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Does anyone know about HAT PINS?!?!

I am I haven't listed any jewelry yet or anything but I have a bunch of hat pins made by my soon to be mother in law and I was wondering if anyone has ever sold any or is interested in any or has any advice for me on this particular topic??? lol... I'm tryin to find out as much as I can before I actually list them.... I'm trying to figure out the best way to do it! Thanks in advance! Maigan!

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Does anyone know about HAT PINS?!?!

no clue...try searching ebay for hat pins and look for the most similar item and you will have more of an idea of what they are worth on ebay
- Jessica Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Message 2 of 19
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Does anyone know about HAT PINS?!?!

Depending on the style of hatpin, many recreation groups would be interested in them. If your mom made 12th century french hat pins SCA ladies would use them for thier henins, (the cone hat with a scarf). Then there are civil war groups, LARP, and many others. Lauri
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Does anyone know about HAT PINS?!?!

thanks Lauri! I didn't think of the recreation groups.... They are a piece of Jewely so I thought of getting info here... They're these long pins (the ones I have are 4-6" long) and they have beads at the end to decorate them...I just like to look at them all! lol. I know some older ladies still wear them in their hats to church and teas and things like that. I just think they're pretty just sitting there...I have been looking around but I still have a bit more research to do! Maigan!

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Does anyone know about HAT PINS?!?!

Maigan, there are also plenty of people who just COLLECT pretty hat pins! I don't know how large the market would be, but they make great decorative items. I know people who tuck them into plants or use them on decorative pillows too. Good luck with your research, hope you find a good market for them. Sandi

If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what then, is an empty desk?? A Einstein
Message 5 of 19
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Does anyone know about HAT PINS?!?!

Thanks Sandi...I never thought of putting them in plants...thats an awesome idea! It would add a little sparkle and pzaz! Great Idea! I don't want to list any until I know what I"m doing! lol...the first few are bound to be a happens'll see though...maybe i'll get lucky! Maigan!

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Message 6 of 19
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Does anyone know about HAT PINS?!?!

i've made them before and sold quite a few of them. my hopelessly-out-of-date website (my ebay id dot com) still has a picture of my favorite one on the front "page." note that there's nothing left for sale on my site. sigh. in person, all but one of my hat pins sold to women. in contrast, the ones i sold off my website were exclusively to gay artists. you may wish to pursue non-traditional marketing if you do make the "hat" pins. they do work on suit lapels as well. best of luck, katherine
katherine -- giggling helplessly through life.
Message 7 of 19
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Does anyone know about HAT PINS?!?!

bwahahahah. pin also on my empty ebay store front page. 🙂
katherine -- giggling helplessly through life.
Message 8 of 19
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Does anyone know about HAT PINS?!?!

Well, I think due to my age, I might take a different way about it. I don't totally understand the history of the hat pin (I want to look into and add it to the auction writeup) but I do know that my fiance's Grandmother still wears them in her hats to church... But putting them in plants or on lapels or to decorate pillows....thats fantastic! I like putting them in a pretty cup....if you put them on the windowsill some of them would really sparkle!! I'm excited to see how they do! Katherine, I love that pin on your site. It's gorgeous! My motherin-in-laws are different. They're made from pretty glass beads, some crystals, and gold and silver spacers and all different kinds of colours! I'm really glad she got into doing these. She doesn't work and she's always fluttering around....this gave her a reason to sit and relax for a little bit!! lol Maigan!

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Does anyone know about HAT PINS?!?!

Plus.not sure if they are still collectable or not but Diane and I sold them on consignment in Antiques stores...and bought some Hat-Pin holders to display in..Gus
Message 10 of 19
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Does anyone know about HAT PINS?!?!

If you can gety a small rubber or other material for the end of the pin, (like stick pins use) they can be used as decoration in the hair, you know like ina french twist. Lauri
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Message 11 of 19
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Does anyone know about HAT PINS?!?!

ooooooooooh...another fantastic idea! I love these ideas!!! lol Maigan!

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Message 12 of 19
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Does anyone know about HAT PINS?!?!

Maigan, I just caught your post re hat Pins. I am a Red Hatter and we wear hat pins in all of our hats. I actually make hat pins, stick pins, etc. So if you were to put them up for sale you might want to preface your description as being something for Red Hatters. Just a thought. Sharr
Message 13 of 19
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Does anyone know about HAT PINS?!?!

I agree with Kitty...they are collectable. There are vintage jewelry groups on ebay you may want to check out. I've known people in the past that just collected vintage hat pins. The maker of them could be important also to the collector. Candy
Message 14 of 19
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Does anyone know about HAT PINS?!?!

Be careful how you word your discription and title if you go with the "red hatters" as the Red Hat Society has trademarks and patents and soforth and they write very nasty letters threatening legal action to people who use thier name in thier auctions; I awtta know, I got one!! Thier loss is my way of thinking; look at all the free advertising they are loosing, but as they are a "for profit organization" they have the right to go after anyone using their name.
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