

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