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Make Offer Without Giving Access To Credit Card ??

A couple of years back, my Credit Card was Hacked, via eBay/Paypal.
It took a couple of months to get my funds returned, & I had to change to a new CC & had to change all of my passwords associated with eBay & Paypal.
My bank instructed me to NEVER allow any on-line entity to hold onto my CC information, to close the bank account which was linked to Paypal, and to entirely cease using Paypal.
All has been fine with this until now (& I do not mind taking the time to manually enter my CC information when paying for items purchased); however, eBay's new "thing" is to require all payment information every time I "Make An Offer".
I always pay very promptly after every sales agreement is reached, but eBay's new "pay before you purchase" situation (by way of requiring me to give eBay full access to my CC) is extremely frustrating !!
Just today, there have been several items on which I wished to "Make Offer", but did not as I will not endanger the security of my CC via  allowing eBay in any way to hold onto all of my CC information !!
OK, hubby is delighted that  I did not commit to a few hundred dollars in purchases today, and that this new policy has decreased by a couple thousand dollars the overall amount that I have been spending on eBay; but, I am very frustrated that eBay continues to find fresh new ways to erode my confidence in being able to purchase via their selling platform !!

Is there any way to utilize the "Make Offer" option without violating my cyber-security by allowing eBay to hold my CC information ??

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Make Offer Without Giving Access To Credit Card ??

Yeah, it does sound like a sketchy bank.  Your liability is always very limited with fraudulent tx's, whether or not the company has your CC.  I honestly don't understand how someone can function w/o co's having your CC on file.  I probably have 10 automatic pymts a month & while my CC number has been stolen a few times, it has NEVER been from these stored numbers.  


The program is in a TEST phase, so not everyone is included & no final decision has been made.  I for one, certainly hope it is implemented site-wide, as it will cut down drastically on buyers not paying.   Not a problem I typically have, but many sellers do.  But just know OP that the final decision has not been made & the jury is still out.  I have no idea how they chose who is enrolled in the test & who isn't. 

This one goes to Eleven - Nigel Tufnel

Simply-the-best-for-you Volunteer Community Mentor
eBay Seller since 1996

Message 16 of 30
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Make Offer Without Giving Access To Credit Card ??

Issuing Bank for the Mastercard is BMO Harris, & thus far we haven't found them to be "sketchy".


Message 17 of 30
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Make Offer Without Giving Access To Credit Card ??

That "Bank" may not be but whatever 'rep' told you half the things they told you, were just covering themselves as you are NOT liable for ANY fraudulent activity EVER on your Credit Card...unless, of course, that bank and that card is sketchy.....

Message 18 of 30
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Make Offer Without Giving Access To Credit Card ??

I would contact the seller to see if you can work out a way to make the sale and pay at a later date.  And I agree with everything you said about eroding confidence. Why not just block buyers who don't pay!!

Message 19 of 30
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Make Offer Without Giving Access To Credit Card ??

Si tu essayes mon pays tu peux faire une offre SANS de remettre tes details de CC. Pour maintenant!

A plus 


Message 20 of 30
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Make Offer Without Giving Access To Credit Card ??



This happened to me today, it came out of the blue, having never seen it before, I now buy a fraction of what I used to on e Bay, & almost everything I buy is an item where I have made an offer.


I was horrified, being asked to  confirm what account I would be paying from was OK, I thought that was just a typical new barmy eBayism,  but to then  be asked to tick yes to the credit card already on file, & to be asked for the expiry date & 3 digit security code had  me alarmed, to THEN be asked to sign into Barclays ( a UK bank) via their pin sentry system had me stop in my tracks.


For only three weeks  ago I had another credit card compromised, I am paranoid regards online purchases, & this a card is only used for local purchases (supermarket etc) & whereby the only  time I use the card & tap in all the CC details is when booking a delivery with Packlink.


I wrote to the seller, explained what had happened, asked them to get in touch with eBay, but in this increasingly pig-ignorant world I heard nothing back.


I have also, strangely, only recently been the victim of  4 unpaid items where offers had been made, where the buyers ignored all messages, 4 items valued at almost $1,000, never have I seen anything like it, & all in one week.  It is almost unheard of for me to have non payment on items where a buyer has made an offer?                                                                                                       

Message 21 of 30
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Make Offer Without Giving Access To Credit Card ??

I came across this today, I receive an email I was outbid, so I went to raise my bid and ouch, without entering the payment details I cannot raise my bid... I normally pay with apple pay to which I have connected multiple currency debit card, I cannot imagine what a mess in exchange rates it will make without giving me the option to choose the currency... and how can I do combined shippment? I am philatelist, so my typical ebay shopping is ten items from one seller with using the combined shippment... If the payment is processed automatically then I have to bid lower to account for this, but if this applies only to part of users, than those to which it doesnot apply have an advantage, becouse they now they will get better shippment conditions which can make tens of dollars in difference in each transaction... does someone knows how does it work with combined shippment?

Message 22 of 30
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Make Offer Without Giving Access To Credit Card ??

does someone knows how does it work with combined shippment?



It doesn't work with combining items at all.   If you are (un)lucky enough to have your buyer ID enrolled in this, you will be auto billed full price for item/shipping/taxes at auction close.   Though eBay just dropped this new (default to yes) option on the seller's buyer management page to apply to auctions, they didn't bother to tell anyone.  

I find it incredibly tacky that they sprung it on you  mid auction, but this is eBay and that is how they play. 

eBay keeps saying they are working on the 'combined shipping' problem, but it has been almost two years and there is no solution at hand.  This scenario is supposed to solve the non-paying bidder problem.  This  increases eBay's take, costs the seller more and provides a bad buyer experience with their increased cost as well.  

It would be better to remove the buyers who do not pay, but eBay has chosen this route instead that brings them more money.  

Message 23 of 30
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Make Offer Without Giving Access To Credit Card ??

thanx for bad news... so I am out of auctions on ebay... my tipical item is 2,49USD (old postcards or similar philatelistic stuff) plus 8USD shipping but I buy like ten o those for 24,90USD and plus 8USD so its 32,90USD in total, but if the charge me 10,49USD (2,49 plus 😎 than I will end up paying 104,90 USD that 72 USD more... do they think I am that stupid? I am simply out of ebay... most of the big sellers here can be find directly so I will buy from them directly and eBay earns nothing... is that what they want?

Message 24 of 30
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Make Offer Without Giving Access To Credit Card ??

is that what they want?



eBay's aim has been to increase their "take", per transaction.  Even though it sounds rather petty, I truly believe they would rather have $3.00 from the seller for ten transactions than $.30 from a combined order, and that is only the start.   Obviously, they care more about the $3.00 (times a million or so occurrences) than any "good buyer experience."    

Instead, on the seller's buyer management page, they should tell the truth about those new default selections they added.  Now it warns "unchecking this box may increase non-paying buyers" or something of the sort instead of 'unchecking this box may prohibit combining items from the same buyer and cost you more in shipping, transaction fees, and cause less bidding/buying activity on your items'.  They neglect to mention that buyers can still request to cancel, nor do they report how many buyers backed out once the screen was shown to fork over a payment method, a requirement that would disable the combined shipping discount for multiple items.  

One of the big hypes for sellers to enroll in managed payments in the first place was "giving buyers more payment opportunities".  THAT is down the drain as well since buyers can no longer use seller coupons, eBay coupons or special promotions, ApplePay, GooglePay, PayPal Pay in 4, PayPal credit, spendable funds, etc.  Thus a good buyer experience is demonstrated to be less important than the increased "take". 

Non-payers are a problem?  Get rid of the non-payers.  

Though there are some sellers that are thrilled to death with this new rollout, others likely have no idea why their offers disappeared, or why nobody is bidding.

Buyer Payment Requirements

Require buyers to provide a payment method before they place a bid.

Require buyers to provide a payment method before they make an offer.

Message 25 of 30
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Make Offer Without Giving Access To Credit Card ??

In my opinion, the problem is that some sellers, who have likely never worked retail, are deeply paranoid about selling.

And selling online exacerbates that paranoia.

EBay for once paid attention to the complaints about non-payers (and slow payers).

They did a Good Thing, reducing the time taken to complete a UID from eight days to four days. (Six to four for US -based sellers).

The demand that buyers give their financial information before being allowed to bid is a Bad Thing.

As evidenced by posts here, buyers are insulted or concerned when faced with such a demand.


If I want to buy something from WalMart, I am allowed to browse and even put things in my shopping cart at my leisure, but WM doesn't ask for my CC number until I am ready to check out.


It's worth noting too the number of posts from new and returning sellers who are very upset about being asked for banking information when registering for Managed Payments. This is the other side of the question.

Message 26 of 30
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Make Offer Without Giving Access To Credit Card ??

I perfectly understand they want to make 3 USD instead of 30 cts... but If then I pay 72 dollars more then I am out... I already tried to ask some seller to change the setting with themselves and some refused that it is their policy...

I will totally accept if I had to enter my CC details as a guarantee... and if I do not pay in 4 days then they will charge it from my card... that will be fair, but not in this way...

Message 27 of 30
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Make Offer Without Giving Access To Credit Card ??

Frankly, there is NO valid excuse for demanding payment information just to make an offer.   Stating that ebay has no way of knowing if you'll pay (or if you pay promptly) is wrong.   They have your entire history at their fingertips. Stating that it is for the good of the seller is also inaccurate.  It's kind of like the way they with-hold payment from the sellers for several business days in some cases - that's supposed to be good for sellers too.  Yeah, sure.


If your history shows prompt payment for hundreds of transactions, the demand to get payment information just to make an offer, is beyond insulting to the buyer.  It is saying to the buyer that they can't be trusted - that their word is no good.


If possibly the buyer has a history of breaking deals, stepping back from offers, etc, then ebay would have that on file and perhaps then, and only then, it might be ok to request payment information at the onset.


Doing it this way has cost a LOT of sellers.  There are things I would have made offers on months ago, that are still up for sale.  Months! Too bad I can't make an offer to some of them.  Looking at their sales histories, many would accept an offer - such a shame that ebay has made sure that those sellers get hardly any offers anymore compared to the volume of offers that used to be made.  Because I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one that refuses to make an offer because this over-the-top demand to get payment information up front.


I don't know if this has anything to do with payments being with-held from sellers for a few days  - perhaps interest on a rolling balance of billions might add up to millions a day extra profit for ebay, who knows - but it is another reason to go to any of the many other online auction sites.  The with-holdholding of funds, coupled with the demand to have carte-blanche access to our bank account certainly brought our ebay sales to an abrupt end.


When you walk in to a retail store, they don't demand to get your payment information - on the off chance you MIGHT need to pay for something.  They wait until you go to the checkout to get payment. 

Message 28 of 30
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Make Offer Without Giving Access To Credit Card ??

You are missing several VERY important points here. 


The first one that springs to mind is the excessive shipping charges buyers would incur - charges that make some buyers pull back drastically.  i.e.: If you buy multiple items from a seller, for each item you then immediately pay the full shipping charge as you buy the item - and BEFORE you can move on to the next one.  There will be no combined shipping.  As an example, buy 5 items from one seller and pay $10 shipping on each one where formerly you might have paid $15 to $20 combined shipping.  As a buyer, that sure makes me decide not to make purchases.


Read the other posts and you'll see more reasons this is NOT a good idea.

Message 29 of 30
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Make Offer Without Giving Access To Credit Card ??

Hi everyone,

Due to the age of this thread, it has been closed to further replies. Please feel free to start a new thread HERE if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.

Thank you for understanding.

Message 30 of 30
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