02-28-2017 07:47 AM
For 10% I will no longer jump thru the hoops
I'm going back to 3 day handling and paid shipping
I'm also raising my prices
02-28-2017 10:57 AM
Cheerleaders will be hard to find after May 1st, in fact we might become extinct. . .
02-28-2017 10:59 AM
@llllady wrote:You know what may response to this increase in FVF and decrease in TRS discount is? List less here and drop the store. Bam! eBay just lost a guaranteed $24.95 per month, or in my case, another 10%. I will also spend more time listing on a different site where fees are significantly lower.
I won't raise fees and put even more money in eBay's pockets. I'll actually be able to lower them on the other site, if I so choose and still make more money.
Listing on another site is great, as long as stuff sells there. My stuff doesn't - it sells here. Some of us really don't have another viable choice as of yet.
I'm also glad g-sale/estate sale season is starting. There are always disillusioned people talking about wanting to sell on eBay. I usually snicker and keep my mouth shut. That won't be the case this year. I live in a rural area, garage sales are unheard of. Having a garage sale out here would be a huge waste of time. I don't think the cows are interested in what I have to sell. I could run an ad in the paper or put up signs, but most people wind up getting lost when they come out here.
BTW, you can't help but wonder if this huge increase, taken in its various forms, has something to do with the possible higher postal rates and the uncertainty of what will happen with imports with Trump. Maybe they're building up their golden parachutes in order to bail out if the walls come tumbling down. No comment, since I don't keep up with what's going on lol
02-28-2017 10:59 AM
For me the boards have always been the place to go to reach out for the most effective advise
I will always still want to go there to ask & to offer help
Not for ebay but for buyers & sellers trying to wade their way through this sites sad CS call center & help pages
02-28-2017 11:00 AM
@raquel_bayarea wrote:
@teklifestyle wrote:Migrating over to amazon is looking very attractive at the moment.. I lost my TRS over christmas first time in 4 years due to a minor mistake on our part. But I will be getting it back in 3 weeks... This change is going to cost me 1000's of dollars a year and ebay is trying to spin it as good for us ? Imagine these stores doing over a million a year in sales they are going to be losing 50k + a year. Start Charging basic sellers more fees and quit hurting your bread and butter ebay it doesnt make sense.
@teklifestyle It is great to hear that you will be Top Rated again. It is an incredible achievement to deliver the retail expectations of a buyer experience like you have. We have received feedback from Top Rated sellers that they want more tools and options to grow their business. The changes we’re making reflect our ongoing investment in helping them do just that and to ensure the best marketplace health and competition. Your investment in building a strong business that attracts customers will benefit you as we make these investments focusing on growth. Be sure to take a look at what we are doing in store updates and promoting visibility so you are taking full advantage of options available to you.
Raquel you seem to be of the Trump vein, double down on the NONSENSE stated in the email/update regarding the fee increase for TRS+ sellers... That ebay is doing this to HELP sellers , NOT increase ebay REVENUE!
02-28-2017 11:04 AM
llllady & myself are here in the good old tri state area
Garage sales Massive garage sales, town wide garage sales week after week
Animal rescue sales, chruch sales, weekly town flea market pay by the space.
I'm not in a city & have a Lake & trees all around but not rural like you.
I would be going through withdrawls
02-28-2017 11:05 AM
@cad777864 wrote:How encouraging to sell here. Thank goodness spring is coming, everyone needs to just start selling locally where you can make a LOT more money anyway. This will be the final nail for many many sellers.
I wish that was true. In Florida the buyers are all looking for things to resell online, they're all older and buy nothing for themself. Thus there is no one to sell locally to for more money, it's less and they want your stuff for nothing.
02-28-2017 11:07 AM
This is how ebay treats their sellers. This is why we have to raise our prices then nothing sells. Ebay is corporate greed at its best. They make millions off the sellers and treat us like **bleep**. Such a shame. Take your new updated prices and harder guidelines for top rated sellers to your ebay trashcan. I am sick to death of how they treat us.
02-28-2017 11:08 AM
( Before anyone chimes in that I am not Top Rated I was for nearly 4 years just lost in in the holiday season , So I feel my input is very valid here.)
So here are the real issues: They say they are bringing TRS things and for those things we are getting our 20% cut in half.
Before they think about bringing new things they should think about fixing the tools they have biggest one bulk shipping PLEASE fix this. You can have my 10% if you just make it work better faster and smarter.
Did I miss where they said what we were getting in place of dropping to 10% discount ? Please enlighten me if I did.
To some the 10% is small beans to others its a huge deal especially come the holiday months. What services is ebay possibly expecting to give us that = 100's- 1000's of dollars a month.
If its because too many have top rated tighten the restrictions some more give those of us who maintain the highest standards the right to keep our 20% or give more variations of levels years of being top rated or time bonus's EX: 3 months of top rated = 5% 6 months = 10% 1 year = 15% 2 years + = 20%.. Not only does this encourage people to have high standards and creat a better buying experience it creates logetivity and something for people to work towards.
And one more topic - This hurts ebay alot not even just the people that will stop selling but the people like myself who roll our profits into more product to sell. For maths sake lets say I lose $400 this month from the 10%. I would be normally taking that $400 buying more product to sell at $800 dollars ( Once again just for maths sake ). Ebay is now losing out on those fees as well.
I know I will be trying to find other venues I have been dedicated to just ebay for years and really had no reason to sell elsewhere but with increased USPS shipping costs + losing discounts and increased fees .15%. I can make more money on other avenues I believe.
TLDR: There are 100 different ways they could go about this to net the same result without pissing off the best sellers they have.
02-28-2017 11:08 AM
eBay's trying to help me by taking food off the table.
I'm going to make my last purchase on eBay today.
A double size grow tent to add to my collection.
I can GROW my own money. . .
02-28-2017 11:10 AM
I tagged this "blue" and got no response to my question. So far, they have been busy locking threads, but not very busy answering any questions. I think they are waiting for the noise to just die down.
As always, they try to spin ebay making more money as good news for us. I don't subscribe to the trickle down theory.
02-28-2017 11:10 AM
@hulktoysnmore wrote:But wait, we get $30 worth of promoted listings every 3 months!
Quite frankly the listings that are highlighted or atop page, which I believe are part of the promoted listings are those I am LEAST likely to click on! I figure they're huge sellers and don't need my business. I also don't like to see something that says AD right on it, it's a negative to me.
02-28-2017 11:14 AM
02-28-2017 11:15 AM
@fern*wood wrote:I tagged this "blue" and got no response to my question. So far, they have been busy locking threads, but not very busy answering any questions. I think they are waiting for the noise to just die down.
As always, they try to spin ebay making more money as good news for us. I don't subscribe to the trickle down theory.
I mean really,they must think we are STOOPID (sic),do they really think by cutting TRS+ discounts in half, and then telling us they are doing us a FAVOUR, giving us options and are listening to sellers,that we will buy that carp...
02-28-2017 11:24 AM
@shelbyyvonnee wrote:You definitely missed something somewhere. Only BELOW Standard sellers are getting charged an extra 4%, meaning you have to already have caused a lot of problems. New sellers start out automatically at Above Standard. Above Standard still pays 10%. No changes there.
@shelbyyvonnee i think i have to agree with @mr_lincoln .
please @shelbyyvonnee read everything. TRS plus are dropped from a 20% discount to 10% discount. to put it in persepective if u had to pay 1k in ebay fees, now u will have to pay 900. double or triple that, and so on. and thats a nice new car payment on what is lost. everything was taken away with no reward for who was left. this was not a smart business move for whoever deided this.
i hope this helps put it in perspective
i hope this
02-28-2017 11:24 AM
@*heather_lee* wrote:
"I will also go back to just throwing my packages up on the counter and leaving and not caring if they get scanned or not."
Who stands to be negatively affected by this attitude directly? Your customers.
Packages that are not properly "checked in" with a shipping service are *notorious* for being the cause of trouble. *That* is why I asked that you not punish your customers.
I'm sure the seller doesn't want his packages to be lost. They're referring to the necessary scan within 24 hours for TRS status. You've stated you don't sell here, so you may not understand the TRS requirements, they're pretty rigid. Putting packages on the counter and not waiting around for scans doesn't mean one doesn't care about their customers. An acceptance scan doesn't mena a pkg won't be lost. You need to be a TRS to understand how sellers feel about all of this.