My view as a buyer: I can buy items off of multiple sites new and used.
Ebay used to be fun with bidding. My view as a seller: why would I want
to use auction? It goes sometimes at a ridiculous low price from lack of
seeing the item....and even when ...
I recently participated in an event that I was the oldest woman of young
mothers. I was surprised to hear them talk about how they love garage
sells. It is like a social event for the young moms, and many were
working moms. They talked about all the ...
I also know in the past, that while a package sat at the buyers post
office as undeliverable to a confirmed address the buyer filed a INR and
eBay refunded buyer for shipping and cost of item. A few weeks later the
package did make it back to me at w...
When the item is purchased as a BIN over the weekend, does it even make
sense for seller to contact buyer with "your post office is closed and
package delivery is likely to take longer than normal. Do you still want
its?" I mean, they purchased it on...
Those announcements are regarding sellers living in the hurricane areas.
The original poster is concerned about getting package to FL.Two
different scenarios. Ebay is suggesting that sellers close shop or end
auctions. I am pretty sure that they aren...