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Resolved! Chinese (or Japanese?) Tea set with writing black/white-please help if you can ! :)

Hi eBay-ers! A friend gave me a tea set in a black box to sell. It has Chinese or Japanese? writing on the front of it. The bottom is black and no marks are seen but I assume everything is in that writing I can't figure out. I did several Google imag...

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Resolved! Strange wooden item

This was found in my Great Uncle's barn on my Great-Great grandparents farm in Maryland. It measures approximately 8-1/2" x 7". The two circular pieces are not removeable but move up and down on both sides and both pieces can be tucked under near the...

Hattie Carnegie Figure

I have a small figure stamped Hattie Carnegie. It is about 2 3/8" tall and weighs about 4.1 oz. It is three angels/cupids standing back to each other. I am not sure if it is pewter or silver. I can find absolutely nothing on a figure like this.

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