I have in my collection unsigned, blank backed ACEOs.
I love them, but also won't buy again. I guess I'm too much into 'collecting', and wanting to know who's work I've got.
But that is my personal choice.
But also I DO believe that signing and full documentation (COA) etc is what makes the collectibility of these tiny treasures.
I also feel that an artist values their own work if they take the time to document and sign it, and feel that the value of ACEOs will increase if 'we' all supplied such details.
If you want to be taken professionally you should present your work professionally. If you do this you will be surprised how much more valued the owner will view your work.
I know it is my personal idea or ideals and since ACEOs are such a personal thing, there is no way I can put my own opinions into general practice for others. But it is an issue I feel strongly about.
I keep wondering if some day I will forget to sign a back and send one out blank. HA! Probably easily done. Then I will have to eat my own words. *grin*
artist, Jillian Crider
... google me!