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FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

Note: If this thread gets off the ground, there are likely to be SPOILERS in here so don't read if you don't want to know what happened in the book!

Well, I stayed up until 1:30 a.m. last night to finish Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - it was so good!

Anyone else finished with it yet...??? what did you think?!

I'm glad it didn't have quite the unfinished ending as Book IV, now waiting for the next book won't be quite so annoying... but I know it will be a l-o-n-g wait!

Anyway... what are your thoughts on it???

It could be that the purpose of your life is merely to serve as a warning to others.
Message 1 of 9,493
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Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

Mags, there's a fake Krispy Kreme left, and more turkey sausage, and even some turkey bacon.  That will be breakfast tomorrow.  I don't have any hamburger patties on hand.


Tonks, if the DOA thing is DOA because it froze to death, may its ghost haunt you forever.


Mine should get mailed off Monday morning, although it may take two boxes and the second may not get mailed as quickly.

Message 9466 of 9,493
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Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

I"ll pass on the hamburger patty & donut


I, too, came home from walmart yesterday with poptarts...pumpkin pie poptarts...they are pretty tastey! LOL


I went to joanns yesterday too. My christmas shopping is all done..except for the beer...I usually buy it a day or two ahead of time, so I don't have to store it! LOL



Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 9467 of 9,493
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Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

My package came today!!!!

My HPSS obviously put a LOT of work into these goodies - I cannot imagine!!

Can't wait to show off pics - I had to wrestle some stuff away from Draco and Lukewig!!


Message 9468 of 9,493
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Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

ooo mags I can't wait to see pics!!! 🙂

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 9469 of 9,493
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Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

Posted pics in Castle Hogwarts, but I've got one for you here...



The Slytherin-green infinity scarf, the Lego Scarf (raided from Luna's closet), Mad-Eye's Eye, and the Sorting Hat were ALL crocheted by Nic!  Also included were two potholders (from Fleur's wedding shower), a Slytherin Koozie, and this AWESOME Lego bag (also from Luna's wacky closet:



I TOTALLY want to learn how to crochet now!!

Harry Christmas, Everyone!



Message 9470 of 9,493
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Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

totally awesome stuffs Mags!


I sort of know how to crochet (pronounced in my house as crow-shet...cuz me & bff are just cool like that!LOL)



Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 9471 of 9,493
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Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

Mags, you could also pass for a girl version of Tom Baker as Doctor Who, except for the spare eyeball.  Great outfit.

Message 9472 of 9,493
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Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

I'm going to get a weekend in the middle of the week! 🙂


I work today, I'm off tuesday & wednesday, then back to work on Thursday...


I probly won't know what day it is, lmao!


I'm not even close to ready for Christmas, lol.

I have to wrap presents, make money bread, make pumpkin pies, make pumpkin dip and I totally forgot I need to do all of that! LOL THankfully I have tomorrow off, so I should be able to get all of that done! I hope! Fingers crossed!


Anyway, if I don't 'see you all' everyone have a very Merry Christmas! 🙂

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 9473 of 9,493
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Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

Well I have survived so far...


It's mucking nasty out there tho...I mean REALLY nasty.


Current temp is -10° with a 'real feel' of -30°.


I'm working, but not many other people are...


that's what happens when you move and you are less then 3/4 of mile from your office! LMAO


SUpposed to warm up to a balmy 20° tomorrow...i can't wait!

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 9474 of 9,493
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Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

Happy Chinese New Year!

Message 9475 of 9,493
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Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

Back at you D! I'm a bit late tho! LOL


We're still cold here and icy now too. We had the creyosims (I probly spelled that wrong) last nite. It was too weird...


Also I turn 34 today...yay, lol. Told my BFF that 34 pretty much feels like 33...and even sometimes 23 on some days...


Later everyone! 🙂



Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 9476 of 9,493
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Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

Here I am thinking  creyosims are something expensive like lobster.  It's not spelled right and I don't remember what's right.  It's dirt-related earthquakes caused by the cold, not caused by rock plates underground.  


I guess that's still better than what I've heard happens way north in Canada.  Trees explode into toothpicks practically.  Sounds like a gunshot.


It's snowed twice this year here in the sunny south, and that's enough.  Come on springtime.

Message 9477 of 9,493
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Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

We got freezing rain, sleet and snow today...almost at the same time.


The freezing rain is causing a big problem now...everything is slick! LOL


Sometimes I'm very glad I live in town, and on days like today, i'm not so glad I live in town (no snow day/ice day for me!)


and Even tho it's presidents day, I dont get the day off 😞




In other news I've started to crochet. I'm making dish cloths. I've got a few that i've purchased, but they just are not big enough. So i'm making my own! LOL


The one I'm workign on now is a camo one. It's for hubby. Not that he will use it, but it sounds good! LOL

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 9478 of 9,493
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Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

I'm watching Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium.  It is not highly rated nor is it exciting.  The centerpiece to the story is a toy store that runs on magic.  it's neat to watch, with balls that bounce eternally, sock monkeys (eeeeeek, look away, Mags!) that move by themselves, and an index book that instead of telling you where the item is, it just makes the item appear on the open page.  Makes 

you want to go shopping in Diagon Alley.


Also watched Hansel and Gretel--- Vampire Hunters.  It was stupid fun.  They did not explain much, so first the movie was off-putting.  Are they living in 1650 like they are dressed, or do they belong in 1880 like their shotgun?  If they are modern, why are they still burning witches?  I finally concluded they live in StoryBook Land where they will never have cellphones and computers, but can have wood and brass simple technology.  Anyway, there is a lot of broomstick flying in that one, which is something I haven't seen except in HP and Wizard of Oz.  Obviously I do not watch enough magical movies.


Sorry to talk about such old movies, too, but I no longer have satellite TV, and since the signal changed to digital, I don't get any actual TV stations at all over the air.  No NBC, CBS, ABC, or PBS.  Anything I watch is either DVDs from the $3 to $5 bins at Big Lots and Walmart, or from the public library.  Which means in 10 years I'll be posting all excited about seeing Game of Thrones.

Message 9479 of 9,493
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Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

Actually, the library has Game of Thrones, but it's usually checked out.  I could request it, but I'm just not ready to try to keep up with that.


I didn't mention YouTube, where there's usually 5 or 6 documentaries I've got cued up to watch, and some silent movies.  And old TV shows like Jack Benny.  I have something to watch every night, but nothing is ever whatever's hot right now.  

Message 9480 of 9,493
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