04-24-2018 06:51 PM
When waiting to bid I clicked on the current winning bidders name. The bid acticty came up 81 bids in the last 30 days 66% with that seller. I clicked on another item to check high bidder 32 bids in last 30 days 100% with that seller........Is this as obvious as it looks ???
04-24-2018 07:44 PM
Not a common result, but there may be no wrongdoing, things just sometimes happen.
04-24-2018 08:38 PM
Depending on what the item is...many buyers bid on a lot of the same sellers items as it may save on shipping.
04-25-2018 02:44 AM
"When waiting to bid I clicked on the current winning bidders name. The bid acticty came up 81 bids in the last 30 days 66% with that seller".
How many other seller's items did they bid on and did the history show any bid retractions? Did the items they bid on with the seller start at a very low price? Bid increments start at .05cents from .01cents to $.99cents. from $1 to 4.99 bid increments are .25cents, from $5 to 24.99 they are .50cents. So an inexperienced bidder can rack up a lot of bids if they bid one increment at a time without raising the price much.
You do not say how many of your seller's items they bid on. They have placed 54 of their 81 bids on the seller's items If they bid on more than one item from your seller, it's not very many bids per item.
"I clicked on another item to check high bidder 32 bids in last 30 days 100% with that seller".
Again the same 3 questions; Any bid retractions, What were the starting prices, How many different items did they bid on with the seller?
"Is this as obvious as it looks" ???
Sometimes it is obvious, but more often than not, all of the information has not been looked at and considered before a conclusion is reached.
If the bidder has a low feedback number they may be bidding one increment at a time.
This could be a bidder who's trying to win multiple items to save on shipping.
It might be the items are collectible and in the same category. etc.
Don't jump to conclusions before considering all of the facts.
05-07-2018 01:09 PM
SURE Iwould be concerned--primarily about receiving your item. If the package does not arrive when they said it woud (today or tomorrow) I would immediately go the Resolution Center and file an Item Not Received Dispute. Do Not let this seller string you along any more. Do not believe any further promises of delivery. I am also worried about posible shill bidding--and also the quality and condition of the item you will receive.
Frankly I woud not myself ever buy such an expensive item from a new sel\ler.
Also the Resolution Center can be found at the BOTTOM of this page
05-07-2018 02:19 PM - edited 05-07-2018 02:19 PM
@garmentvarmint2004 wrote:19KNG
SURE Iwould be concerned--primarily about receiving your item. If the package does not arrive when they said it woud (today or tomorrow) I would immediately go the Resolution Center and file an Item Not Received Dispute. Do Not let this seller string you along any more. Do not believe any further promises of delivery. I am also worried about posible shill bidding--and also the quality and condition of the item you will receive.
Frankly I woud not myself ever buy such an expensive item from a new sel\ler.
Also the Resolution Center can be found at the BOTTOM of this page
How do you know the OP actually won the auction and how do you know the latest delivery estimate is today or tomorrow? There is nothing here to indicate that a) the OP even placed bid, b) won the action and c) the seller hasn’t shipped.
05-07-2018 03:42 PM
I'm not quite understanding what it is that you consider obvious. If a bidder is currently bidding on items that a particular seller currently has listed, the bidder's percentage of bids on that seller's items is more than likely to show a high percentage of that bidder's bidding as being on that seller's items. There is nothing unusual in that, especially if the activity is in a niche market where buyers tend to be within a limited group.
Frankly, with only a thirty day period there really isn't much of an overall sampling of the bidder's total bidding activity. I often search for and attend auctions that have the specific type of merchandise I'm looking for at the time. Of course, while for the period of time I'm looking, up until I've actually procured what I'm wanting, I may be spending a large percentage of my bidding energies on a limited number of sellers with that item.
05-09-2018 07:33 PM