my thoughts, prayers and positive healing energy being sent out to you & Michelle and her family.
keep the faith, God does perform miracles & does heal. I received a healing from the Lord & I am thankful for my life every day. Oct 30 it will be 4 yrs from the day I was dying in the hospital from damage to my heart from a virus. It just wasn't my time. Praise the Lord for his love and grace. I had scores of people praying for me & had a healing prayer said over me by a man who has helped many heal by God through his touch. Very true that you need to be Open to accepting a healing gift such as this. The experience has made me a much better person.
I moved from NY to the coast of NC in 2005 to help me heal. My mother & I stood on Sunset Beach, NC in May 04 and the Lord told her that I needed to move here, be near the ocean. Lots of Love to you & Michelle.
thanks for listening to me testify.