12-18-2020 12:31 PM
I ordered a Christmas present for my mom on the 7th and then it said that the estimated delivery was the 14th and has been at the same place since the 12th? And I am still waiting on it and hasn’t left the place since the 12th. I am getting very impatient.
12-20-2020 09:00 AM
@toysaver wrote:If I could give you a thumbs down for that reply I would. INR is not intened for packages that are delayed especially considering the overwhelming shipping crisis. It's inteneded for scamming sellers that are inept and truely do not ship the product.
INR is what is says. Item Not Received.
Matters not why.
Poster did note USPS problems, and that the buyer has 30 days from the EDD to file.
The post was accurate to assist the OP.
12-20-2020 09:30 AM
Why would you and other members here continue to encourage buyers to open INR claims? The item is eventually going to arrive and then the seller, who by the way has already been a nervous wreck due to the fact of watching the tracking of their items and hoping they arrive on time, is going to have to deal with LOSING their item and REFUNDING the buyers money. If the buyer does not already know that they can open a claim then they certainly do not need to be encouraged to do so. It does nothing but add fuel to a already raging fire that at this point is out of anyone's control.
I personally as a seller have about 12 packages that have been sent out and 2 more going out tomorrow and I am holding my breath that they arrive in a timely fashion and that none of MY customers take YOUR advice.
I hope you have a Merry Christmas and continue spreading that Holiday Cheer.
12-20-2020 09:36 AM
You should also see my reply to the assistant!
12-20-2020 11:06 AM - edited 12-20-2020 11:10 AM
@bettimoor-0 wrote:You should also see my reply to the assistant!
I saw your reply.
The referenced post provided an accurate answer to the OP's post.
While providing the way to resolve the issue, it was also posted that (as noted in my other post) USPS was experiencing delays, and the the OP has 30 days after the EDD to file an INR.
I suppose those providing solutions should also post a BOLD TYPE, in color request, begging any buyer to not to do an INR at this time until day 29 after the EDD.
I do not suggest anyone jump right on the INR wagon, nor do I see that in the reply that was posted by donsdetour.
12-20-2020 04:26 PM
If he didn't want them to jump on it then why was it suggested in his first sentence right out of the gate. All times are after all estimates, and yes as a seller it would be wonderful for the buyer to wait until day #29 considering the millions of packages hanging out all over the US, it would also be more realistic.
12-21-2020 07:53 AM
Those posters telling the buyer to file the INR are the same ones who start topics complaining that buyers are too impatient and they file INR too soon. Considering the postal delays it should never be mentioned to immediately file an INR as everyone knows that most package are late this year.
12-21-2020 04:34 PM
You are absolutely right,People need to realize more time is needed
As of this message right now;
I have a buyer that sent me 17 Messages in three days about their package and the tracking not being updated
Simply put,I am out of answers,it is like speaking to a brick wall,The same sound after sound
I wish everyone the best
12-23-2020 07:30 AM
Or they mixed up 2012 and 2021 so we have a lot more to look forward to!
12-23-2020 07:34 AM
I sent a package to a friend Priority Mail on November 23. A month later, it's still "In Transit" between Florida and Texas.
The Post Office is "Looking into it". Whoopee.
12-23-2020 07:38 AM - edited 12-23-2020 07:39 AM
I feel your pain
and welcome to the club
i have several items i have not yet received
one very small item was est delivery date of 11/28
As explained there are serious delays at the post office
we are all in the same boat
Hope you get it by Christmas
Stay safe
12-23-2020 07:47 AM
I just had a package delivered from the 6th. The priority mail packages are taking weeks longer than they should.
12-23-2020 06:04 PM
@oneblindcat wrote:Or they mixed up 2012 and 2021 so we have a lot more to look forward to!
Oh my! That would be a real bummer!
12-23-2020 07:29 PM
It's my understanding that if the seller shows that a late item has been shipped and is currently in transit that the eBay bots will add 10 days to the date of the dispute for delivery.
Can anyone confirm that?
One problem I see is that many buyers are phoning Customer Service who are not suggesting the Resolution Centre, or who are acting for the buyer by making a refund without the seller's input.
12-23-2020 07:33 PM
Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.
12-23-2020 09:31 PM
usps and ebay dropped the ball & ebay is forceing there stupid manage payments