03-17-2007 08:40 PM
11-21-2014 01:49 PM
Hi Suzanne (Gegna). Great to have you back. You are most welcome to join in, and just by being here means that you have 'joined'/reactivated.
It's just a shadow of what it used to be. Should you want to post in the blogs, just check on that thread for details (send request), or show off your listings in the current thread.
I have a lot going on in my personal life just now. I'll be here infrequently. Sorry for that.
All my best,
01-20-2015 10:09 AM
Thanks for the invite to this group. I am new to eBay and to ACEOs. Any information to help me get started would be greatly appreciated. I will read through the previous posts to get myself acclimated to the group. Glad to be here.
07-11-2015 04:35 PM
10-08-2015 05:52 AM
Hi, a professional artist I know who has been offering one-off AECOs for a couple of years inspired me to try my hand at it. I have been out of the art world for quite a while (following other interests), but I look forward to expressing my artistic style in ACEO size. I collect and photograph Asian Ball Jointed Dolls (ABJD) so I expect they will become part of my inspiration. Maybe I'll finally get up the nerve to upgrade my ancient Paint Shop Pro version to something from this century! LOL!
Time to run out and gather supplies!
10-08-2015 11:18 AM
Hi Y'all:
Joined a few months ago and am love love loving it. So much fun to post your ACEOs for your compadres to look at and really really fun to see what everyone is creating. I enjoy selling on EBay. For those of you who are starting, don't be timid, put it out there. (especially you experienced artists) ACEOs are challenging, but that's the joy. We all want to see each other's art. I am really a newbee. Always loved drawing and painting and took some basic courses in college; but then life happened. Now I am retired and art is my "new job". I try to keep a few listings up at all times. LET'S JUST DO IT.
04-11-2019 12:12 PM
Hello I just Started getting back into selling again. I paint ACEO cards in watercolor I have a some old and new cards up for sale right now if anyone is interested. I look forward to meeting people and being apart of the aceo group!.
04-11-2019 12:54 PM
Hello, I am Cindy Monro, and ACEO is my favorite format. I list in spurts when my scheduling allows. I have made so many friends through listing on Ebay and find the ACEO community to be welcoming and supportive! (monroart)