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FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

Note: If this thread gets off the ground, there are likely to be SPOILERS in here so don't read if you don't want to know what happened in the book!

Well, I stayed up until 1:30 a.m. last night to finish Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - it was so good!

Anyone else finished with it yet...??? what did you think?!

I'm glad it didn't have quite the unfinished ending as Book IV, now waiting for the next book won't be quite so annoying... but I know it will be a l-o-n-g wait!

Anyway... what are your thoughts on it???

It could be that the purpose of your life is merely to serve as a warning to others.
Message 1 of 9,493
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9,492 REPLIES 9,492

Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

Last night I watched "The History Boys" which was a play first, so it's a wordy movie.  It also has a gay subtheme, but it takes place at a boys' school, so who else is there to lust after?


It turned out to be sad, because Richard Griffiths is one of the teachers.  He's easily 200 pounds overweight.  You wonder how an actor, and all actors have a huge streak of LOOK AT ME, can let that happen.  But he looks happy, and the teacher he's playing seems happy.


The whole movie's a little strange.  It's about eight boys who have aced their A-levels and are now candidates for Oxford.  They are grouped together to study for their entrance essay and face-to-face interview.  That just doesn't happen in American schools.  Also Uncle Vernon's subject is General Studies, something that either doesn't exist in the U.S., or is forgone after elementary school when everything becomes Science or Algebra or American Lit.  In General Studies, they can go from discussing a concept to spontaneously acting out a movie scene, to speaking in French, to quoting poetry, all in 5 minutes time.  If classes were than much fun, we'd all be geniuses.

Message 9451 of 9,493
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Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

Hmm D that sounds like something I want to check out. I sometimes like wordy movies, lol.


First deer season is over...and it was a bust...:(


It was SO windy on Friday & Saturday and SO cold. It was actually colder yesterday, but there was very little wind.


We didn't see anything Friday or Saturday and nothing on Sunday until about 3:45pm. Two does walked out of the woods right in front of me. I was quite patient (at least for me) and waited until they were all the way out in the open. Broadside to me. Perfect shot. I am 99% sure I got the first one. However, no blood, and no dead deer. So I had to conclude that I missed her. BUT (HAHA) I'm thinking (now) I gut shot her and so that's why there was no blood. I think she ended up in the corn field (still full of corn) and that's where she is now.


I totally missed the second one, even tho I tried to get her too (hey i've got two tags might as well tag out! LOL)


SIgh...oh well better luck next time!

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 9452 of 9,493
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Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

Good morning.  We'll be going up on Wolf Mountain to Grandma's for Thanksgiving.  THIS year we are a lot smarter, we are staying overnight rather than driving down a mostly unpaved high mountian twisty turnie road in the snow to get home, we are spending the night!  They have a gigantic house up there.  Kids will sleep in a tent in one room, I get a couch, LOL!  Everyone is excited and it should be a lot of fun.  She's a heck of a cook.  One son has to work so will be at the house to take care of the critters.  We promise him leftovers.  😉


Wind storm here finally quit, no tornados thank heavens, but we lost a good portion of our ancient roofing tiles over the 3 day blow.  They clocked some of the canyon winds in the 80 to 100 MPH range.  We had sustained in the 40 and 50 MPH range and blew my pond tent over.  But the new unbroken pump is working and the ickle fishies are all still just fine.  Put the tent back together yesterday.


Time to get ready for work, I'm taking a couple of days before New Years off so I'm one of 3 or 4 people who will be there this short week.  


I'm not awake yet.  But yes D, my victim is in for a bit of a freight I'm afraid.  Still trying to figure out the USPS regulations, I may have to personally deliver it this year.  LOLOLOL!


Later!  Tonks


Message 9453 of 9,493
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Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter? i wish i was in HPSS cuz if Tonks is gonna deliver personally...lmao 🙂


We had that wind a few days ago, it totally blew (HAHA get it?). thankfully the really bad stuff went north (i think...i hate directions...)


It's a dreary day here, but I've only got today and tomorrow to work and then i've got a four day weekend! Yay!!! I can't wait!


The only bad thing about deer season, is I have to do my turkey day shopping tonite...ugh...Hubby will be working late and they are working two hours away today and tomorrow, fun for them. Since I absolutly hate to grocery shop with anyone who doesn't shop like I do (get in, get your sh!t and get out) I'm doing it tonite, so he doesn't feel the need to go! He is a browser. I'm like I have a list, we get what's on the list, we get out, that's how this works! BFF shops like I do...her hubby shops like mine. They have to look at the meat and all that junk. I"m like it's meat guys. ok? lol


We processed deer last nite, two of them, BFF's hubby's and my dads. Three hours for two deer. That's not really all that good, but BFF's hubby made snack sticks, so that took forever! But I can't wait to try them! They sure smelled good!


Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 9454 of 9,493
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Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

We are having the biggest cold spell.  That last post I made about going up to Wolf mountain?  Well I had a horrible headache, body aches and fever starting the morning of Thanksgiving and not ending until  hit 102.5 sometime between Friday and Saturday.  I was one sick puppy.  AND that's when the temps started dropping.  We've had snow and single digit lows every night since then.  Our furnace went our Saturday, wind somehow blew out the pilot.  Son restarted it, but i wouldn't come on and we were freakin' freezing.  Turns out theres some switch you have to switch to light the pilot, and then after the pilot is on you have to switch it back to heat or it will just sit there laughing at you.  THIS is the furnace with a figure 8 in the belt because the last guy we hired to fix it put in a new motor that blew backwards!!!!!  I live in a nightmare sometimes.  Truely.


I am going to try to visit my sister.  Just checked weather underground.  It's 9 degrees here right now (and will get a couple of degrees colder before the sun comes up), and her place is around 80.  sigh.  I'm using my last standby privilages to leave the day after Chrismas and I'm coming home on New Years Day.  It's a short trip, but dang I need it so bad after all this cold.


later.  grumpy tonks.  Oh, commissioned out part of my HPSS to my son, so it may be late.  He's got a ton of projects going but promised ---- all it's taking is a small tank of gas (for his payment).  I fill up his car most of the time anyway.  SnOrT!


Tonks (hair is blue now instead of pink 'cause it's frozen)


Message 9455 of 9,493
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Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

Tonks, glad you are feeling better! A trip to visit your sister where it's warm sounds like the best medicine ever 🙂 LOL


We're cold as is currently 19° with a real feel of 4°. Fun. Wind is almost 20 mph hour...if the wind would slow down a bit it probly wouldn't be too bad.


Saturday am in the deer blind, the real feel was like -5°. That wasn't too bad, then the wind picked up and that was it. Neither BFF nor I can stand it when the wind kicks up!


Neither one of us saw any deer...sigh...but my dad got a small 5 point buck and my hubby got a good sized 8 point. Hubby's is very pretty :).


We processed 5 deer last nite. Yes 5 all at once, bff's hubby got two given to him, we had dads and my hubby's and then a friend of bff's hubby had one and we processed it as well.


5...I'm hurting today for sure! Wow! lol I'm looking forward to Saturday when I can sleep in. I plan on finishing what little xmas shopping I need to do on Sunday, that's the plan anyway! LOL I'm getting Dad a new shotgun case and stepmom some scrapping stuff. My mom is getting new house slippers (a tradition!) and stepdad will get a case of his beer...of course I won't get that until right before Christmas!


Hubby's already gotten his present! LMAO!

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 9456 of 9,493
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Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

Tonks, does your sister still have the horse?  If not, can you go rent one?  Because we know you're really going to see the horse, not your sister.  And maybe see HP World.


My computer almost did not start this morning, going through 30 minutes worth of repair screens and still coming up with that Windows Did Not Open message.  Obviously it works now, right now, but I'm afraid to turn it off, and ALL my HPSS plans for my victim are on the computer.  There may be a box of stuff and a big IOU in that parcel.

Message 9457 of 9,493
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Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

Mine is all boxed up and ready to ship out. Just waiting for the snow to let up so I can drag it across campus to the post office.

Message 9458 of 9,493
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Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

Someone should start looking for a package winging it's way to them. Estimated delivery is next Tuesday.
Message 9459 of 9,493
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Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

Mine is boxed and ready to go - will visit the Muggle Post either today or tomorrow!

Message 9460 of 9,493
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Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

I've just come back from Walmart with


spray paint


cat food

cardboard boxes





My victim should be very afraid.  I'm keeping the beer.

Message 9461 of 9,493
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Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

I'll take the doughnuts!
Message 9462 of 9,493
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Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

One of the doughnuts was a cinnamon twirl with glaze.  I sliced it like a hamburger bun and put two turkey sausage patties in it.  Yummy.

Message 9463 of 9,493
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Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

Turkey inside a cinnamon roll?  ugh!!!!  Pass a pop tart please.  😉


It's so cold here I can't believe it!  Say's 20 but dang it feels so much colder.  The snow on the ground (a lot of it) is two weeks old, ugly crusty and nasty slippery.  The air in the valley (where I live) is inverted and all the cold polluted air is trapped over us just like like that Dome in Stephen King's latest tv show.  Makes your eyes hurt when you are outside and the car is covered with mud colored frost.  Not nice at all.  


Whine whine whine whine.  But you all know how much I really hate winter anyway.


Off to the basement to do the laundry and finish up about 16 sewing projects.


HPSS box will be out the door in the morning.  hopefully.  I'm fairly sure one thing in it will be DOA but oh well.  heee heee heee.


Later!  Tonks


Message 9464 of 9,493
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Re: FINISHED Reading Harry Potter?

There's a minor league ballpark in IL that slices a Krispy Kreme donut and grills it. Then inverts it so the glaze is on the inside and puts a bacon double cheeseburger between the donut halves.

It sounds GLORIOUS!!!
Message 9465 of 9,493
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