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Community Activity

Shipping costs

I'm wondering why sellers that I come across, are charging so much for shipping? I sell also and have for years and I know what shipping costs generally are. But I'm seeing much higher costs and don't understand why. If you have an item you are selli...

Who the heck cares? (#3)

There is always someone who cares. I know this is TCM's thread & hope she doesn't mind if I start #3. We can't go without a 'who the heck cares'.

Death of a spouse

I am devastated, not only because my spouse is very near death, but because I was also told that I will have to start all over with a new ebay account . We have over 11000 feedbacks and have been selling on ebay since the year 2000. I even spoke with...

USPS has added a stop to all our shipments

We're in New Mexico. When we first moved here [2004] anything going west first stop was Tucson AZ [left of us], everything else El Paso Tx [right]. At some point Tucson 'went away' and all went to El Paso. Now shipments are taking longer and the reas...

Sold a coat but buyer only wants the belt

Hi all, I just sold a coat, but the buyer left a note with their order requesting only the belt to be sent. Is it okay to fulfill this request, or could this lead to an INAD claim? This is the first time I’ve encountered this situation, so I want to ...


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