Button Buddies
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Forum Posts

Button Identification

I'm really new to buttons and need help in identifying them. I bought a book of buttons by Debra Wisnieski (sp?). There are many pretty pictures but it doesn't have any explanation why a particular button is called a victorian or moonglow. What do yo...

User avatar by Adventurer
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Spinning wheel buttons

Hi, I'm searching for old spinning related or spinning wheel buttons. Does anyone know where I might find one (or more). I have posted an album with a couple of pictures as examples but anything old would be great. Thanks, Donna

Advice on old buttons

I have recently come into about 10,000 vintage buttons. The problem I have is - I DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT BUTTONS. So I am frantic. My husband says sell them all in a large lot. But I disagree. Is there any where I can go to help me to identify an...

Misunderstood or Misrepresented?

Hello. I was delighted to find this board exists from a note that was added to a description by Svengali. I am appalled at the lack of knowledge and misrepresentation of Bakelite buttons on eBay. I think I can pretty much tell a real one by the photo...

Hi It's been awhile

I don't work with buttons a lot. I do like to make jewelry so I have put some of my pieces in the photo album for you to see. I still have a few buttons for sale and should be listing more. Lana

Gucci Buttons

Hi Svengali - Some time ago I asked a question about some Gucci buttons that I purchased at an estate/garage sale. You were so very kind and suggested that I send some pictures for you to look at. It took forever for me to get some pictures that were...


I have been hearing for over a year that the big book will be reprinted, but see no signs of it. Does anyone have any further information? Thanks, Rose

User avatar by Enthusiast
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Military Locket Button - WW I or WW II ?

Hello! I found a wonderful military locket button with photo's in it. I've seen these listed as rare / hard to find and they reference a quote from a book stating that they are from WWII. I have an old book on buttons that describes the photo locket ...

Guessing & Works of Fiction Rant

How many times have you read something like this in an ad in the button listing area "I know nothing about buttons but here's an exceptionally rare 18th century gutta percha button". Huh? If you know nothing about buttons, where are you coming up wit...

User avatar by Pathfinder
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Hello and question about NBS

Hello again. I just became a member of the NBS. I have the Feb 2006 supplement and bulletin but I haven't been able to find anywhere a list of what the categories for awards are this year. When and how do they come out. Being a newbie, I have no inte...

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