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CHALLENGE: Week 225 Apr 18-24 ~WAVE~

This is the ATC & ACEO Enthusiasts Group's weekly challenge: CHALLENGE: Week 225 Apr 18-24 "WAVE" Depict 'WAVE' in an ACEO. (It's YOUR interpretation of what 'WAVE' is/are.) Put 'ACEO' & 'WAVE' in your title. The rest of the title is up to you. List anytime during the week Apr 18-24 (Sunday through Saturday). No prizes, no awards, no rules, no 'starting price', no restrictions. As many entries as you want! You don't need to sign up for it .... just DO IT! Have fun! Share your listings by posting here. Thanks for joining in on 'SLEEPY' for last week. See 'Events Calendar' (left) for future challenge weeks (posted monthly usually). To look at this week's challenge listings you can search on 'ACEO WAVE'. You can also use one of 2 gifs in your listings IF YOU WANT. One is static, the other is animated. Self-hosting the image is preferred. You have my permission to do that. www dot jilliancrider dot com/AAEC.gif www dot jilliancrider dot com/A-AAEC.gif Don't put any links on these images, that is against eBay regulations. -- Kathy -- Edited by poozybear at 04/19/2010 11:32 AM PDT -- Edited by poozybear at 04/27/2010 10:25 AM PDT

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Re: CHALLENGE: Week 225 Apr 18-24 ~WAVE~

Late, in more ways than one. I had this one painted already but my fractious terrier got in two bloody fights in two days and I put him to sleep. After 5 years of fights and him biting off my finger last December, two days in a row was just too much. It wasn't fair to the other dogs and myself to be walking on eggshells all the time, especially the other male dog who always got jumped on for no reason. Still, I was wreck for days. This is a nod to one of my favorite old movies -- Death Takes a Holiday. Here Death surfs a killer wave. Vena Photobucke
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Re: CHALLENGE: Week 225 Apr 18-24 ~WAVE~

Wonderful! So sorry to hear about your dog. It sounds like you really had no choice, but it still couldn't have been an easy thing to do. Hope you're feeling okay. -- Kathy

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Re: CHALLENGE: Week 225 Apr 18-24 ~WAVE~

That's terrible, Kathy. I don't know what kind of you had, but I babysat 3 adorable Jack Russels (Parsons, or whatever they are calling them nowadays). A friend got 3 from the same litter-2 males and a female. One a show prospect. 3 months old. Good bloodlines/breeder. They had their own crates and schedules.(She only had them a few days and had an out-of-town emergency.) First day-one ripped the females' leg. Second day-the one male ripped half the other males' face off. Third day-they dug a hole under the fence and went tearing down a busy highway. By the end of the week, I was in tears, and all three dogs were bloody and maimed. These were LITTLE PUPPIES. It was definately NOT play biting.And SO FAST! I have been around dogs all my life-from Wolves to Yorkies, trained Dobermans for show, had 2 grooming shops,worked for a Vet, and never seen anything like it. She found a home for the one male pup (pet-free) and that solve the problem. I don't care what people say about "No bad dogs-only bad owners." They are as individual as people, and I know some pretty rotten people that were raised right, too. My friend felt she was doing something wrong, and felt horrible and guilty-don't feel that way. You gave it your best try. There are too many nice animals that need a home. -Stef*
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Re: CHALLENGE: Week 225 Apr 18-24 ~WAVE~

oops. I'm sorry-VENA. and I LOVE the ACEO! The coffin lid is awesome as a surfboard! -Stef*
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Re: CHALLENGE: Week 225 Apr 18-24 ~WAVE~

Thanks, Stef and Kathy. I grinned when I saw your "terror" spelling for terrier, Kathy - I've been calling them terriorists for years. Terriers and hounds are my favorites. I agree there ARE bad dogs - some seem to have a predisposition for fighting from birth and size isn't everything. Others seem to have a buried trigger somewhere that gets tripped after a fight and their personality changes. Rufus always hated the world outside the backyard and me. When I got him from the pound he was marked for euthanasia because of biting someone, and he had growled and snapped at all the workers, but when I walked by, he wiggled and fawned and everyone thought he was my lost dog. He was so cute I literally begged for him, almost on my knees in the administrators office, and signed a special waiver not to sue if he bit someone. He never liked another person and I was always warning people away who wanted to pet him because he was so cute. He liked being the sultan of his little harem of my three girl dogs, and adored Josh the lurcher from the moment I brought her home - but he was always touchy with Rafe. When I cleaned up after the Wednesday fight, I had a chunk of ear glued to my leg with blood. That was IT - and another fight the very next day killed any illusion we could ever live in peace. Like you said, Kathy - it was the right decision, but certainly not an easy one. Thanks again, all. Venn
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Re: CHALLENGE: Week 225 Apr 18-24 ~WAVE~

Sometimes I wonder if male dogs that are so aggressive have not been neutered successfully. This can happen with horses, cut proud is what it is called. They will have all the stallion tendencies, aggressive, herding, and fighting other geldings but not the abilitity to breed successfully. Maybe this was the problem with the dog you adopted. ~Patty~
Life is a great big canvas, throw all the paint on it you can. ~Danny Kaye
Life is simpler than you think, always connect the dots!
When God and truth are on your side, you are not alone.
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Re: CHALLENGE: Week 225 Apr 18-24 ~WAVE~

When I was younger, I rented a loft apartment over a barn, and through my window I would observe a herd of about 25 horses. Each Spring, as the ducks and chickens had their babies, I would see them underfoot (hoof) of the horses.Most horses just ignored them. One horse-a huge Shire mix stallion would daintily nudge them out of harm's way with his big clodhopper feet. I honestly didn't know how he could SEE them, but he took great care not to injury any. Another horse, a gelded Arabian, would PURPOSEFULLY stomp any chick he saw. Would SEEK them out to smash them. There would be little mounds of yellow fuzz all over the field, and dead chicks stuck to his feet like bunny slippers. And he appeared to take great delight in this. There ARE bad animals.If this behavior were applied to our kids-they'd be in juvy-hall. If our husbands/wives/lovers-they'd be divorced or in jail. Our Grandparents-dementia homes. (sorry for ranting, but I came across too many people who tried to save aggressive animals. One was a cocker spaniel who repeatedly bit the clients kids and friends."but he had a hard life, needs a second chance" Finally bit her little girl's face-the scars thankfully didn't show up on her prom pics thanks to make-up and camera angle.) -Stef*
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Re: CHALLENGE: Week 225 Apr 18-24 ~WAVE~

OMG, what a horrible mental picture - a horse with dead chicks stuck to its hooves. Chilling. Sometimes pity can really get you into trouble - even with animals. I love fierceness and fangs and vampires and crocodiles and all that, but this experience has totally changed my mind about saving aggressive animals. There are too many good ones endangered by crossing the paths of the bad ones. Vena
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