I know how frustrating it can be not to sell when you've listed ACEO's that you know are wonderful. Try not to let it get you down, because you are not alone. Summer is notoriously slow.
Have you tried cross-listing (under something like Collectibles>Animals>Cats?)?
This new baby will be a blessing in your life, as scary as things seem now, especially financially. Can you get any assistance? Are you eligible for unemployment yourself or anything like that to help tide you over?
I'm keeping you and your family in my prayers, and as Bridget noted, this too shall pass. (My own mom reminds me of this when things are rough for me, and she's never been wrong.
😉 )
On a positive note, fall is usually a good time for selling on eBay. You might want to focus your art on Halloween, Thanksgiving and winter holiday themes to put out there starting in August and September.
Please keep us posted and know we're thinking of you!