07-01-2020 08:51 AM
I have bought countless times from Ebay. I generally don't get that many issues. When I do I have had to get Ebays Help.
First case the guy literally threatened to Dox me. Called Ebay (When I could) and they looked into it and said "We understand you're upset that he tried to Dox you. You should leave some Negative Feedback."
I said "Ok what would you suggest?"
They said "They couldn't give that"
So I stated the Feedback and made sure that was ok with them. 100% fine with it from the phone call.
Not 2 weeks later Ebay removed my Feedback. Even though I 100% asked to make sure the Feedback was good with them.
Recently I had another Ebay Case (Couldnt call Ebay from them removing there calling services). Guy promised the wrong amount. Then tries to blame me because he lied in his product. We ended up arguing. And push came to shove so I decided to leave Feedback. I stated this in his Feedback. That he lied about the product he sold cause 100% he did. (Which Ebay never tells you when Feedback is removed by the way) And I see that this Feedback was removed AGAIN.
Claiming that he's not at fault, that its mine cause he's mentally crippled and cant move his fingers correctly and brain is messed up or something like that type of excuses. Or something with Meds is wrong. But its my fault Because.... I didnt read his mind and instead read the Title and Description.
The guy stopped responding as we fought more. I won the case.
Then after Ebay had to step in and solve this case in my favor. Finally getting my money back this guy had the gull to say "Imma call the Police on you for Identity fraud, blah blah blah," because Ebay decided obviously in my favor for this guy lying about his item. Then I noticed... My feedback on the guy was removed. Like what the heck????
Is that how Sellers like this have 0 Bad Feedback? He's a Incompetent Seller AT BEST. And a Scammer at WORST. and Ebay removes who knows how many Negative Feedback from people like this. People who well and deserved harsher Feedback then what I gave.
(I used Tags from someone who had similar issues (hiyunnomiko - The eBay Community)
Which I read that section and the top comment from "Kathiec" Was WRONG My Feedback from both cases I won 100%. Ebay acknowledged my winnings. But still removed Feedback that first they approved of. And second one was defiantly nothing that bad. Just stating the Seller lied which he did. And can easily be proven.
I personally don't want to drag both sellers into this conversation which is why I dont name them here. But any Ebay employee can defiantly see my last guy and seeing I filed 100 different reports on the guy who tried to Dox me. Wouldnt be that hard to find him either.
BTW: I had to use Bold cause my words after mentioning those from the other topic got glitchy.
07-02-2020 02:56 PM
Seems like the last update from ebay mentioned them working with law enforcement. If memory serves.
If doxing occurred, or was threatened, and you two talked about it through ebay messaging, It seems you could,
and should,
report it to ebay.
07-03-2020 10:56 AM
The more bad feedback you leave, the angrier it is, the easier it becomes for the seller to argue that you are vindictive and irrational.
07-05-2020 09:24 AM
Just a bit of advice, many sellers will look at a buyers feedback left for others and make a decision based on what they see, although you may think the Negative is deserved, it's probably better just to let it go and move on as long as the issue you had was resolved.
For example, One of the Negatives you left for the price of shipping actually makes you look bad.
Whether you think the price was excessive or not you knew the cost of the shipping before payment, no one actually forced you to pay that amount, total cost Item + Shipping is what you should be concerned about.
It makes no difference if the item is $1 item + $9 shipping or $9 item + 1$ shipping.
07-07-2020 04:09 PM - edited 07-07-2020 04:13 PM
ubcensored: I did report it to Ebay. They said theyll deal with it. Nothing ever came of it though. Obviously Ebay refuses to give me further information on what they did. And tbh all it sounds like they did is sweep it under the carpet and let it go. Even removing my Feedback that I was told was 100% ok to post on his profile over the phone.
Which again Ebay records conversations but refuses to give records of Recorded messages to the people theyre recording.
Kimmy: I dont know how many bad Feedback I left. I think 3 ever. Over maybe 500-1000 purchases.
So thats not even 1% And 2 of them were removed 😕 Maybe the third one was as well. Who knows? Ebay Doesnt Notify anyone.
07-07-2020 04:26 PM
Kimmy: Actually I think it was 4 Negatives I left. Again I have no clue how to see what Negatives I left. Less then 1% of the purchases I get.
2015Guy: Ebay should be transparent then. Say "We remove Accurate Feedback if you dare leave less then 1% Negatives on people you purchase from. Even if you get direct approval of Feedback from Ebay that might not be good enough. Even if you won the dispute and were marked 100% in the correct that's not good enough. You should never ever leave Negative Feedback for any reason." I mean at that point whats the point of having Negative Feedback?
"no one actually forced you to pay that amount, total cost Item + Shipping is what you should be concerned about." Actually by no means is that true. Ebay refused to cancel the order despite the issue. And Seller refused to Cancel. I marked him fair. Issue was never settled. Even suggested he block me from buying from him. I dont find it fair I cant block him to never see his listings either. But yes. this clearly leads to another issue.
Why cant we block bad Sellers? Especially cause Negative Feedback can be removed as easy 'I have a Negative that hurts my feel feels. Please Remove' And then I can end up accidentally buying from this person again...
07-07-2020 05:11 PM
"no one actually forced you to pay that amount, total cost Item + Shipping is what you should be concerned about." Actually by no means is that true
Of course it is no one forces you to pay anything, many buttons to press before making any purchase, it's not a one touch process.
You need to read up on a cancellation request, you are entirely wrong.
07-08-2020 06:50 AM
07-12-2020 09:06 AM
@frankslegotiresandmore wrote:Kimmy: I dont know how many bad Feedback I left. I think 3 ever. Over maybe 500-1000 purchases.
So thats not even 1% And 2 of them were removed 😕 Maybe the third one was as well. Who knows? Ebay Doesnt Notify anyone
Well, allow me to help you with the maths. You left 108 feedbacks, two were removed, making it 110. Per 500-1000 purchases? You are not a charitable soul. Now 6 of 110 feedbacks were negative. That makes you a (104/110) a buyer with 94.5% rating. And that, my friend, screams "Do not sell to this person!".