08-01-2012 08:28 PM
Show off your listings - we love seeing them!
08-09-2012 08:19 AM
08-09-2012 07:52 PM
Great! Thanks for sharing.
08-15-2012 08:16 PM
Activity on the groups have really died down. BUMMER!
Anyhow here are a few new items I have listed...
08-15-2012 09:13 PM
Hi Padgett, with social media, seems that way, still there are people who look and don't say anything. I always figure it's best to show your art where-ever and when ever.
If I do that, seems my work sells, but if I don't, sales and looks get down to a fraction, otherwise.
You do very cute, lovely work, so it's always a pleasure to look at. Good luck with your listings.
08-16-2012 07:49 PM
Thanks Jillian! I haven't been active online for quite a while, I have some of my work in a local gallery in Balboa Park and enjoy that very much. Just thought it would be fun to list some of my smaller items and quick studies here.
08-16-2012 09:59 PM
08-16-2012 10:00 PM
Thanks Jillian! I haven't been active online for quite a while, I have some of my work in a local gallery in Balboa Park and enjoy that very much. Just thought it would be fun to list some of my smaller items and quick studies here.
08-18-2012 07:22 AM
I'm enjoying viewing other artists' listings here. I've got a few new ones listed for August (as well as old ones). Here are some of the new ones. Thanks to everyone for sharing.
08-18-2012 08:34 AM
Wonderful work, Kathy!
Than you for sharing, also!
08-18-2012 11:55 PM
I've got 6 new ACEO listed. Here are a few new items that I've listed. I'm very glad if you check my listing. Thanks for shairing!!
08-19-2012 08:14 AM
Those are amazing lutamesta. Thank YOU for sharing. Good luck with your listings, they all look great.
08-19-2012 03:48 PM
I am new to the ACEO group (thanks for the invite!).
Just listed some and posted the pictures in an "album" so I could link them here to this post... hope it works.
*crosses fingers and hits submit button*
08-19-2012 03:53 PM
You did just great, Jeffrey! Thansk so much for sharing. Good luck with your listings. Looking good!
08-23-2012 07:47 AM
Lovely work, Dawn. Halloween things are popping up and there is a great market for them. Good luck with your listing.
Thanks for sharing.