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Eternal Captcha loop

Trying to buy something and suddenly I'm getting an endless "Verify you're human" check the box, click the animal captchas. Like 10 in a row. Anyone know what gives?

Message 1 of 18
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Eternal Captcha loop

Message 2 of 18
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Eternal Captcha loop

Repeated Captcha requests or failures might be a sign that your browser is having problems saving cookies properly, or else a sign of a network issue. Using a VPN or a hotspot, or certain kinds of privacy software might also cause some issues.


Make sure your browser is up-to-date and has JavaScript enabled (and not blocked) and that cookies are not being blocked:


Try using a different browser or a private or incognito browser window and see if you run into the same Captcha issues. If not, try manually erasing just your eBay cookies manually in your original browser.


If you have trouble signing in, try an alternative link to sign in to rule out an issue with a particular link:


If you are using a mobile browser, try changing to a different browser mode: mobile, classic or desktop. Try a desktop browser or a mobile browser in desktop mode.


Or try using the eBay app.

Message 3 of 18
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Eternal Captcha loop

I called them to report the problem. Please call them to report the problem so they can get this fix as a priority. I spoke to the ebay rep and she said this week she had 3 calls about this problem.

Message 4 of 18
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Eternal Captcha loop

What a pain in the behind, been dealing with this for a couple weeks. Good to know I am not the only one but sorry others are also affected. At least I can stop taking it personally, thought maybe it had something to do with why sales are so slow in the 4TH DANG QUARTER!

Message 5 of 18
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Eternal Captcha loop

It happened to me last night. I sat there like a fool clicking on silly panda bears for 5 minutes. I finally gave up and checked my purchase page where I saw that the order went through anyway.

Message 6 of 18
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Eternal Captcha loop

I've been dealing with the captcha nonsense since the end of September. I get prompted only when clicking certain links, like the item bids page, view seller's feedback, & view seller's other items. I even got prompted when trying to contact eBay customer support. I just got through chatting with two different eBay Reps & they are aware of it, but if you're going through this please contact them as the more reports of it that exist, the more likely they'll fix it soon. It seems to be happening only on certain browsers, like Microsoft Edge. Don't bother clearing the cookies & rebooting, as that doesn't help this issue either!

Message 7 of 18
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Eternal Captcha loop

Same problem, endless captcha loops if you buy too much! Ebay needs to fix this problem. Constantly I have this Captcha problem trying to buy items and I CANNOT buy. So I have to wait or come back another day. This is BAD for ebay business. Why are you doing this to buyers?

Message 8 of 18
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Eternal Captcha loop

Same here using firefox. Latest version. Checked settings, cleared the cache and changed to accept all cookies for ebay, turned off adblocking and double checked Java is enabled. I could sign in, but when I went to change an account setting, Required a verification code be sent. Entered the code and then I got an endless CAPTCHA loop. The saddest part is I downloaded chrome, changed no settings and I was able to log in (no 2FA) and make a purchase billing it to an account that I was trying to update info on and it went through with no captcha. That is kinda scary. Only security I encountered was an email saying new device sign-in (along with all the ones with FF after repeatedly trying different things). Makes me consider removing all my info for pay accts. Now I have the pain of resetting verifications of all the sites I log into on my home PC. Literally nearly 100 as I do everything online but now FF will be seen as a new browser. No issues on any other websites with FF, I hope they fix this. 

Message 9 of 18
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Eternal Captcha loop

I downloaded chrome, changed no settings and I was able to log in


That would seem to point to a problem with your specific Firefox setup -- version number, cookies, cache, settings or add-ons. If you are able to sign in using a private browser window in Firefox, the problem is almost certainly your eBay cookies or cache.


Now I have the pain of resetting verifications of all the sites I log into on my home PC.


Not necessary if you had manually deleted just your eBay cookies in Firefox rather than clearing all cookies at once. Clearing all cookies may not help if one of your eBay cookies is blocked or corrupt -- in that case, manually deleting may work better than clearing all, and with fewer unwanted side effects.

Message 10 of 18
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Eternal Captcha loop

The Captchas used by ebay are run by google.. You can only get through them if you use a chrome browser. Just don't try to buy anything via firefox anymore or you will run into this problem. Ebay can't fix it because the problem is made by google.

Message 11 of 18
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Eternal Captcha loop

The Captchas used by ebay are run by google.. You can only get through them if you use a chrome browser.


I have been able to complete Captchas on eBay with every major modern browser I have tried, as well as several several less popular, relatively obscure browsers.


Chrome is not required to use eBay.

Message 12 of 18
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Eternal Captcha loop

only having this endless loop problem with Chrome when I try to 'switch accounts' . 

Firefox is fine.  


Message 13 of 18
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Eternal Captcha loop



only having this endless loop problem with Chrome when I try to 'switch accounts' .


Don't do that, then. Or at least don't do it that way.


If you use a different browser (or a separate private browser window) for each eBay account and stay signed in, then you can switch accounts without signing out by simply switching to the other browser or window.

Message 14 of 18
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Eternal Captcha loop

Hello Doc,

Oh sure  - they've been working on this issue for months. I get it too; ebay can't admit it has a problem - it's stock value would suffer. It's either a google worm/hack or the usual ebay server code bollox. You can try deleting your saved ebay password from your Manage Google passwords list, but that didn't work for me. You can try getting in using a different web browser. You can try using a different device to get in ex.: cell phone vs. desk top. None of that worked for me. You will probably need to get an ebay customer service agent on the phone and ask them to put in an IT repair ticket for your account. This may work. They won't tell you when it's fixed. You have to try to get back in every 12 to 24 hours. When you get back in be sure to pay all your outstanding purchases right away in case it comes back again right away. But the problem will come back in about a week. When it comes back tell them they know about it and it's on community. I would also mention that when people can't get in the sellers don't get paid and ebay does not get paid. Loosing money can be used as an incentive to fix this. Hope this helps. Steve - an h Captcha endless loop looser.

Message 15 of 18
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