ATC & ACEO Enthusiasts
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Forum Posts

PERSONAL NOTICE: April 2019: Update

I am now on eBay as artist.jillian (a 'period' between the words), and located in Australia. I list on both, Au and USA eBay accounts.I've had considerable life changes since 2014-5. Some unimaginable.I no longer know how to manage this group and/or ...

PERSONAL NOTICE: Jillian - late 2014 to ? 2015:

PERSONAL NOTICE: I may not be posting with any regularity at all over the coming months, due to major personal situation. I'll check in when I can, and post if I have something new, but am totally unsure of what, when, how, etc. Don't want to sound s...

New people - please introduce yourselves ...

New people - please introduce yourselves ... Welcome. Hope you enjoy being part of this group, and take time to look around. Ask questions, post photos in the albums and show your listings in the appropriate threads. Check out the announcements for h...

DARE #74:

DARE #74 First dare by - alodi … to - interpret 'all worn out' To be taken by - myoung-studios Second dare by – bellsakabin … to interpret "worm-hole" To be taken by - toptipspud50 Third dare by - lines_six … to interpret “play with words” To be take...

ACEO Sales Statistics

This is a spin-off from the "best day to post" thread, but since I'm looking at more than just day to post, I felt it was better to start over. I am busy counting listings and sales and have some interesting data already. The "best day to post" info ...

How do you do the :) faces -- I FORGOT!!

I know that somewhere in the discussion pages someone told how to do the different faces. The ONLY ones that I can remember are and ;). Would you please tell me WHICH page they were on OR copy them to this discussion? MANY, MANY THANKS!!!!! Jana

Review: How to spot a fake ...

This review on ebay sums up what I'm trying to say... Thank you ms*patricia - the link is on her 'about me' page.

DARE #66: (5 ACEOs by dare-takers only)

DARE #66 First dare by - melindadalke … to create an ACEO of your interpretation of "Love" To be taken by - cygnusx01 Second dare by – odd_artist … to create an ACEO of 'Love' from an alien (outerspace type) point of view. To be taken by - jenny-wren...

Do you read feedback when you bid?

You really should. Can't do anything here to 'finger' someone by putting in their ebay id - but at the moment there are some at large that manipulate prints. Especially look for a 'negative', and what is said. PLEASE ....

Photos in my listing description?

I understand that a number of you clever people manage to put photographs and gifs into the description part of your ebay listings. Could anyone please give me an idiot-proof guide to doing this? I have Photobucket to host my photos. I have tried to ...

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My first ACEO Series was sold!

This was great. About two weeks ago I had no idea about ACEO. I am primary focus on fine art black and white photography. When I saw ACEO I though, what a great little thing. And I made 3 ACEO and create series out of it. It was sold last week right ...

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OT - anyone from North Carolina?

If you see a copy of this month's 'Our State' magazine (March 2007) it has 3 major illustrations in it by me. :) I was jumping up and down with excitement at the post office today when I got my first copies! ~Jillian

You've Been Framed!

I eventually found some time to frame up some ACEOs today, the first time since I started making/collecting them. I've got some albums coming soon too (thanks Pat!). I thought you might like to see. Notice the josh original at the front of the first ...

How do you include images in a post?

I must not be asking the right question in Help. I'd like to show the group some of my paintings, but can't figure out how to include the photos. Thanks for any help you can give me on this. Phyllis

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I'm Writing an article need help

Hi Everyone, I am writing an article about ACEO and would love it if I can quote a few of you. Here is what I need to know: 1) How did you start doing ACEO? Did you start with ATCs? What was your experience there? 2) How much of your art time is devo...