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Sometimes Life is Hard..Does it get better?

Hello everyone! I thought I might drop by in the event anyone was wondering where I have disapeared to. Well, I had 7 works of art that didn't sell a while back and got discouraged. Plus I had been really sick. Come to find out that I am pregnant and due December 12th of this year. (That was a BIG suprise for me and my husband) Right now he is the only one working and I hadn't listed any ACEOs on Ebay since I had 7 that didn't sell. I am up a creek, as no one seems to want to hire a lady who is 4 months pregnant. He changed jobs within his company to one with better pay, but now a week in they tell him it is part time and not full time. I have 3 other children and am at wits end with being sick and everything happening. I tried to create, but do not have inspiration. I would relist my 7 items from a few months ago, but can't afford to fail. Right now I am pretty perturbed about those who sell Nike shaped french fries and make money for crazy stuff like that. On top of that our baby we are expecting doesn't even have a name yet.
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Sometimes Life is Hard..Does it get better?

Hi Sherry! Yes it DOES get better. If it weren't for rough times we couldn't really appreciate the good ones. If you and your family have your health and are basically happy, have faith, things will be okay. I've also heard that what doesn't break you will make you alot stronger. I got a great fortune in a fortune cookie the other day. It read, "Fall down seven times, stand up eight." Profound, at least to me! Hang in there!!! Kelly

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Sometimes Life is Hard..Does it get better?

Hi Sherry, Congratulations on your pregnancy! Even if it is a suprise it can turn out to be a really good one... It can be pretty scary when life throws "surprises" at you, but you and your family will find a way to manage, I'm sure of that! With any luck now that you are in your second trimester you will start feeling better and be better able to cope with things. I hope your husband can straighten up things with his company so you don't feel so much pressure to earn money... I know that getting no bids is very discouraging and gets in the way of creativity, so maybe the best way to get creating again is to list, list, list and sell, sell, sell! Ebay is as unpredictable as ever, so there is no telling if your listings will do better than before, but certainly nothing will sell if you don't list. You HAVE talent and your whimsical cats have broad appeal, have you tried listing them under collectibles > animals > cat-domestic? I hope that regardless of what you decide about ebay and everything else, you will be at peace with yourself and life. Things will turn out OK... As for your baby not having a name yet, LOL, mines got theirs at birth! Still plenty of time for that! (((hugs))) Isa
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Sometimes Life is Hard..Does it get better?

:xscongratulations on the new addition. Keep the Faith. This too shall pass. Things will get better. You'll be in my prayers. bridget
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Message 4 of 39
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Sometimes Life is Hard..Does it get better?

Sherry, I know how frustrating it can be not to sell when you've listed ACEO's that you know are wonderful. Try not to let it get you down, because you are not alone. Summer is notoriously slow. Have you tried cross-listing (under something like Collectibles>Animals>Cats?)? This new baby will be a blessing in your life, as scary as things seem now, especially financially. Can you get any assistance? Are you eligible for unemployment yourself or anything like that to help tide you over? I'm keeping you and your family in my prayers, and as Bridget noted, this too shall pass. (My own mom reminds me of this when things are rough for me, and she's never been wrong. 😉 ) On a positive note, fall is usually a good time for selling on eBay. You might want to focus your art on Halloween, Thanksgiving and winter holiday themes to put out there starting in August and September. Please keep us posted and know we're thinking of you! Jeanne
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Sometimes Life is Hard..Does it get better?

I am trying to stay positive. I have been dreadfully sick due to pregnancy and suffering with artist block. I put my heart and soul into my work and am just too tired right now. I hope to create again soon and start listing again. I miss the excitement of seeing my ACEOs online. My hubby has switched hours now from days to second shift so that is a change for all of us. You are probably right about fall sales. Especially holidays. I also have an expo next year in March. I painted a picture for a gentleman and told him to pay me what he wanted to. To my suprise he reserved me a paid spot at an expo to sell my art. That will be a big thing for me. It's just a matter of producing more art. With 3 children...4th due in December, I hardly find time to drink water or go to the bathroom, let alone paint. LOL! Everything has been so up-and-down in my life this year.I'm glad I have good people like you to talk to.
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Sometimes Life is Hard..Does it get better?

dying is easy living is hard.. if it dont kill you it makes you stronger you got 3 babies at home and another in the hanger man it dont get any better than that.. what a treasure to have and to hold.. just look what God has trusted you with you gotta be one super person.. life gets heavy some times.. thats what makes it interesting.. dont worry about your bills that just wastes your time.. worry dont pay nothing.. just pay what you can dont what you cant and dont worry about the rest what is important is who you got to hug and looks to me like you got a whole bunch of huggables.. focus there .. if you love to make art ... make art if you love to make money .. make money some times you can do both at the same time but more often than not you wont.. so what.. life is good.. God is not sleeping you will do well kirk
Message 7 of 39
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Sometimes Life is Hard..Does it get better?

Uncle, that was beautiful and well said. Sherry, you have to know regardless of what you have, or may not have right now, you have awhole lot to be thankful for. Look into those little faces and know that God is with you and it will work out. Ruby

Message 8 of 39
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Sometimes Life is Hard..Does it get better?

*what unka and Ruby said* (((hugs))) Kelly

Message 9 of 39
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Sometimes Life is Hard..Does it get better?

Uncle, you made me cry. :) Thank you, Jeanne
Message 10 of 39
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Sometimes Life is Hard..Does it get better?

Wow...that was great!
Message 11 of 39
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Sometimes Life is Hard..Does it get better?

Wow is right
Message 12 of 39
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Sometimes Life is Hard..Does it get better?

Sherry, I baby sat a few extra kids -when my three were little, it helped with the bills and helped my kids get along with others... i painted during nap time, Sundays and some evenings...when the 3rd was born i hard to take some time off from painting, but i still drew, read and looked at can be hard to create when you are under alot of stress...joyce ps---i washed diapers, instead of disposables- it saved alot of $$$...also i think ebay is very slow for almost everybody especially the artists right now...maybe cause of summer or gas prices...
Message 13 of 39
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Sometimes Life is Hard..Does it get better?

I hadn't thought of babysitting. Do you realize what child care costs are these days???? Here in the mountains of WV, it is around $100. per week per child. Might be an idea, or not...something to think about.

Message 14 of 39
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Sometimes Life is Hard..Does it get better?

Sherry, Your just about done with the first trimester...usually the morning sickness lets up after that...also...Congratulations...joyce
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