Sorry you're hurting.
But yes, I have to agree.
I have been 'dinged' on things out of my control - shipping costs and time, for some of the exact reasons you state.
I also know that whenever I go to the PO to post a package, using same packaging, it depends which clerk I get, as to how much I get charged. Obviously I charge what I THINK is the correct shipping, plus my packet costs -no travel time though currenly takes a gallon of gas to go post a package. Then I get a clerk who doesn't know the 'correct' cost for a rigid package, and they put on postage 50-80 cents less. So then the recipient probably thinks I've robbed them. But obviously we lose on shipping no matter what. Not only that, ebay WANTS us to charge free shipping (guess what? ... they then get to collect fees on shipping as it's now a hidden cost to sellers, so it's a bonus for ebay for doing nothing!).
Shipping time. Yes, I've 'got a life' too, besides ebay. I'm not bothered if I get things a few days later, but when it comes to doling out stars, if it's not in a buyer's hands the next day, they give a 4 instead of a 5.
Ebay is teaching buyers that 4 is GOOD rating ... BUT it's actually a BAD rating for sellers, as we go lower down in the now default search of 'best match', and also get to not participate in special listings and all kinds of strikes against our good name. For what? Something that is NOT within our control. We are NOT bad. We may not be perfect. But why should we jump to the tune being played? Last I checked, we are not employees, but self-employed. If it were not for us sellers, where would the whole site be?
*hugs*, if that helps.
artist, Jillian Crider
... google me!
artist, Jillian Crider
... google me!