This piece was included in my late father-in-law's collection of
antiquities that included many Luristan bronzes. It is 6 inches in
height and weighs 1.26 pounds. I would greatly appreciate it if someone
could tell me if they think it is a Luristan b...
I am interested in a listing for an 1850 antique table. It is a large
heavy table with four legs. Seller says the legs come off for shipping
and can be bolted in place with metal bolts. I am very suspicious of
this since I dont think that they used b...
This tea cup belong to my mother and it did have a soucer but it was
broken( i do tend to bealive that it was on purpose but this was in the
past)I am looking to replace this soucer as a gift to my mom, The set
was given to her by a russian woman as ...
If you recognize any of these pieces in there with her you are and what
they were used for and how old they may be playing please let me know I
would really appreciate it thank you
if you are a archaeologist and can recognize this tool please respond
and let me know what it is i've been told by an archaeologist that it
could be possibly 1000 years old but he couldn't pinpoint what
civilization and came from so if you're familia...
Silver Yemen ancient relics can anyone please help me identify these
pieces what they are and what they were used for and how old they might
be thank you
Silver ancient Yemen relics can anyone help me identify these pieces I'm
not sure what they were used for oh how old they are or how valuable
they are can anyone help me identify these pieces I'm not sure what they
were used for oh how old they are o...
hi can anyone tell me about this. i have 3 of them(ALLdifferent). only
one has a sticker on bottom that says botega d, arte other wrting is so
tiny cant make out but looks like a phone # at the very bottom thanks
I got as close to both of these charcoal drawings. They appear to be
prints? Not sure. The frames are incrediable and the drawings are also.
Can you decifer the name please and do you know of the Artist? I would
appreciate it very much.
Hi-I am hoping that someone will recognize these fire brigade badges.
They were made by George Schenck. Any and all guesses and help most
appreciated! Julie
We have been trying to help our neighbors with the age, design, or
country of origin of a piece of furniture. They recently acquired this
cabinet and the only information we have is that the previous owner was
German (born and raised) and collected m...