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Anyone else furious about ebay's new "pre-checkout" before bidding?

I had put a bid on an item a few days ago, just like always.

Today it was down to the last few minutes, and I was excited to put my maximum bid in. . .

But unbeknownst to me ebay now requires you to "pre-checkout" (enter all your payment info) before bidding.

I didn't have enough time to go and buy a new Ebay gift card so the item sold for a pittance.

Good job ebay you lost some money!


Ebay didn't bother to notify me of this new "pre-checkout" requirement.

having to "pre-checkout" for every single item I bid on is just asinine.


Is slow and tedious.

I mean I only win like 5% of the auctions I bid on.

This does not save me time instead of having a cart of 25 items I won to pay for at once, I need to "pre-checkout" for each one.

It's just not even worth the time for something I probably won't win anyway.


And to add insult to injury sellers can't even send you an altered invoice for combined shipping, since ebay just takes your money before they can do it.

So you end up having to pay the full amount and then wait for the seller to issue you a refund.


I know some of you are just going to post it's because of non paying bidders, you're wrong.

It's just another excuse for ebay to glom onto money faster and then hold on to it for longer before eventually paying the seller in it's own sweet time as usual.


I wish they hadn't axed the ability to be paid with paypal it's just been one problem after another since they did that.


If you're seriously **bleep** off about this "pre-checkout" like me, please chime in!

Message 1 of 52
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Re: Anyone else furious about ebay's new "pre-checkout" before bidding?

I don't think ANYONE called on eBay to require a payment source be put up in advance.


That is a pretty strong statement.


Sellers may not have called for this specific implementation of requiring a payment method in advance with its particular limits and drawbacks, but there certainly have been many calls for not allowing bidders to bid and subsequently get away with not paying, without spelling out exactly how eBay was supposed to accomplish that end.


Just recently I have seen calls for nonpaying buyers to be fined by eBay. Clearly if eBay could force buyers to pay a fine, eBay could also force buyers to pay for their bids or offers, so fines would not actually be necessary.


Is there a way to prevent nonpayment or to ensure any kind of payment without a payment method having been specified in advance? If eBay does not require a payment method from a buyer in advance, what possible alternatives are there to letting buyers bid and then not pay? Even if eBay were to close a buyer's account after the first instance of four days of nonpayment, that still allows bidders to bid and not pay, then open a new account and do the same again.


I did see that other thread about the "delayed auto pay" that eBay is experimenting with, so perhaps eBay will eventually wind up with something that protects sellers, gives buyers some flexibility to decide how to combine transactions, and also prevents non-payment.

Message 31 of 52
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Re: Anyone else furious about ebay's new "pre-checkout" before bidding?

 ...that still allows bidders to bid and not pay, then open a new account and do the same again



I appreciate your response.  I have always respected your opinions, even when I don't particularly agree.  That is how we all learn and grow!

However, this is 2024, and the excuse that some people parrot about 'just getting a new account' no longer is believable.  There is technology that can prevent that forthwith.  eBay seems to have no issues with dumping "seller IDs" that are related to users/IDs who have already been Naru'd.  

The actual implementation of this plan where every seller was auto enrolled without being notified or given an option to enroll themselves was inexcusable.  The fact that BUYER IDs were FORCED to sign up without full disclosure as to the consequences was even worse.  Instead if was presented as "new and smoother, and for the buyer's benefit" when indeed it was not. 

Instead of sanctioning those that did not pay, everyone has to "pay the price" is a sorry explanation.  I suppose eBay figures that the non-payer may indeed actually pay for something someday so they are hesitant to provide consequences for those that do not pay for their accepted offers and auction wins. It is my opinion that eBay should simply "man up" and take a stand against those that are not following the rules instead of finding some program that monetizes the problem instead at the expense of good buyers. 

Instead we have this new program which apparently has discourage enough BUYERS THAT DO PAY that eBay is exploring alternatives.  Enough buyers were apparently not as enthusiastic about this as eBay predicted.  There are still plenty of sellers wondering why they no longer get offers, or why they no longer get bids. 

Do you think eBay would consider helping out forced buyers by placing an identifying ICON on the listings of sellers  that require the forced auto pay programs so buyers won't have to waste their time? Will eBay let BUYERS THAT DO PAY out of the forced program to encourage more sales and promote a good buyer experience?  

eBay was always, at least  to me,  an innovative industry leader.  Now they seem they don't have the 'spine' to sanction those who specifically don't pay and cause hardship on their members. 

Message 32 of 52
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Re: Anyone else furious about ebay's new "pre-checkout" before bidding?

I don't mind it for best offers but not auctions. I was going to place a bid on an item in the last few minutes but was notified that I needed to put in a payment method. I use different credit cards as my perferred payment method. Needless to say I didn't bother, and would have placed a higher bid amount than what the ending bid was.

Message 33 of 52
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Re: Anyone else furious about ebay's new "pre-checkout" before bidding?

@ittybitnot wrote:

 Looks like the interface (at least for some) will be changing again to include (for lack of better terms at this point) ,  the "almost" auto pay delayed by three days, and for accepted buyer offers the "snooze you lose" clause.

So, correct me if I'm wrong, you're saying even though your offer was accepted and they require you to provide a payment source, "delayed by three days" , the seller still has no commitment to sell the item to you?

So the buyer should have the same option then to back out of the deal too. And let's go one step further , retracting bids and offers for any reason should be allowed too then. No commitment to sell for sellers = No commitment to buy, period.

“When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich.” - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Message 34 of 52
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Re: Anyone else furious about ebay's new "pre-checkout" before bidding?

Is this cockamamie "snooze you lose" clause actually being implemented yet? Whoever thought of that needs to be taken out back.

“When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich.” - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Message 35 of 52
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Re: Anyone else furious about ebay's new "pre-checkout" before bidding?

So, correct me if I'm wrong, you're saying ...



Truly, nobody really knows all the facts.  The links to the discussions I provided are just the beginning of the sharing of information (that is not that plentiful yet).  It is not certain as to how any of the new "enhancements" to the auto-pay program are going to play out.  So far it does appear that listings that were accepted buyer initiated "offers" can still be purchased by another party until the time that they are paid for.   Apparently, (only by information shared in screen shots of pop-ups) sellers can also accept more than one offer on the same item, thus the first person to pay will get it, as auto-billing will be delayed. 

We are just going to have to read and observe, and hope others will supply screen shots of what they are seeing on those pop-up screens just like before.  It seems to be getting more complicated, but eBay does not seem to be willing to compromise on the initial "you must" put up a default payment method for buyers if they want to proceed to bid or make an offer. 

Message 36 of 52
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Re: Anyone else furious about ebay's new "pre-checkout" before bidding?

So while you're making offers or bidding other items from the same seller you may end up with less items than you bargained for. Any seller doing that I don't want any part of either. All these policies are only dividing buyers and sellers more and more.

“When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich.” - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Message 37 of 52
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Re: Anyone else furious about ebay's new "pre-checkout" before bidding?

So while you're making offers or bidding ....


I would not think someone else could snatch an auction win away from you, as you would be the bidder of record.  That listing would not be auto-billed for three days.  You still have the opportunity to request a combined invoice, but that must  seemingly be accomplished for items in the three-day scenario span or they will likely start to be autobilled.  Maybe the seller can set a different time line before the autobilling starts up.  OR perhaps a seller will get so sick of this whole mess they will dispense with the auto-pay buyer requirements altogether and get back to the business of selling. Maybe the sellers can ignore the 'request for invoice' (mobile app users still don't have a 'request total' option anyway) and let the auto billing commence on day three.  Its all a MAYBE so far


Good thing you are thinking this over in case we get a chance to have a discussion with an actual eBay employee that is allowed to provide the information we need to proceed and help others. Keep looking for that opportunity  and keep thinking! 

Message 38 of 52
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Re: Anyone else furious about ebay's new "pre-checkout" before bidding?

@ittybitnot wrote:

 ...that still allows bidders to bid and not pay, then open a new account and do the same again



I appreciate your response.  I have always respected your opinions, even when I don't particularly agree.  That is how we all learn and grow!

However, this is 2024, and the excuse that some people parrot about 'just getting a new account' no longer is believable.  There is technology that can prevent that forthwith.  eBay seems to have no issues with dumping "seller IDs" that are related to users/IDs who have already been Naru'd.  

The actual implementation of this plan where every seller was auto enrolled without being notified or given an option to enroll themselves was inexcusable.  The fact that BUYER IDs were FORCED to sign up without full disclosure as to the consequences was even worse.  Instead if was presented as "new and smoother, and for the buyer's benefit" when indeed it was not. 

Instead of sanctioning those that did not pay, everyone has to "pay the price" is a sorry explanation.  I suppose eBay figures that the non-payer may indeed actually pay for something someday so they are hesitant to provide consequences for those that do not pay for their accepted offers and auction wins. It is my opinion that eBay should simply "man up" and take a stand against those that are not following the rules instead of finding some program that monetizes the problem instead at the expense of good buyers. 

Instead we have this new program which apparently has discourage enough BUYERS THAT DO PAY that eBay is exploring alternatives.  Enough buyers were apparently not as enthusiastic about this as eBay predicted.  There are still plenty of sellers wondering why they no longer get offers, or why they no longer get bids. 

Do you think eBay would consider helping out forced buyers by placing an identifying ICON on the listings of sellers  that require the forced auto pay programs so buyers won't have to waste their time? Will eBay let BUYERS THAT DO PAY out of the forced program to encourage more sales and promote a good buyer experience?  

eBay was always, at least  to me,  an innovative industry leader.  Now they seem they don't have the 'spine' to sanction those who specifically don't pay and cause hardship on their members. 

@ittybitnot  something to keep in mind with the idea of sanctioning non-payers vs what eBay has come up with so far is there's a bigger picture in play here. Not only is eBay trying to come up with a solution that balances buyer and seller interests, but likely more important (to eBay) is shareholder interests.


For many years, eBay defined GMV and Active Buyers by successfully closed transactions between users, regardless of whether the transaction was consummated (paid for). At the end of 2021, eBay changed the definitions to only include paid sales.


Wall Street has not been particularly happy with how things are going with both GMV and Active Buyer stats, so part of why eBay feels the need to "solve the problem of unpaid items on the platform" isn't just because they "listened to sellers"'s because the only way they can count transactions for GMV and Active Buyers is if they are actually paid.


Also keep in mind that it doesn't matter if the order is refunded after the fact, either due to cancellation or return, as soon as it's paid, it counts.


That could also explain why eBay went for the automatic opt-in - that's a good way to get the most transactions possible being paid for as some sellers may not even realize they are opted in and/or realize they have the option to opt-out.


Of course if the new way of doing things runs off more buyers than it "creates" through forced payment, that's not going to help with those bigger picture concerns, so they're now trying to find ways to make it more palatable.


That's not to say I disagree with you on any particular point, just that eBay is being driven by more than just buyer and seller feedback on this one.

Message 39 of 52
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Re: Anyone else furious about ebay's new "pre-checkout" before bidding?

That's not to say I disagree with you on any particular point, just that eBay is being driven by more than just buyer and seller feedback on this one.



That explains a lot and especially about the eBay "hellbent" attitude that is being projected here.  All the rhetoric about the importance of 'providing a good buyer experience' was seemingly tossed out the window by the marketplace itself.  What you say makes sense to be sure.  Thank you!  As I said before about exchanging ideas, opinions, and experiences. ... it is how we learn and grow. 

Message 40 of 52
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Re: Anyone else furious about ebay's new "pre-checkout" before bidding?

This change is horrible. It's bad enough they did this crap to sending in offers (it always is annoying having to get your shipping fees refunded *if the seller is even down to do that*) but now they are making me not want to even bid on stuff. I have already missed out on a couple things I probably could have won for more than they went for but I was bidding in the final 5 or so minutes, typically the only time I do bid on something, and this stupid prompt cost me time and then it was over.. So yeah this change is dumb and I'm over it.


Hopefully they change it back asap.

Message 41 of 52
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Re: Anyone else furious about ebay's new "pre-checkout" before bidding?

The only site I can think of where you don't have to enter payment info before bidding would be Goodwill online.




You don't pay for 3 wins and you're off the site, banned for good.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 42 of 52
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Re: Anyone else furious about ebay's new "pre-checkout" before bidding?

Nope, not furious at all. No issues at all with how it works. 

Message 43 of 52
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Re: Anyone else furious about ebay's new "pre-checkout" before bidding?

And how many sales and hits to the GMV have they taken with buyers backing away and going somewhere else? Especially mutiple item buyers.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 44 of 52
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Re: Anyone else furious about ebay's new "pre-checkout" before bidding?

You can’t use your available money from selling items either. I have significantly slowed down how many things I bid on and have had to make all of my listings buy-it-now because I’ve already felt the effects of much lower bidding from potential buyers. They also killed all incentive to buy multiple items from a seller due to the forced payment of each item plus shipping. This is the worst change I’ve seen since I started using eBay in 1996! Good job punishing all of your loyal customers that have never had a non-paying bidder strike instead of being a little more restrictive on new accounts! 

Message 45 of 52
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