Okay, I need to get this off my chest. Jillian, late last summer a topic regarding the star system had been posted. You were right! I HATE THE STAR SYSTEM and it should be abolished!!
Because I was too new of a seller then to really have become properly acquainted with the effects of the star system, my arrogance and naivete were apparent in my comments. My humble apologies to the readers.
Now that I have a little more experience behind me I find I am being burned for everything but most of all, shipping charges! OMG!!!
Let's forget for a moment that the buyer is getting the artwork for damned near nothing, a detail that seems to go all but unnoticed in many cases, especially in this instant gratification, I want your heart and soul for free, ship it as soon as you get my payment, I want it tomorrow, I don't care if you have a BUSY day job or a life outside of eBay, world!! Geezo! Gawd forbid you charge the actual shipping cost above and beyond the cost of the postage stamp, just because that's all they ever see and can grasp the concept of.
For the first time tonight, I went to Office Depot with a pen and paper to write down prices and quantities on items I buy for the purpose of shipping my items. I then sat down and calculated what it costs me to ship a single ACEO. The actual cost to me when I take all of the packaging into consideration, is more than I am charging for shipping yet my stars are being tarnished for unreasonable shipping rates! You've GOT to be kidding me! Someone wake me up from my nightmare! I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry! I don't even charge for everything like TAPE, or the time it takes me to carefully put together the package to ensure it's going to arrive at my customer's door in the same condition I packed it yet why is it the buyer never considers this? Yes, I'm darn hacked!!
If I just chucked the item in an envelope, no padding, don't care if it gets bent, accidentally misplaced under a boat anchor or drop kicked to India, you better believe I'd hear about it if it didn't arrive in pristine condition! I feel like it's a stab in the back to have someone blow sunshine where the sun doesn't shine and then give it to you in the shorts in the star ratings. FEH!
Cheap shot if you ask me! If you are going to rate using the star system, you ought to be REQUIRED to leave your user name! How else are you supposed to find out what it is the customer wants if you can't ask what it is the customer felt you could improve on or even who to ask!
I'm also being hit for shipping time! (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) I ship items THE NEXT DAY!!! Sometimes, after coming home from the office, I'm up late packing my items to make sure they arrive in a timely manner and I'm being dinged for shipping time?
Why do these people even bother to bid?
Cheers! = ]
Paper Cat Designs