01-27-2011 07:25 PM
Please use this thread for discussions, questions, comments on the 2011 ACEO Playing Card Deck -- Visit my listings Click Here!!!
-- Edited by isablue123 at 05/31/2012 8:23 AM PDT
11-23-2011 02:30 PM
I love the deck & all the cards are amazing! Thanks to all who contributed to making this project a success!
11-25-2011 11:41 PM
11-26-2011 12:38 AM
Got my decks today - terrific work everyone. Thanks to Rick and his team for pulling this project together!
11-26-2011 10:46 AM
11-29-2011 02:57 AM
Good morning everyone. I'm glad the decks are beginning to arrive. I agree about the new box, it's pretty, it's sturdy..and holds up better than what we've had in the past. I hope the same style box will be available to us in the future, should we decide to do more.
Well, it's "Terrific Tuesday", I'm off and running...hope everyone has a great day!
11-30-2011 07:26 AM
Received my decks a little over a week ago...on my birthday!
Best birthday present ever!! ..gave me a hugs smile and the happiest feeling in my heart.
Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make this possible...
thank you, thank you, thank you:-x
11-30-2011 07:27 AM
LOL, meant to say *huge smile 😄
11-30-2011 12:20 PM
wwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah....I'm always the last!! (sniff) actually the race is on....who will get first in Canada...Rick or me?......my bet is neither of us....someone on the West Coast maybe lol
12-01-2011 05:37 AM
Southie, for once you have an edge. I've had box issues this past week, and have also been sick as a dog, so Rick's haven't gone out yet. He's the last one I have to ship. So mayyyyybe you will get yours first. I hope the "deckman" doesn't "deck" me. I'm TRYING to get his together!
12-01-2011 05:45 AM
No worries, As long as everyone else gets their decks, I can wait. I did get the preview and sample deck from the printing company long before everyone else : )
Enjoy the decks, As a group we must be proud of the talent we share!
Take care of yourself Kelly.
12-01-2011 05:46 AM
I'll be waiting for that Nah, nah, nah from Southie!!!!
The prairies will win, this time.
12-01-2011 06:54 AM
Ya never know Rick 🙂
12-02-2011 04:27 PM
Got mine the day before Thanksgiving. They are fantastic! The artwork on the cards keeps getting better and better! Thanks to everyone involved in the 2011 decks!!!
12-02-2011 07:01 PM
12-05-2011 02:38 PM
Yippeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The cards made it to the Great White North!!!! Got them today in the mail (first time I beat Rick LOL - thanks to a little help from Kelly heehee) They are fantastic!!!!!! Thanks Rick, Isa, and Kelly and anyone else behind the scenes doing this huge project. And thanks to all you fabulous artists for making such a great deck!!!!!